Alec's Point of View

I searched the crowd relentlessly as Isabelle chattered on with Simon about Jace's parentage. How could they talk like old woman having afternoon tea when we were about go into a battle that could change our lives or – angels forbid- we lose them? I wasn't paying attention to their conversation until Simon revealed that Jace was actually the son of Stephen Herondale. That bit of information caught my interest enough to put my search aside momentarily to add my input into the discussion.

"So he was the Inquisitor's grandson," I said. "That must be why she—" I broke off as I saw a tall figure shifting though the crowd. I tried to peek over the heads of the mob in the Great Hall. But, my eyes darted away for only a second, distracted by a small movement in my peripheral vision and the person was gone. Damn, it might have been him.

"Why she what?" Isabelle demanded of me in an anger laced tone. Her eyes trying to follow where my own searched. "Alec, pay attention. Or at least tell us what you're looking for."

"Not what," I said standing on the balls of my feet craning my head to see if I could catch a glimpse of him. "Who. Magnus. I wanted to ask him to be my partner in the battle. But, I have no idea where he is." A fact which was getting more annoying by the second. "Have you seen him?" I asked, looking at Simon in masked desperation. If anyone could see better it would be a vampire.

He looked around quickly then shook his head. "He was up on the dais with Clary but" – he turned to look up at the stage, squinting his eyes into focus – "he's not now. He's probably in the crowd somewhere." As he said this he took another look around to see if the warlock would appear as if summoned by the mere mention of his name.

"Really? Are you going to ask him to be your partner?" Isabelle asked. Her interest grappled by this new knowledge. Her eyes took on a slightly unfocused look to them as her wild imagination took over. Hopefully it was a clean fantasy. I mentally shuddered at the possibilities the word "partner" implied for her mind. "It's like a cotillion, this partner business, except with killing." I silently thanked the angels that her daydream was clean if bloodied by the prospect of war.

"So, exactly like a cotillion." Simon added, in what I guess he thought passed as humor. His eyes darted to my sister, most likely to see if she thought is attempt was funny.

"Maybe I'll ask you to be my partner, Simon," Isabelle asked, her expression slightly humored.

I frowned though at what her question implied. If she thought she was going to fight. She had another thing coming. She was far too young to go into a battle such as this. It didn't matter if we needed all the hands we could get. We were Shadowhunters, we weren't going to send children into battle just because we were short handed. I looked around at my brothers and sisters. Dressed in night just as I was, weapons in easy access. I turned slightly toward Isabelle as my eyes still searched the room for Magnus. "Isabelle, you don't need a partner, because you're not fighting." I turned to her fully, cutting off my search. "You're too young. And if you even think about it, I'll kill you" I was ready to go into a full rant at the petulant expression she wore as I saw a shadow in my peripheral. My head jerked up and to the side to get a better look. "Wait–is that Magnus?"

Isabelle followed my searching eyes and snorted "Alec, that's a werewolf. A girl werewolf. In fact, it's what's-her-name. May."

"Maia," Simon corrected her. I focused more on the girl coming toward us. She wore mundane clothes, leather pants and a printed shirt. I noticed Simon smile at her as she turned and smiled back. Isabelle glowered in what was plainly obvious as jealousy. Simon took one glance at her and his smile fell faster than Lucifer into hell. I had to smile slightly at that, it was funny to watch him squirm between the forces of to opinionated woman grappling for his attention.

But, my humored thoughts were cut short as a familiar face caught my full attention. "There's Magnus," I breathed out in relief. A tight coil in my shoulders I didn't even know was there loosened. I ran toward the tall figure at the edge of the crowd, weaving fluidly though the mob until I was standing before him. Slightly breathless I looked up into his timeless face and shining slitted eyes.

"Magnus" I said in a breezy tone. His eyes focused on mine. They were wide with surprised, but a small smile crept onto his lips, nothing major just a slight turn up at the edges of his mouth.

