New Life, New Adventure

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter 1

Kagome was in deep thought that day as she sat in the room. Tugging at her brown uniform to straighten it out, she ignored the hungry eyes of her male classmates. She has been their main interest since she entered the school. Looking out the window, she propped her head on her hand and drowned herself in her musings.

She thought about her life in Sengoku Jidai and how she missed going there. Kagome had matured over the year and she really did gain a lot of skills including better agility, craftiness and strength. After a year of going back and forth between eras, you learn a few things.

Naraku was defeated but at a terrible price.

A dark look crept unto Kagome's face as she remembered that day. Her friends had been too busy trying to protect her at one point or another, making them completely vulnerable in the process. She was the key to their success and yet she was also the reason why they were gone. Kagome clenched her jaw at the bitter truth. Some savior she was…

The Shikon was finally complete and as expected, Kagome was transported back to her own time. The jewel remained in her possession, which she keeps around her neck. Midoriko had told her that she was to continue protecting the jewel until an unselfish wish was made upon it. Kagome already knew that, but no matter what she did, she could not think of a single unselfish wish. So instead of worrying about it, Kagome had devoted her time to practicing and honing her miko abilities. She did not want to have to rely on others ever again, including the Jewel.

As for her school life, due to her frequent illnesses and numerous absences, she was forced to transfer.

It's already been a few months since she started attending classes. Here, she met her two very interesting friends, Miaka Yuki and Yui Hongo. Miaka was a weird girl, sleeping in class and dreaming only about food. She often got scolded by her teachers and her grades were barely passable. Yui, however, was a different story. Her grades were topnotch and her attitude was friendly. Kagome, in fear of having the same grades as Miaka, was studying so hard that, without even noticing it, she rivaled Yui in the spot for no.1. It seemed that they found her to their liking since the three of them got along right from the start and they became almost inseparable.

At first, Kagome did not want to be their friend or anybody's friend for that matter. She knew she was bad luck and she didn't want to cause anyone any trouble. But as fate would have it, Yui and Miaka managed to force themselves into her life. They had made it clear that they really wanted to be friends. When Kagome had asked them why, they simply exchanged looks and shrugged. Miaka had said that they didn't need a reason to be friends with someone other than the fact that they do. Yui had linked their arms together and began marching to the cafeteria for something to eat saying that they should go before the growling in Miaka's stomach grew louder making Kagome giggle for the first time in months…

Kagome could hear the chattering in the room and the chair next to her being pulled out. She could tell that it was Yui because the chair produced the littlest of sounds. She was always a gentle girl unless it came to Miaka, in which she would let herself go.

"Hey, Kagome!" she greeted cheerfully. Kagome turned to face Yui fully and smiled,

"Hi, Yui. What's up?"

"I just wondered if you could come with me to the National Library after school today." Kagome blinked a few times before smiling again.

"Yea, sure. I needed to go there anyway. My brother needs a report on ancient stuff. He said it was due in...3 months?" Looking thoughtful for a minute, Kagome shrugged it off and added, "Might as well help him get a head start. Anyway, what about Miaka? Isn't she coming?" Just as those words left her mouth, Miaka came bursting in the room.

"Ah, thank Kami! I thought I was going to be late again. Whew!" wiping the sweat on her brow, she made her way towards the other seat beside Kagome.

"Hey guys! Good morning!" Both of them nodded in her direction with a smile. Miaka sat down and let out another huge breath before slouching. She mumbled something about not being able to eat breakfast because of her pain in the ass of a brother. Kagome and Yui looked at each other and sweat-dropped. Looking back at the complaining brunette, Kagome's eyes twinkled in mischief. She asked Yui about going to the National Library again, this time making sure Miaka heard it, loud and clear.

They really did enjoy teasing her. Especially with things that she had no clue of.

"Ne, do you think we should invite Miaka to go with us after school?" Yui smirked and played along, "I don't know. Maybe she has better things to do than hang out with us."

Miaka fell for it, hook, line, and sinker and started begging them with her 'puppy dog eyes'.

"I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go! Come on guys, I want to go!" Unknown to the brunette, their teacher was already in the room and was staring at her. Kagome and Yui tried to stifle their laughter and keep a straight face which was almost close to impossible seeing as their friend looked so silly. Miaka, who was now desperate, was standing and waving her arms around until she hit the teacher right smack on his face. Kagome's eyes widened and Yui was clutching her sides in suppressed laughter.

