[Pops up from behind a houseplant]

WOW! I had no idea this little story of mine was so popular! To think so many of you wanted me to continue…just wow! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed (in a good way of course)! So, after a very, very long wait, I finally managed to get some words together and give you a small update! I'm so, so, so sorry for the delay and really hope you guys are still interested! Hope you like it! Sorry about the grammar mistakes, I really wanted to update it tonight for you guys! I couldn't let you wait any longer. Please leave a small (or big :P) review and tell me your thoughts! Enjoy!

Chapter 3: Apologies

The light seeping in through the cracks between the curtains was what gently roused her from her deep slumber. Small dust flakes played with the rays, dancing gently in and out of the shadows. The house was utterly silent except for the slowly awakening blonde.

The first thing she became aware of when she opened her eyes was the woolen blanket draped around her. A warm smile graced her lips as her fingers absentmindedly played with some worn fringes of one of the corners. That Will. She thought fondly.

Stretching her arms above her head, she pondered whether to leave the comfort of the chair or to stay nestled in its welcoming warmth. Her stomach made the decision for her by growling quite loudly, and with a soft grunt, she pushed herself up. Just as she placed weight on her arms, searing pain shot up her wrist and she fell ungracefully back into the chair, clutching her aching limb to her chest.

It all came back to her, her little adventure in the woods yesterday. Shame was the prominent emotion, completely overshadowing her perfect morning. How could she have been so stupid? It was completely crazy and childish and stupid and idiotic and pathetic and so not her, at all. She really had quite a lot of apologizing to do.

Once the pain subsided, she stood up, now mindful of her arm. She tried to bend and twist it, and was happy to find that it couldn't possibly be broken, just badly bruised or sprained, probably the latter by the light throbbing pulsating under the skin.

Her blue eyes caught sight of the two untouched cups of coca and a wave of gratitude with a hint of embarrassment for having fallen asleep washed over her. She picked up one of them, cursing her new handicap, and made her way into the kitchen.

Breakfast was a meager meal. With only one hand available, all she managed to make was a bowl of cereal. Will walked in just as she seated herself at the table. She shot him a sheepish look when he eyed the bowl.

"Good morning." She gestured to the bowl. "Want some?"

Will chuckled lightly as he shook his head. "No thanks." He walked over to the little coffeepot and hummed softly as the machine putted along. Soon the warm, spicy, bitter aroma filled the air. Sarah watched as Will poured two cups, adding a spoon of sugar and some milk in one before walking over to the table and placing a cup in front of her, giving her his trademark smirk.

"Thanks! That's exactly what I need." She gently picked the cup up, the black liquid swooshing leisurely around, and inhaled the wonderful aroma before bringing the cup to her lips and sipping slowly, enjoying the feel of its warmth as the liquid trailed down her esophagus.

She caught Will looking at her arm. "It's only sprained." She reassured him by gesticulating and moving her arm, bending it, twisting it and wiggling her fingers. She ignored the throbbing and the spark of pain shooting up her arm as she did so. "I only need a brace to keep from moving it unnecessarily."

Will nodded slowly, clearly not entirely convinced.

Sarah sighed softly. "Anyway, I didn't get to thank you properly last night…" She trailed off, suddenly feeling very small and shy. "So thank you, Will." She tentatively reached across the table and placed her hand over his, the contrast in size almost ridiculous. "Thank you for finding me." And bringing me home.

His eyes sought hers and he smiled warmly, but she could feel the muscle in his hand clench slightly. "That was really—"

"Stupid, idiotic, childish, mad, crazy, irresponsible, senseless, I know and I'm so sorry!"

"You really scared me, Sarah."

Her eyes widened, blue orbs locked with his. The sincerity in that statement rendered her speechless and she could feel a sudden wetness covering her eyes like a filter. She averted her gaze back to the table, blinking furiously. Then, warm fingers cupped her chin, lifting it back up so that their gazes locked again.

She could feel warmth flood her cheeks as a new, warm sensation filled her, making her heart beat fast against her ribs. She was almost sure Will could hear it. Blood pulsed in her ears as the small gap between them gradually reduced as Will's head lowered. She tilted her own lightly to the side, eyelids drooping slowly as butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

Just as their noses were about to touch someone entered the kitchen.

"And then I said that 'that color is totally last season—"

The warm fingers at her chin released her in an instant and she suddenly felt cold now that the warmth of Will's breaths no longer caressed her face. Sarah's blush deepened to a deep crimson as she quickly reverted to her previous position, hiding the surprise that she had angled her body in Will's direction unconsciously.

It all happened so fast, that when she flickered her gaze towards the doorway, she caught the surprised expression on Zoey's face and the speculative glint in Chloe's eyes and her Cheshire cat grin just before both girls composed themselves.

"Good morning, girls." Will said nonchalantly, seemingly unperturbed by their near (dear she say it?) kiss, flashing them his usual boyish smile, which Sarah always found quite charming and endearing. The same smile that always caused her heart to stutter violently for a second or two.

"Good morning" Zoey stuttered, feeling that they may have intruded upon something. Not certain of what, she shrugged it off and waltz over to the refrigerator.

