
Four of the eggs had hatched, two rambunctious boys, dappled golden, red, and brown and two sleek girls, one bright golden-orange and the other ruby red.

They cocked their heads at their caretaker, an awkward looking creature.

He smiled before touching each one's head, blisters that had formed on his frame showed clearly, but he seemed pleased with them.

They each stood about two feet tall and circled him as they searched for food.

"Not much to eat here little ones, we have to head to the forest for that," Don said gently.

They all snapped their attention to him and reared up on their hind legs.

"Yes," he chuckled as they all probed his mind, "its quite a trip, but we best get going."

As they exited the Fir'ba, the male that had greeted him and Yarik, got up to follow him, guarding him and the younglings from danger as they traveled.

As they approached the edge of the Fir'sa weeks later, he snorted before roaring towards the woods.

The ground seemed to shake at the sound and the younglings squealed, nearly knocking Don over in their haste to hide behind him.

A sleek cream-gold female stepped out of the trees nearly an hour later, she glanced toward Don and then the male, before dipping her great head and moving forward.

Hello late rider of the Queen.

Who? Wait you mean Yarik?-D

Yes. She was the matriarch as you would say…our Queen. Yarikelmen'ya was her full name. I am her heir. Kurlighel'ga…you may call me Kur. You bring me my brothers and sisters.-K

She was royalty…she never said.-D

She need not to among the others…she forgot, I assume, that her new rider knew nothing of our world.-K

What of the young ones?-D

I will care for them until they are old enough to take riders, then they shall send out their Ho'kun. You are free to return home. Your dragon has passed on.-K

The male that escorted us?-D

My father and the King Lun'corgar, these are also his children.-K

Give him my thanks and sorrows for his mate's passing.-D

It is received.-L

Don jumped before turning to the great male, he was laying down on the edge of the sands, the young ones curled against him.



Don woke with a moan as the reality he'd been in released him.

"Hey bro," Leo greeted softly.

"LEO!" Don cried as soon as his muddled brain made sense of the words.

He launched himself at his brother and clung tightly.

Leo laughed.

"I was so worried," he choked out.

"She was a wonder person Don, I'm sorry you lost your friend," Leo whispered.

"I think she knew she was sick…she never really planned on taking them back I think…" Don whispered softly.

"Tell me about these dragons," Splinter inquired softly as he entered the room upon hearing Don's cry.

"How about you tell all of us Brainiac," Raph chuckled, walking up behind Splinter.

"Boy it's a story," Don grinned, "but alright."

A/N: Thanks for the reviews and for hanging on for the ride. Captive II: The Rebel will be going up around Thanksgiving.