[AUTHORS NOTE] Again I do not own Bleach nor make profit from my anything related to it. First, I would like to I apologize once more for my lack of updates, its been fairly hard with how busy I am. I can't say when another chapter will be posted but I very much hope that this new chapter will make up for my inability to post more before. Secondly, thank you to all my readers who have been following this story. Please, continue to check every so often for a new chapter or maybe other stories you would like. Enjoy ^_^ [END AUTHORS NOTE]

The smile on the young female's widened in glee as she stared at her oldest companion. He had been there for her for so long and now she was finally able to bring him the greatest joy that she thought she would ever be able to give him. With that in mind she tilted her head to the side and released a light giggle. "Ken-chan, I won't go easy on you," she teased as her reiatsu began to flood out of her once more.

An unimaginable amount of strength was generated with the energy that was flowing around her, even Kenpachi felt slightly intimidated himself. Well, intimidated isn't the right word since the chill running down his spine made his blood boil in excitement. "Neither will I," he replied in a roar that unleashed a wave of his uncontrollable energy into his sword still pushing against her own. However, that energy was countered by the girl's own with a soft flash of bright pink from her brightly colored eyes.

It happened in an instant, almost as untraceable as the Shunpo (Flash Step). Having the energy of both so high, both of the fighters were repelled from the other. The tiny vixen's feet skidded against the ground as the giant was pushed through the air, neither was injured from the minor clash of power. Yachiru giggled softly as she stared at Kenpachi who was now a good distance away from her at the other side of the stadium. She gave him but a moment to catch a breath before she vanished into a Flash step towards his direction. He followed suit and both ended up disappearing into a blur.


"Ikkaku, can you see them?" Yumichika asked as he tried to bob and weave his head between the many gatherers to witness the fight.

"I- I can't really say," he replied in an annoyed tone. Getting fairly annoyed with the push and shove of the others he made his way down to the front. He didn't care if he pushed a Captain or the lowest seated person of any division, HIS captain and HIS vice captain were out there fighting. Nothing was going to stop him from seeing this.

"Hey...wait up!" Yumichika yelled from behind and tried to follow.

Once both were down in front neither of the two could see anything. There was nothing but a cloud of dust being formed in different areas of the battle ground each time the other flash stepped to a new place and behind the other followed.

"This is going to be a long battle isn't it?" Ikkaku muttered under his breath.

"It will be over soon," his beautiful friend replied.

Both sighed lightly as they watched the battle of blur continue on.


As the two continued to move from one place to the next they finally figured out how the other moved and started to mimic it so they could start throwing in some hits but not a single swing of the blade made contact except against each other. The sound of steel clashing against steel echoed at the moment each sword crashed into the other. Just as everyone thought the never ending shunpo movements would ever halt Yachiru stopped moving all together. She stood in the middle of the field, her head lowered and sword resting against her leg. But there was no sign of Kenpachi anywhere. Or...was there?

Swiftly sliding on her back heel she swept around backwards a full 180 degree turn. In the same movement she brought her sword from her side, keeping it diagonally moving from one hip to opposite shoulder. The blade's slice ended with her wrist flicking upward to finish the movement that the blade had started off at. Small specks of blood appeared on her rosey cheeks while blood shimmered on her sword and dripped down from it to her still raised arm. Lowering her arm, her head remained looking down at her feet and the blood coating the blade was able to drip onto the floor. Her mind now had gone completely blank, she was like an empty shell. She knew from the moment she had planned this little game of hers that at some given point she would have to bury away her emotions in order to continue on fighting, even if it meant hurting him for it was the only way she would be able to make him happy.

"Hmph, not bad..." Kenpachi managed to say despite the fact that he had a deep gash running from his lower right abdomen to the upper left side of his chest. The crimson ooze stained his uniform but it felt...it felt so amazing. His free hand traced itself against the wound, enjoying the pain he had been denied and yearned for for so long. Gripping onto the right shoulder of his stained uniform top he ripped it from his body and tossed it off to the side without care. His concentrated eyes never once left the sight of the warrior. The beast took a step forward, towering over the small lass just a half arms length from him, nothing but one thing could circle his brain now. His mind was taken by the blood and now the battle would turn into one that would be a fight for life and death.