"And just how is this place going to get me ready to get some ass?" Prussia scowled as he stared up at the offending store.
The Spaniard and Frenchman both sighed in unison as Lithuania gave the other an apologetic smile.
"Well it was either Men's Warehouse or Banana Republic but we all know how much you like- loved that place!" Poland added removing his designer glasses revealing eyes filled with determination.
"How the hell is a warehouse going to help me up my swag!" He nearly shouted causing bystanders to hurry on their way.
Lithuania shook his head trying to get the other to stop talking, "No you don't understand! Don't start or he-"
"If by swag you mean excellence! Then you should like- not question my fashion sense and style Prussia." The blond flipped his golden locks as he sent a glare to Prussia.
"Do you want my help or not!?"
Spain gave Prussia a pleading look as France fiddled with a cuff on his sleeve trying to act as if he wasn't associated with any of them. Prussia's jaw clenched and so didn't his hands but he gave an exasperated groan and threw his hands up.
"Fine…FINE! I'll do whatever you want!" He was Prussia he NEVER took orders from anyone and the fact that his future with Belarus was all hanging on the girly blond made him want to tear his hair out.
The other three males slumped and made sounds of relief as Poland beamed once more clapping his hands together.
"Awesome! Like I had my doubts about this store too but after going in and seeing a couple of those suits I decided the store was chic enough for me to enter and acknowledge so let's go!"
The bubbly blond lowered his sunglasses and snapped his finger as if the others were his entourage and he was signaling them to follow as he strolled into the shop. The four males looked between one another and Lithuania finally gave a sigh and smiled.
"I don't think we should keep him waiting Poland is never one to be patient." He walked in cautiously after the other leaving the bad touch trio behind to contemplate their fate.
"Well amigos? I think Poland really is our final option to help our hopeless friend out…shall we follow?"
France looked thoughtful and then gave a smile as he tossed his own golden locks.
"I should think this will be fun to witness Antonio. I think it would be worth our time even if it is for a chuckle or two."
Truth be told he didn't expect Prussia to listen to anything that Poland had said and was even surprised he had followed the pushy blond up until this point. He wondered just how far his stubborn friend would go for the stoic and dangerous Belarus.
Spain really didn't understand where all of this was going. He was used to Prussia's crazy ideas but this was actually a suicide mission. But what else did he really have to do today besides supposedly 'stalking' his little Romano which would get him eventually beaten. Finally the tanned male shrugged and gave a weary smile.
"Si, you're probably right Frances we might as well. Prussia what do you say?"
The two blinked at the spot their friend had previously been standing and looked up gaping to see their friend storming into the store several males diving out of the way of the angry male.
"Out of my fucking way! I need to get laid!"
The two scrambled after the male apologizing to the confused and outraged men. Yes it was going to a long day indeed.
After 15 minutes of trying to calm his flustered northern brother down they had begun their regular game of catch. However, instead of the usual battering Canada took the game was much more relaxed partially because of the fact that now they were actually talking.
"Mattieeee, why can't I throw it harder! This is boring." America whined while the other grew red again and he grinned inwardly to himself. He loved bothering his brother.
"Because maybe I don't want to have to buy another set of glasses or maybe I'd like to ask you something?" He gave a sigh as he resisted the urge to hurl the ball at the others face and simply tossed it. He watched as the other back flipped and then caught the ball with ease. He rolled his eyes at his brother's performance.
"Geez Al do you always need to-"
"Show off my amazing skills? Yes yes I do." America stated giving the other a dazzling smile that even Canada had to admit was contagious.
Canada snorted and rolled his eyes but smiled despite himself, "You're such a show off."
America continued bowing to an invisible crowd before turning back and throwing the ball up and down catching it with the ungloved hand.
"But seriously spit it out already bro what do you want to talk to me so badly about trouble in paradise?" He snickered although he was really curious. Judging by the resolve in his brother's eye, something he rarely saw besides uncertainty, he really had something on his mind. He tossed the ball to his brother who caught the ball and looked as if he was in deep thought.
Matthew stared at the worn ball in his hand looking at all the scuffs and ware and tare. Despite the baseball being almost a century or two old. It had been one of the first made and was only used when they were lightly tossing the ball to one another. He even remembered the first day America had come to him in an excited tizzy. They had been playing their little game of catch for quite some time, and it was one of the few times they could meet and talk in person. The economy and troubles of the time were so bad they rarely go these chances.
