A/N: Second chapter! I hope you'll all enjoy it :)

Disclaimer: I still don't own :(

When Albus woke up the next morning, he knew that there was no way that he could possibly stop stalking Megan. He might as well stop breathing, then. Entering the Great Hall for breakfast, he saw the most peculiar thing: Megan wasn't there yet. He slowly made his way towards his usual seat (as always, it was the seat from where he had the best view of his greatest obsession), while looking around for a glimpse of her. She really wasn't there.

She didn't show up for breakfast, or for any class before lunch. Shifting in his seat, Albus wondered what he should do; he was starting to become very worried.

"Al! Are you alright?" Rose asked, coming out of nowhere.

Albus shrugged. "I have no idea," he confessed. Nothing was really wrong, just the unexplained and (to him) unexplainable absence of a certain girl.

Rose looked at him sympathetically. "I guess she's still in bed," she quietly informed him. "She was up rather late last night." Albus didn't ask how Rose knew about his concern; he figured that that was easy to figure out.

"I know," he said. "Me too."

Rose's eyebrows temporarily disappeared under her bangs. "Oh? Did you… talk, or something?"

"I wouldn't really call it that," Albus answered, shrugging again. "She told me to stop stalking her and then she left…"

"Well, maybe you should listen to her," Rose suggested. "It would make her life a whole lot more bearable, she reckons."

Albus only stared at her. "She really hates me, then," he concluded grimly. Further ignoring Rose (which wasn't unusual for him, but then again, she often ignored him too), he stood up and walked out of the Great Hall. Before he had decided where to go, he walked headfirst into something. Someone, actually.

"Al! Watch where you're going, would you?" James said jokingly.

Upon seeing his brother, Albus was struck with an idea. "James! Can I borrow the Map for a couple of hours? Now?"

"What do you need the Map for?" James asked suspiciously, placing one hand over one of his pockets protectively.

"I – er," Albus hesitated. He had no idea how James would react if he told him the truth. "Can't tell," he said, grinning slightly, hoping that this might make his brother give in. And indeed, that sort-of-mischievous look made James pull a piece of parchment out of his pocket.

"Here," he said, handing Albus the map. "Don't lose it. You can return it at practice tonight."

"Sure, James," Albus said dismissively. He headed outside and started studying the Map. Where could she be? he thought continuously. Finally, he spotted her in some abandoned classroom on the fourth floor. Getting up to head over there, he noticed something else. Megan wasn't alone.

Feeling a strange emotion come over him, Albus continued staring at the Map. Against better judgement, he had already made his decision. This he couldn't believe. He hastily ran back indoors and up four flights of stairs, into some or other hallway. A lump had formed in his throat and however much he swallowed, it wouldn't go away. He marched towards the classroom and halted outside. The last thing he wanted was for him to storm inside and find them doing something he wouldn't want to be a witness of.

Wondering if she had been here all day already, he crouched down against the door, pressing his ear against it.

"Oh, come on, Megan, you know you want to," a male voice said, sounding amused but at the same time annoyed.

"Just – let me go!" Albus heard Megan shout. She sounded quite panicked. Scared. Desperate. He couldn't recall Megan every sounding desperate and scared, so maybe the scene inside wasn't like he had imagined it to be. He wanted to kick himself for even imagining such thing; the only thing Megan was interested in was Quidditch. She couldn't care less about boys. He should know that by now.

"No," the male voice said in a low tone. "You know I can't do that. If you're just as fiery off the Quidditch Pitch as on it… this should be fun." There was a short silence, and then Albus heard laughter, though not happy laughter. "Come on, Megan, you know that nobody can hear you here. No one knows where you are. Not even that crazy stalker of yours. Not even Potter can help you now."

Before he even knew what he was doing, Albus was on his feet and burst into the classroom. Alright, so maybe it was a scene he'd rather not be the witness of, but in a different way. For what had to be the first time in ages, Megan actually looked happy to see him. But then again, she would've been happy with anyone.

"Let go of her," Albus said in a calmer voice than he would've thought possible in a situation like this. He had his wand out and pointed it at the boy. A Slytherin, by the looks of it. He looked vaguely familiar, but not familiar enough for Albus to know his name or really anything else.