"Hello Alec." He said in a rather formal tone. I looked up at him questioningly. The tone was strained in an uncomfortable way. He was trying to keep up appearances for me. I was about to ask what was wrong with him when he switched back to his joking self. "I know I'm gorgeous, but the slight panting is overdoing it a bit. Don't you think?" Much to my embarrassment a fierce blush crept up my neck as I hissed out his name in admonishment.

"I have been looking everywhere for you. How hard is into to find a six foot two warlock, prancing through a crowd?" I was annoyed that it had taken this long to find him. Wasn't he looking for me too?

"Extremely difficult, since there isn't one here." He said in a feigned serious tone his cat eyes twinkling with wit. "I do not prance. I strut, there is a significant difference." His humor was as always a constantly present force. I smiled a little at that. My blush receding a bit before it could reach my ears. "But, that is not entirely as important as to why you are here." That stung a little, and it must have showed on my face because Magnus immediately lost the joking tone. Putting his hands on my upper arms just below my shoulders as he asked what was wrong. I know I was being childish, but it hurt to realize that I was in fact alone in the idea that we would be partners. I had pushed Magnus away again and again. His mind would most likely not process the idea of me taking initiative in our relationship – or whatever it is we have. We had never made anything official, never gave any promises to each other, and it's not like we ever said I lo—and now I was being a whiny bitch. I mentally cut myself off and looked up into Magnus worried gaze.

"It's fine." He looked at me questioningly as I said it "I'm fine. I'm here because I wanted to know if you wanted to be my partner." I looked down to my toes as I finished, embarrassed that I had to ask. The silence stretched and I started to shift my weight from one foot to another my nerves getting the best of me. That silence was suffocating. Did it mean he would say no? Had I pushed him to far away too even bring him back a little? Yes, that must have been it. I had lost him to my own stupidity.

I started to back track, make contingency plans. I could ask someone else, a fairy perhaps. Anything, but another warlock I just wouldn't be able to—a strong hand caught my chin in a firm grasp and then I was looking into depths of gold and green. Entranced by their colors, I didn't say anything, just waited.

"I will be your partner." Magnus slowly enunciated each word and let go of my chin rising back up to his full height. I couldn't help but realize those words could have two meanings. Blushing slightly, I watched as he rolled up his sleeve revealing tattoos in a demon tongue I couldn't understand, he kept going until the roll of fabric sat on his bicep. "You can mark me here if you wish." He said, pointing to an unmarked expanse of flesh on his lower arm.

"Oh, okay." I replied, stuttering like a fool. I looked down using my bangs to hide my eyes and the growing blush on my cheeks. I felt as though the people in the room are watching us, like they know exactly what's going on. Removing my stele from by belt I began drawing the mark Clary showed us all on Magnus, keeping my eyes hidden. Once I'd completed the mark it burned a deep black to match his other tattoos. Finished and rather happy with my work I look up to see Magnus giving me a curious expression. He opened his mouth as if to speak then closed it, and then opened it again looking me straight in the eyes as if he could show me what he meant through there twin depths. He closed it again with a sigh looking down at his feet, still not saying anything. Finally he looked up at me, his cat eyes tight around the edges in defeat. He looked so sad, I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, but he beat me to the punch.

"Alec I don't understand." He breathed out in a pained whisper. "Why would you want to partners with me?" He asked in an incredulous tone, and in that moment I realized Magnus didn't know. He didn't understand how much I needed him. How much I cared for him. How much I loved him. I felt like I was like I hit in the gut by a Infarintel demon. In the face of that fact, all my fear of acceptance from my parents, about being banished from the Clave for who I was and disappointing my family seemed so petty and small. I was breaking Magnus by dragging him just below the surface of the water, but never letting him the sweet relief of air. I couldn't breathe in enough air myself. As I looked up I realized Magnus was saying something in worried desperation, but I couldn't hear him over my heart beat. I had to do this. I had to make this right before my logic and my fears got the best of me. I grabbed Magnus's face between my hands in a gentle, but firm grip and then I was kissing him.

Phew, glad this is done with. Post what you think and if I should keep going or trash it. Reviews are love.

Much Love,
Eli Jones