Even though they had different personalities they were still brothers and had been there for one another for both the good and the bad. And now that he had found someone that truly understood him, he still wanted to see how his brother truly felt about the situation. An occasion like this one was one to celebrate and he wanted to do so with his twin brother. He was broken from his sentimental thoughts by the other calling out to him.
"Hey Mattie! If balls could talk that one must be telling you a really sappy story because you're getting tears in your eyes and everything." America called a bit confused at the others troubled expression.
"Or were you thinking about a sappy soap opera or something?" Matthew shot the other a dirty look his face still flustered. So much for the brotherly bond they were supposed to share. As the other laughed a smile grew on the northern nations face as he tossed the ball in the air to himself.
"You mean the Spanish soap operas you're so fond of Alfred?"
That stopped the blue-eyed nation in his tracks and it was the others turn to laugh. He scowled and nearly missed the ball that was thrown to him.
"Hey it's not my fault they are the most dramatic and suspenseful stories ever…but don't tell Mexico that he'll never let me live it down!"
Matthew rolled his eyes and decided he wasn't ready to go down this road of denial with his brother.
"Back to the subject at hand…I was going to ask you about the outburst back at the summit…" The northern nation trailed off and fought the urge to bite his lip which was an old habit of his he was trying to break.
The American stopped dead in his tracks and swore inwardly for almost letting himself be caught. He looked up to see if the other had caught his little slip up and found the other looking at him with a concerned expression. He didn't like that expression on his brother, he wanted him to be happy like he had been before…but just not the happy he was with Ukraine.
'I mean he did look happy but what if she is taking advantage of him and getting his hopes up? When it's all over he will come crashing down and then what will be left of him?'
The little voice echoed within Alfred's mind and although he didn't want to hear such things it strengthened his resolve for his mission. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he wouldn't let her get anywhere near him not when he wasn't sure what game she was playing.
'Yes, after all this is our one and only twin brother and we won't let anyone hurt him. A hero would protect him before the trouble even began, we're probably late already because she's already taken hold on him.'
"I'll end this before it goes too far…" Trailed the American to himself as he glared at the ball in his hand as if it had been the Ukrainian herself. Anyone who was related to that bastard wasn't safe for his brother. Although it wouldn't make sense to others why he was working with Russia they both ultimately wanted the same thing. This was the complete separation of their siblings from one another, and the prevention of the others ideals being realized within their own nations. His only chance was to work with Russia to get rid of this little relationship, and once that was over things can go back to the way they were.
"Al? What did you say I couldn't hear you?"
He was broken from his thoughts by his brother approaching him with an almost alarmed expression by the waves of emotions that crossed his face. Just as good as any actor in his famed Hollywood he flashed a sheepish grin that even Mattie had to believe was genuine.
"Sorry about that bro. I was just remembering the incident, I'm kinda embarrassed on how I reacted back there."
He rubbed the back of his head for good measure while the other looked a bit confused and so he continued.
"I had been arguing the entire time with that Russki about something and by the time I got to the summit I was really irritated. I don't even know if I heard your news correctly back there and I was reacting to something Russia did."
The northern nation paused a foot or two from the other and looked thoughtful. That story was understandable actually. This hadn't been the first time the American had been sent into periods of rage or babbling irritation by the Russian male. He didn't even want to remember all the times he would have to drag his brother out of a room especially during the Cold War. No one else would dare go near the other and the Canadian was most likely the only one who had had the strength to do so.
"So…you're saying you hadn't registered what was going on till after all the commotion?"
He gazed at his brother who beamed and nodded in kind with a laugh.
"Yup! I was startled right after you announced your news!"
Canada gave the other a blank look, "You do realize how stupid that sounds right?"
At this the American nearly pouted, "Well you would too if the Russki tried to grab your hand! You know how creepy he can be sometimes. He gets this really big smile that screams rape face and then grabs your hand only to squeeze it really hard to break it!"
America rubbed his hand remembering when there was a time the Russian actually had almost broke his hand. Luckily he had pulled his hand out at the last second but the hand had been out of commission at least for a week.
"Stupid Russki…" America muttered under his breath as the Canadian blinked and then broke out in laughter.
"You're kidding he tried doing it again!? You have a weird relationship with him bro really? Holding hands with your supposed enemy?" He shook his head at the ludicrous idea and couldn't help but send an annoyingly smug look to his brother who reddened instantly.