"MIAKA YUKI! Stand in the hallway and hold that pose!" Kagome and Yui couldn't stop their silent giggling as Miaka walked out of the room in that pose. The students laughed out loud and the victim blushed furiously. Once again, Miaka Yuki was the talk of the school.

Their day went by in a flash and soon it was time for them to go to the library.

Miaka sat in her chair and was rolling her shoulders, trying to get rid of the kinks left by her pose in the hallway. A giggling Kagome approached her chair and put a hand on the brunette's shoulder, "Come on, we're going to the National Library. Yui's getting cranky so we better go." There was a shout coming from the door of their classroom, "I am not!"

Miaka looked at Kagome with an angry look and turned her head away from her friend and crossed her arms, "Mou, you guys always tease me. Why do you have to do that? And in class too!" she asked, irritated.

"Hm, let me guess, because it's fun. Now come on, we don't have all day to listen to you mope about." Ignoring her friend's protests, Kagome dragged Miaka out of their room and met up with Yui who, with an exasperated sigh, went on walking in the direction of the train station. The two of them followed with smiles on their faces. They knew Yui only did her fake irritation with them. Besides, it was nice to see her like that. For Miaka, it was payback for the joke they pulled on her.

They always did that to each other—Miaka and Yui would pick on the other and Kagome would be in the middle and always played the neutral part.

Reaching the train station, they started talking about what high school they'll be going to.

"So Miaka, which high school do you plan on attending?" asked Kagome. Miaka thought about it before answering, "I'm going to Jonan." Kagome was a little bit surprised. Was she really planning on entering Jonan Academy? Only the students with high IQ's can pass that. Of course, now that she has more than enough time to study, Kagome planned to go there as well. But, Miaka?

"Are you sure you can pass the entrance exam there? Yui and I are going there, too."

"Mou, why do people always ask that question when I say I'll go to Jonan? And they always compare me to the both of you! Yui, why is that?"

The blonde draped an arm over Kagome's shoulders and grinned, "It's because we're geniuses and you are a simpleton." Kagome giggled at Miaka's expected reaction. Hurt, Miaka 'humphed' and asked, "Are you guys really my friends?"

"What do you think?" countered Kagome with a smirk. Sighing in a defeated manner, Miaka perked up again and beamed at them, "All right I admit it! You guys are way more intelligent than anyone I know!"

"We know." Yui stated it as if it was the most obvious thing on Earth and it was. Kagome's blue eyes shimmered with slight mischief. She really loved them and she would do anything to protect them... but she would also do anything to tease them, "Everybody you know is always way smarter than you are, Miaka." All three of them laughed as they got on the train. In a few minutes, they got off at the right station and walked towards the National Library.

As they reached the enormous library Miaka gaped, "Wow! Is the National Library really that... national?" Shaking their heads at her comment, Kagome and Yui walked towards the entrance of the building and did not bother waiting for the brunette. Miaka, realizing that she was already left behind, ran after them.

"Guys, it was a joke! Okay maybe it wasn't a good one but...wait up!"

As soon as she entered the library, the hairs at the back of her neck stood up in alarm. There was ancient magic in the building… and it bothered her how eerily familiar it was, but for the life of her she could not place where she felt this before.

Catching up to them, Miaka heard Yui say something about returning a book. Feeling bored already, Miaka decided that she was hungry and what luck! There were vending machines in here. Walking up to one, she noticed that Kagome was leaning next to it and asked, "Do you want any?" Kagome shook her head and remained still.

That strange feeling was getting stronger. She felt the Shikon around her neck respond eagerly to it. She had walked around the main lobby, trying to find the source. It led her here before disappearing; her quest to finding a book on ancient things for Souta was long forgotten.

Miaka shrugged, not noticing the intense look on her friend's face, "Suit yourself." She searched her pockets briefly and pulled out a coin before dropping it accidentally on the floor. Leaving her bag on the ground for a second, she bent down to get it. Then she heard flapping noises from behind her. Turning just in time to see a bright red bird before it was gone. Shaking her head, she looked to where she knew Kagome was leaning on to ask if there was really a bird there or was it just her imagination but, she was no longer there. Turning around, Miaka caught sight of her running down the hallway where she thought she saw that weird bird. Curious, she followed and found a room that was labeled for civilians to Keep Out. If it wasn't for Kagome's sake, she wouldn't bother going in the dusty room but since it was, she opened the door carefully only to find her friend in the middle of a frantic search.