The Slytherin boy smirked at him. "Well, look who it is. Potter." He looked down at Megan. "Seems like I underestimated the extent of his obsession after all. Your stalker really follows you everywhere." Then, he looked back at Albus, who could feel himself reddening again. Whether from anger or embarrassment he couldn't tell himself, but it made him all the more determined to get rid of this creep. "What makes you think you can win anyway, Potter?" the boy added.

"The fact that I have a wand and you don't, perhaps?" Albus suggested. The boy looked around wildly for his wand, but it really had gone. Both boys' attention was caught by Megan, who, after escaping the boy's clutches, had opened one of the windows and was dangling a wand outside of it. Before they knew what was happening, she had dropped it. Feeling more confident than ever, Albus now smirked at his opponent. "What are you waiting for? Go get it back. And leave Megan alone, understood?"

Before walking out of the classroom, the Slytherin called over his shoulder, "I could tell you the same thing, Potter!"

Seething inside, Albus turned around to face Megan. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. "What happened?"

"I-I'm fine, I guess," Megan answered, not looking him in the eye. "I don't know, I was just heading towards the Great Hall and he appeared out of nowhere and just pulled me in here and – you probably know the rest. How did you even know I was here though?"

"You don't want to know," Albus muttered. Megan studied him for a moment and then walked out of the classroom as well.

"Are you stalking me again?" she asked two minutes later, as they made their way through the school.

"I might," Albus answered, grinning. "But above all, I'm heading to class. You know, I've got Transfiguration now."

Megan thought for a moment. "Oh. Right. Me too." She started walking a little quicker, but Albus could still easily keep up with her. The remainder of their journey was silent, and Albus took it as another opportunity to observe Megan.

When they arrived at Transfiguration, class hadn't started yet. As there were hardly any spots left, Albus and Megan were forced to sit next to each other. Not that Albus minded. He was aware that she hadn't thanked him for saving her, but that would almost be thanking him for stalking her, he figured.

"Where were you this morning?" he asked at last, no longer able to keep the question to himself.

"That's none of your business, Potter," Megan replied, rolling her eyes. He must've looked particularly hurt by her statement, for a second later she added, "Alright. I was still in bed. Happy now?"

Albus gave her a small smile, but then kept his eyes on the front of the classroom, pretending to concentrate on what the Professor was saying now, but knowing that he failed miserably. He was very aware of Megan's presence next to him, sitting so close to him, closer than ever; she usually preferred to stay away from him as far as she could, and the only times when they had been closer were when Albus would purposefully fly into her during Quidditch practice. Quite pathetic, when you thought about it.

The remainder of the afternoon, for Albus, was spent in the library. It seemed that Megan was even further behind on her homework than he was, since for once, he'd been able to do something there. She had chosen to sit at a table that was completely blocked from anyone's view, so Albus had opted for a seat near the exit instead. The Map was lying next to him, out of anyone else's sight, and he kept half an eye on Megan's dot, in case the Slytherin creep returned.

That night at practice he quickly handed James the Map back. Before his brother could ask him what kind of prank he had pulled, Albus had slipped into the changing rooms.

Since the sun was setting already, Albus had a tough time trying to spot the Snitch and focusing on what he had to do. Especially since the setting sun gave Megan's hair such an exceptionally beautiful glimmer, making her seem even more perfect to Albus. It was probably a good thing that she was (or at least appeared) so concentrated during practice; that made it a lot less uncomfortable for him to gaze at her.

Suddenly, he also saw the Snitch, hovering near the hoops as well. Smirking to himself, he took off towards it. Grasping the small ball, he prepared himself for another crash, but it never came.

He looked around and his eyes found Megan, who had avoided the crash by flying up a couple of feet, smirking at him. "Not today, Potter. Not today."

He grinned back and released the Snitch again, giving the tiny thing a couple of minutes to fly around before taking after it, and giving himself an excuse to stay near the hoops for a little longer. Alright, not today. Maybe another day, then.

A/N: So, what did you think of this second chapter? :) It's also the last chapter of this fic, but I'm (slowly, unfortunately) working on a sequel :) Anyway, in the meantime, please review to tell me whether or not you liked this :)