"Hey! He wanted to not me let's make that clear! You know how weird he gets!" He shuttered trying to ward away all of the awkward moments he had experienced with the Russian.
The Canadian snorted and rolled his eyes but smiled almost in relief. The story was bizarre but considering the track record the Russian and his brother had it was not unbelievable and sounded just like them. The nagging and insistent voice that had caused him to worry was put at rest with only a murmur or two. It had to be, he had wanted to change and that meant not worrying so much about things and looking forward to his future happiness.
'With Ukraine…my Katya…'
He blushed instantly as yet again he had remembered their pleasant evening.
'Geez get it together Matthew it's not like you hadn't slept with someone before!'
It's true he had but last night had been different, something bizarre and wonderful.
'I guess that's what it must feel like…to make lo-'
"Woooahhhh! Mattie! TMI man TMI!" The American mockingly made a face as if they were in preschool and someone had told him girls didn't have cooties.
The Canadian's face became as red as a tomato as he sputtered. Had he really said that all out loud! There was a moment of silence before the American burst out laughing.
"Dude chill! Whatever you were thinking it was making you red so I made an assumption you weren't really saying anything out loud!" He held his sides because of how hard he was laughing, and the actual pain it was causing.
A dark look crossed Canada's face and America's laughter died down and he wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulder.
"You have to work on the whole your face is an open book thing Mattie really!"
The Canadian stiffened and then sighed giving an embarrassed and tired smile. He really did need to get rid of that habit because seriously he was always going to be the butt of the joke if he kept it up.
"Yeah, yeah I will once your relationship with Russia stops bordering a weird kind of bromance." That was enough to make the American stop laughing and scowl once again. The lighter blond shook his head as he pulled away from his brother only to look him in the eye seriously.
"So this relationship is seriously okay? It's not that I need your blessing or anything like that Al but…I wanted to see if you could do me a favor."
The American tilted his head a bit looking curiously at his brother and pushing down his feelings of panic and fear for his brother.
"What is it bro?"
The Canadian finally met his brothers gaze and smiled sheepishly, "Well I was wondering if you would be my best man if we were to ever make things official…I know nations don't normally get married but I believe she's the one Al…and if that ever happens and she says yes…I want you to be right there with me when it happens."
America's eyes grew wide, had their relationship really progressed to that point? His brother seriously wanted to get hitched and Mattie was never one to consider these things lightly.
'It's worse than we thought! We have to act fast before it's too late! She has him in her clutches…how could I have been so blind!'
The voice practically roared in his mind but his face was as always a perfect mask though there was the faintest glimmer of turmoil in his sky blue orbs. His twin missed it however as the other smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.
America hated this, he hated how his brother looked so happy and just how proud he was of him for coming out of his shell. But it was all because of the Eastern European nation, a nation he couldn't even trust to keep his brother safe despite her sweet disposition. She was Russia's older sister and that would never change. After all the Russki had to have learned it from somewhere, and who knows perhaps she was an even better actor then America himself.
"Al? I'm sorry to throw this all on you and I really…I…" The Canadian trialed his nervousness building at the others silence when the other patted his shoulder with a gentleness that was rare for him.
"I'm completely fine with all this Mattie really I am, and I would be honored to share such an important moment with you." The words slipped from America's lips like sweet cyanide full of half-truths and feelings muddled in paranoia and love.
The Canadian looked shocked by his words and then the happiest of smiles crossed the northern nations face. Tears peaked out from the corners of his eyes as relief washed over him and he embraced his brother in a tight hug.
"Thank you Al! You don't know how much this means to me."
America embraced his brother back and smiled along with him. "I know it is bro and you're always welcome." He opened his eyes and a guarded and scared look shone in his sky blue orbs that made them look like the sky before a storm.
'I'm sorry Mattie, I will protect you…even if it means betraying your trust…even if it means lying…and even if this breaks your heart. As long as you're safe…that's all that matters.'
Russia was seated in a dining room lite mostly by candle. He sat comfortably in the worn but welcoming chair as he gazed about the place he used to come by every so often to see his big sister. It looked much different than it had before.