"Kagome, what are you doing?" Her question ignored, Kagome slowly walked backwards towards Miaka just in case something bad was going to happen. The brunette was starting to freak out due to her behavior. When the door opened again, Miaka jumped and looked behind her only to see a confused Yui.

The blonde frowned and whispered harshly, "What are you guys doing here?"

Kagome was still scanning the area since that feeling just became stronger. Miaka explained that there was a bird in the library and that Kagome just ran into this room, searching for something. Yui scowled and said it was a ridiculous notion that birds would be in the National Library, let alone in the Restricted Section.

Kagome just shushed them and listened. It was quiet for a while before...


A book fell to the ground and Kagome neared it cautiously. The other two were right behind her. Lifting the book Kagome leafed through it. Miaka peered over her shoulder and said, "Hey! That's an ancient Chinese book." Then Yui and Kagome started reading, "Universe of the Four Gods."

Miaka raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know you could read ancient Chinese." Kagome and Yui only let out a sigh. What Miaka said only showed them that she hadn't been studying in their class. But then again, what else is new? Ignoring her they continued to read about a girl who made her dreams come true single-handedly and who was able to grant her wishes. They also read out loud that this book was an incantation the moment the first page is turned.

Yui and Miaka looked at each other both wondering what it meant, but Kagome's attention remained focused on the book as if memorizing the text. Then, suddenly, a bright red light engulfed the three of them. A phoenix appeared, as if guiding them and Kagome and Miaka recognized it from the library. It led them into a vortex filled with...stars? It was like they were going through space and into another universe. Which they were.

Kagome and the others then found themselves in a desert like environment.

"Where are we?" asked Miaka as she looked around.

"In ancient China..." concluded Kagome. She felt for the Shikon and let out a relieved sigh as it was still hanging around her neck. It seemed to have piped down ever since she touched that Chinese book. Yui and Miaka looked at her questioningly, "Ancient...China?" Yui asked not believing what her friend just said.

Kagome resisted the urge to roll her eyes at their clueless expressions. She can't blame them. This is the first time they've been sucked into something. She however, was pulled into an enchanted well and was able to travel back and forth and face demons and creatures of great evil. Kagome did know for a fact that they aren't going to be traveling in and out of this book though. She noted as there was nothing to transport them back. Sighing, she explained her earlier statement, "That book was written in ancient Chinese, right? It means we've been transported into it."

"How can you remain calm through all this?" cried Miaka. She and Yui were weirded out but why is Kagome so damn calm!?

"It won't do us any good if we all panic." Kagome was tempted to tell her that she has been through almost the same thing but refrained from alarming them even more than they already were. She looked to see if there was any sign of civilization while Yui, wide-eyed, went closer to Miaka and elbowed her hard on the head, "Hey, does this hurt?" Miaka countered her with a powerful punch, sending Yui flying, "Yes, it does! Now cut it out!" Standing up, Yui rubbed her head and said, "Ow...This hurts too much to be a dream..." Kagome turned to face them with an irritated look on her face. She was serious this time.

"This is no dream! Get a-" Kagome's eyes widened when she felt someone coming. She was about to tell the girls to run when a group of men, around twenty or so, surrounded them. Kagome cursed herself for not sensing them sooner. Apparently, she needed more training.

Miaka and Yui were a few feet away from her and Yui was being held around her neck. Miaka asked stupidly, "Are you guys ancient Chinese acrobats?" Kagome and Yui sweat- dropped. The leader of these men probably had no sense of humor since he blew up, "We are NOT acrobats, we're human slave traders, girl! And you and you're friends are coming with us. We'll catch a fair price just with your clothes."

"Hey, boss! That black-haired one, do we have to sell her?" One of the men smirked as they eyed Kagome hungrily. Kagome tried so hard not to gag. Miaka only looked at him, slowly processing everything, "Human...slave..."