A sly smile grazed Chloe's glossed lips. "A great morning, isn't it?"

If her cheeks could get any redder, Sarah would be surprised. Her cerulean eyes never left her coffee cup, intently observing the liquid swooshing around as she absentmindedly played with the cup.

A playful laugh escaped Will's mouth as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Sure is."

Just as Chloe was about to comment further, her sister returned to her side with two yoghurts. Noticing the slightly tense, strained atmosphere, Zoey nudged her sister and flickered her eyes over to the door, silently hoping Chloe would take the hint.

With a roll of her sharp green eyes, Chloe took one of the aforementioned yoghurts and began walked out the way they came in only minutes ago. "We'll eat somewhere else and give the two of you some privacy."

Sarah didn't need to see her face to know that Chloe was smirking deviously, and she wished that the ground would swallow her now more than ever.

Not even the usually composed blonde teen across from her said anything to that, and she was sure that if she looked up she would see Will rubbing the back of his neck like he always did when things got awkward. It was another trait about the older boy she found endearing.

Will was the one who broke the silence before it became uncomfortable and strained again. He pushed his chair from the table and rose, slowly stretching his arms and back, causing a few muscles to 'pop'. She looked up when she felt his eyes fall on her.

"Let's get your arm fixed up, kay?"

Sarah secretly studied the blonde boy as he left the kitchen, liking the way his shirt clung to his broad shoulders, muscles flexing slightly as he walked. She tried her hardest not to blush, but her body betrayed her and she felt a very familiar warmth spread across her cheeks. She shook her head, hoping to clear her thoughts and get her skin to return to its normal, pale color.

When Will returned, she had occupied her restless hands with cleaning the used dishes. She felt more than saw him enter, and turned around as he placed a white brace on the table. Before venturing over to him, she dried her hands on the dishtowel.

She reach for the brace, fully prepared to tend to her throbbing arm herself, but before her slender fingers could curl around the white material, Will snatched it.

"You don't have to—"

"I want to." He gave her that crooked smile, azure eyes gleaming warmly.

Predictably, her heart fluttered and she resisted the urge to avert her eyes. Instead, she pushed up the sleeve of her white blouse and held out her injured arm, a small, shy smile lifting the corners of her lips.

When Will touched her skin, her pulse skyrocketed and she failed to stop yet another blush from coloring her petite face. She was sure Will could hear her stuttering heart and her cheeks warmed even further.

His hands dwarfed her wrist, making it seem more delicate and fragile than she thought possible. Obviously, Will thought the same, because when the teen's long, nimble fingers gently eased the brace around her wrist, his touches were feather-light and careful as if he was afraid she would break with the tiniest bit of pressure.

"There, that should do it." Will confirmed as he tightened the last strap.

"Thanks Will." She wiggled her wrist a little, pleasantly surprised when the movement didn't hurt. "It feel so much better."

The older teen smiled at her, blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "That's great! Can't ask for more."

The silence that settled between them was an awkward one. They both stood there, unsure of what should happen next. Sarah hated the silence. It shouldn't be like that between them. It never had been, and she could only blame herself for it. She would be stupid to think that her little breakdown yesterday wouldn't affect their relationship. He must think her crazy or mentally unstable. She inwardly cringed. She had to say something. Do something to explain her reckless actions.

During her inner turmoil, Will had picked up his cup and finished the last off his cooling coffee. He now stood by the sink, slowly washing it. She could see the tenseness in the way his shoulders were set. With a sharp intake of air, she told herself to (wo)man up and address the elephant in the room.

"Will?" She waited until he turned to her, her eyes seeking his. "I am really sorry for breaking my promise. I didn't mean to take Scarlet into the woods. I know how reckless and dangerous that was. I could have hurt Scarlet and…and you could have been injured while searching for me and…" She was rambling and she knew it, but once the words started flowing, she couldn't stop them. They kept tumbling form her mouth. "I guess I'm not handling Mosey's death as well as I should have. It's been a year after all and I should have been over it by now, but I'm not and—"


"Sarah!" A warm hand suddenly touched her shoulder and she stopped rambling, a sheepish look on her face. Somewhere in her little speech, Will had walked over to her. She averted her eyes downwards to her restless hands.

"It's okay." Will's gentle and warm voice made her look up again, blue eyes meeting equally striking orbs filled with kindness. "I know you. I knew something was wrong but I left you alone regardless. I should have been more attentive and looked out for you—"

"No, Will" This time it was her time to interrupt him. "You've been so helpful already, I couldn't possibly ask for more!" She lowered her gaze again, feeling frustrated tears gather at the corners and blurring her vision. How could she have been so stupid?

When warm fingers cupper her cheek gently, azure eyes shot up, widening before crinkling softly. A solitary tear escaped her long lashes and slowly trickled down her rosy cheek. Before it reached her nose, Will tenderly brushed it away with his thumb. Without really thinking about it, she leaned into his hand, watery eyes closing slowly.

"I'll always be here for you, Sarah."

A warm, genuine and happy smile grazed her lips, and for the first time in days, she no longer felt alone and doleful.