His sister wasn't a dirty person but she was a bit scattered brained at times. She would forget to clean from time to time and the house would be frequently dusty, cobwebs resting almost at every corner. Now the room was clear of any clutter and there wasn't a dust bunny in sight. Russia almost looked quizzical for a moment. He remembered hearing the term 'dust bunny' once or twice from a certain North American country. He had never understood the term considering he had never seen a ball of dust look even remotely like a bunny. In the end he chalked it up to the fact that the American had an overactive imagination and was childish. An image flashed behind his eyelids and he could see the young colonial America bright as day. He shook his head and frowned. Now wasn't the time to think of the far and few fond times he had shared with the American. He had to admit the American had been cute when he was younger but he grew into a spoiled capitalist brat.
'England's fault of course he had spoiled the boy…if I had found him first things would have been different…he would have been all mine to control.'
This wasn't a new thought at all in fact Russia had these thoughts quite frequently. Especially after the numerous arguments and brawls the others would have, and even more so when the other was drunk.
'Of course I would be the last to admit I think of anything besides strangling that slender neck of his…'
His thoughts trailed off as he instantly became aware of a soft humming traveling toward him up the hall. His elder sister waltzed in carrying a tray of food with an obvious skip in her step. The tray was laden with various foods that could be found in both of their countries. Varenyky, Yushka, Korovai, and fresh Pampushky with light sugar.
The Ukrainian sat with a sweet smile as she set a glass of a clear liquid in front of the both of them and Russia looked hopeful but before he could say another word his sister giggled and shook her head.
"No no little Ivan that is just water, you need to drink more of that and less of your precious vodka. I'm sure you had plenty of that on the trip to here." She scolded in a fond fashion as she began to serve him without a second thought.
Russia nearly pouted but instead pushed away his desire for vodka as he gazed at the sheer amount of food before him.
"You've out done yourself Katya. Such a feast you have set out for your younger brother." He said softly his eyes gentle and a small smile on his face. He enjoyed seeing his sister happy and carefree like this. She hadn't stuttered once and for the moment he had even forgotten she was in love with Canada.
Ukraine blushed and waved her brother off, "Oh hush you! This meal is hardly something you could consider a feast. I just had the time and thought you would be hungry after your flight."
At this Russia laughed and patted his belly, "Your right! The stewardess is good but there is only so much she can do with the supplies available on the plane."
He took a moment to gesture around the room almost proudly.
"And the house is cleaner then I have ever seen it! Not a dust bunny in sight!"
At this he froze, since when had the accursed term become part of his vocabulary? In his shock he blushed lightly and his sister gave him a curious and confused look and then laughed aloud.
"Dust bunny? My my, what an odd word where have you heard it from dear brother?"
Mirth glittered in her eyes as she gazed at her brother who looked to be battling with himself over something.
"M-my apologies Katya, it would seem that silly American's speech is affecting my own." He said as he clenched his teeth but smiled tightly. He was startled by her next comment his violet eyes growing wide.
"It does seem that the young one has been spending an abundant amount of time with you as of late brother." Her eyes glowed with happiness as she gave him the brightest smile he had seen in years.
"The two of you must become rather good friends considering you speak of him so fondly! It's such a good thing to see considering…our two sides will be coming together in peace hopefully…to cease the fighting." At this she looked down the smile gracing her lips a sad one with the faintest of tears in her eyes remembering the constant feuding.
Russia had clenched his hands and grinded his teeth but had stopped his body losing the tenseness it held before at the sight of his sisters tears. He opened his mouth but the words for some reason didn't come as easily as they used too. He was usually so quick with lies or quips that he could pull from thin air. But that expression stopped him dead in his tracks, and he knew he couldn't. He had to be careful with his words and for once nothing came to mind.
His sister seemed to break herself out of her stupor as she quickly rubbed the tears away and smiled at her brother before standing.
"F-forgive me for my foolishness little brother. I seem to have forgotten I left some Kovbasa and I believe it is now ready. Please excuse me for a moment." She looked apologetically at the other before walking toward the kitchen.
The Russian raised a hand as if he had wanted to say anything but it fell back to the table with a clamor of silverware and dishes as he stared at the doorway she had just exited through. How foolish could he be? He should have said something right off the bat to quell her fears. He could tell just by the hesitation in her voice that she was uneasy once more. He had succeeded in making her uncomfortable and she probably didn't even want to be around him anymore.
'As usual her dreams were idealistic in nature and simple dreams of peace and love…she hasn't changed one bit.'
He slumped against his chair with a great big sigh and put a hand to his face trying to assess the situation. He loved her, he loved his sister so much, but her words could never be no matter how much she wanted them to be.