"Miaka!" cried Yui. This was no time for the girl to play stupid! This only caused the man holding her to tighten his grip.

"Hurt them and you will pay." Kagome was now in front of Miaka. Yui was on her right with the man behind her, still holding the blonde in place. Miaka looked at her friend and was shocked to see such an intense expression on her face. Usually, Kagome was always so gentle and sweet but now, anyone with half a brain would cower at the angry flashes of her eyes.

Miaka snapped out of it and thought it was her chance to help Yui. She ran towards the man holding her and elbowed the guy's chin. She didn't hear Kagome's protests and tried to head-butt the next one but there was just too many of them that they threw her on the ground and grabbed her by the hair.

"Hey! That hurts!" cried the brunette. They only tugged harder. Yui tried to go to Miaka but her wrists were grabbed by another man, once again rendering her helpless.

Kagome heard the whimpering of her friends. Eyes narrowing dangerously, she started to punch one in the gut and then kick the other behind her where it counts. Then she raised her other foot and landed a round-house kick on another one. Her brown skirt was flying but she was too preoccupied by the increasing number of those attacking her.

A small smirk graced her lips. She had always held the record for the most helpless in the battlefield. It wasn't until the last few months of her time-travelling did Kagome finally learn how to fight… but not killing them made it harder. She was taught not to be so kind in fights, especially if she was outnumbered, but Kagome was Kagome. She couldn't help it. Sure, she could purify demons, but even that made her heart heavy, what more these mere humans.

She noticed that some of the men she had knocked unconscious were starting to wake up. If this keeps up-

A man suddenly grabbed her neck and slammed her against a dried up tree. She could hear the others laughing and cursing at her. She lifted her hands to try and pry his grimy hands off, but he only tightened his grip. Kagome tried to kick him, but her dwindling air supply made it difficult to concentrate.

She prepared to land a kick where it counts when the hand that was suffocating her was suddenly ripped from her throat making her fall to the ground, coughing. Looking up, she saw another male with his back to her. Apparently, he had flung her offender a few feet away and was now standing between her and a couple of angry slave traders. Gritting her teeth, Kagome pushed her confusion and curiosity aside and made a mad dash for Miaka and Yui who were still being restrained. Just as she dismissed the thought of her savior completely, she heard him say something about this being fun before he plunged in fist first into a fierce brawl.

The two other girls were just as stunned as their captors. The latter inched them slowly away from the commotion in fear. This, however, was a futile attempt as Kagome threw herself at them, sending the five of them rolling on the ground. During their fall, the two men lost their hold on Miaka and Yui. The blonde was the first to recover as she quickly grabbed Miaka's wrist and retreated to a safe spot.

Kagome mentally commended Yui for her vigilance and proceeded to knock the males unconscious.

Getting back on her feet, Kagome looked around to see that strange boy toying with the few remaining bandits—dancing around them. Rolling her eyes, Kagome picked up a few stones, took aim.

She watched the boy blink confusion as his opponents fell down one by one. Kagome grinned triumphantly. Sometimes being an archer had its perks. When the boy looked at her, her eyes widened slightly as she caught a glimpse of the symbol on his forehead, before she was tackled by two frantic schoolgirls.

They had watched the whole thing and were surprised by two things—one Kagome can seriously kick ass and two, the man who helped their friend had a glowing 'ogre' kanji symbol on his forehead…

They showered her with questions like 'Are you all right?', 'Where'd you learn how to do that?', 'How can you stand letting your skirt lift up like that?', etc. Kagome laughed nervously, before glancing at the boy. He had his hands tucked behind his head casually staring at them.

Kagome brushed off her friends' questions and approached him with the girls staying close behind her. She bowed slightly, the others following suit. Kagome extended a hand, smiling cautiously, "Thank you for your assistance." If it wasn't for him then she would've been forced to use her energy and then she'd have to explain more than she needed to. Yui nodded to him hesitantly while Miaka quickly got over her tentativeness and grinned brightly, "Yeah! Thanks, mister!"

Up close, Miaka noted that he was easy on the eyes. He had long dark hair tied from the base of his neck all the way down to his lower back. His greyish blue eyes were quite mesmerizing, too. Surely someone that handsome wasn't a bad person. He did help them after all.