'This hurts me sistra…but must I lie to your face and play you like a fool to ultimately save you?'
Ukraine slipped the oven gloves off and placed them on the counter trying to calm her beating heart. She hadn't spoken this freely with her brother in a long time.
'It's been so long…it feels as if we are children once more…back when things were hard but…'
"But we had one another and were happy…."
She trailed as she felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes once more but she was smiling. They were happy times despite the long cold winter nights, the invaders that kept them awake, and how they had clung to one another for warmth. She gave a sigh and shook her head trying to stay in the present as her younger sister had scolded her countless times for being an airhead.
Ukraine began to place the sausages in a plate to serve to her brother the tempting aroma filling the kitchen and even making her stomach grumble. She blushed and laughed to herself knowing there was no way her brother could have heard such an embarrassing thing. She had been working on the meal all day since early morning and hadn't thought to take a break and feed herself. She gazed at the sausage and couldn't help but think of a certain Canadian.
'Silly girl already smitten by such a young nation? And are you really thinking about that event or perhaps the generous sausage he keeps in his pants?'
The plate nearly clattered to her feet as her hands shot to her cheeks in shock.
"Oh my…when did I start thinking in such a manner…"
'When you unofficially became celebrate after not sleeping with anyone for so many years.'
She shook her head troubled but curious at the same time. This voice had rarely spoken up before and it baffled her with its words. Almost as if a part of her had fallen asleep, and sadly it sounded an awful lot like Prussia. She gave a sigh as she shook her head and gazed at the platter once more. The meat had given her a small memory and it was one she had shared with her Matthew.
There seemed to be some sort of a stare down between a couple that even the hearty vendor didn't want to get in the middle of.
"Kovbasa darling."
"Well here their called Smokies dear."
The two stared at one another intensely before the vendor finally handed them each one and clapped them on the back.
"Either way you call it guys it's still good smoked sausage so enjoy!" His laugh seemed contagious because it broke the other from their mock fight and they began to laugh along with him.
Ukraine gave a giggle and a laugh which was echoed by a cheery Canada as they sat around a warm fire in a small village.
"I do not understand your silliness Matthew. Kovbasa is what we call it back home and most Eastern European nations refer to it as Kielbasa."
She took a bit of the sausage and made a sound of approval that made the vendor laugh anew along with a few people waiting to buy their own. She blushed shyly as she began to chew the rest meekly.
The Canadian grinned as well nearly half way done with his. The meat would always be his secret obsession that only his brother really knew about and one that he was teased about now and then.
"I think they are the same type of meat just called different things really. I wouldn't mind trying it the way they have it back at your home Katya the food you give me is always great!"
He said cheerfully as he polished off his food and blushed when the other laughed and wagged a finger at him.
"My my inhaling your food that must be something both you and your brother share no? Do you not stop to enjoy?"
Canada huffed a bit at her comment and shook his head, "He always inhales his food but for me there are just a few treats that I simply can't help myself."
Katya nodded in understanding as she finished off her own food but paused as she reached close to the other and the Canadians eyes widened in surprise. She suddenly reached up with her napkin and brushed gently at his cheek with a soft smile.
"Sorry Matthew you had a crumb or two on your cheek I thought you wouldn't want to walk around with food over your face yes?" She added sweetly as she laughed once again her laugh ringing like bells to the Canadians ears. He blushed and nodded and he so reminded her of an innocent school boy.
"Thank you I didn't even notice."
Her gaze was soft as she shook her head and took his hand gently as the both of them sat near the fire.
"No need Matthew you are always welcome."
She meant every word as she drew closer to the other and watched the fire as he first tensed and then leaned into her as well. She wondered when she had become so blessed to get someone like the soft-hearted angel that sat right beside her.
She smiled gently as she picked up the platter and walked toward the soft light of the candle lite room where her beloved brother sat. Yes she wanted to go through with talking to her brother about accepting her love for the North American country.
'I just pray that my hopes are true and he is starting to get along with little America…this will make the transfer even better…and maybe we could all live in peace…'
With this hopeful thought in mind she smiled sweetly as her brother looked up from his thoughts and placed the food on the table. She put a hand on her hip and waggled a finger at the other like a mother.
"Now, now brother this food will not eat itself…please eat!"
Thanks always for reading! Send a review if you like! Although if it's about the length I time to took to update I found a remedy for it. I already have the next chapter written so you will get it soon!