The boy raised a slender eyebrow, "Huh? I didn't do it for free, you know. Now, pay up." He reached out his hand expectantly. The three girls only blinked, not moving. The boy sighed and scratched his head, "Oh man, don't tell me I rescued some penniless girls for nadda. Ah, well, see you later, poor people." And he walked away waving his hand. Kagome sweat-dropped. For some reason, he reminded her of Miroku. Only, Miroku had more finesse and was more "gallant" when it came to women. Kagome's hand instinctively placed itself above the spot where the Shikon was hidden.

Yui fumed while Miaka rummaged through her pocket for some money even if the boy was already nowhere in sight.

Perhaps, it was the frustration that was at fault, but the usually calm Yui had the sudden urge to follow that strange man and give him a piece of her mind.

"Leave him alone, Yui. It's enough that he didn't forcefully ask us to give him mone-"

"She's already gone, Kagome."

Looking around, Yui was, indeed, nowhere to be found. Turning to Miaka, Kagome scowled, "Why didn't you tell me sooner," the miko didn't wait for a reply and began walking away, "Come on, we've got to catch up to her. It's dangerous enough as it is."

Cursing under her breath, she urged Miaka to follow her and regroup with their blonde friend. Being separated was a bad idea, especially in such a foreign land. Who knows what's lurking out there.


Yui was livid as she followed the boy to try and knock some sense into him when a bright light surrounded her again. She recognized that it was the same light they saw in the library. Looking back to where her friends were, she disappeared and was transported back to the library. It was still dusty and dark and the same as before meaning they were gone for only a while. She ran through some columns of books before finding the same ancient Chinese book, The Universe of the Four Gods, on the floor. She read through it and realized that everything that happened to them was real. She continued reading. Apparently, Kagome and Miaka were riding on a hay cart trying to find that mysterious boy and ask where he took their friend.

In the book…

Kagome and Miaka were indeed taking a hay-ride to town while listening to the murmurs of the people who were staring at them.

"Who are those girls?"

"What strange clothes..."

"That black-haired one is pretty…"

"Why are they looking at us like that?" asked Miaka as she folded her arms behind her head looked at the whispering crowd. Kagome did the same and closed her eyes for moment before opening them again and replying in a hushed tone, "Maybe it's because they aren't used to a couple of students from modern Japan riding a hay cart in ancient China." Sarcasm laced her voice but Miaka failed to notice it, "I guess…"

Shaking her head, Kagome looked at the passing scenery and noticed that they have come to town and she immediately spotted the boy walking through the crowds. Nudging Miaka, she jumped off of the cart and waited for her friend to do the same. After both of them got off, they thanked the driver who was only confused and ran straight into the crowd. Not really grasping the situation, Miaka asked, "What's wrong, Kagome? Why'd we get off here?"

Kagome pulled her through the crowd and said, "I found him. Come on." Realizing what her friend just said, Miaka quickened her pace and searched through the throng. She was, however, distracted by the liveliness of the townspeople, the passing entertainment group, by the smell of steamed buns, and the rumbling of her stomach. 'I knew I should've eaten breakfast!' Pulling a protesting Kagome, they came to a stand that sold the buns and some other food. Miaka began drooling while Kagome rubbed the bridge of her nose in irritation.

"Hey, miss don't drool on the merchandise and buy some!" Came the cheerful voice of the vendor. The brunette nodded merrily. Pulling out some money, Miaka bought a bun and started gobbling it up. Sighing Kagome asked if the man has seen a good-looking boy with blue eyes and an occasional 'ogre' symbol on his forehead.

"'Ogre symbol', eh? I don't know about that but there is a good-looking guy right here!" the salesman pointed to himself and grinned. He was old and ugly. Kagome mentally cringed, but bowed politely to the man before leaving with her friend. The man shrugged and eyed the money he had been given.

"Hey, what kind of money is this!? Come back here!" Kagome 'eeped' and ran with Miaka. Miaka called back, "That's Japan money! And thank you for the bun!" before disappearing back into the crowd. They continued asking people if they've seen the boy but all the answers they've got were negative. Miaka sat down on a few boxes at the edge of the street and Kagome leaned on the wall. They sighed.

"Now what are we going to do?" asked an exasperated Miaka. Kagome remained silent and decided to think. She was trying to come up with a different approach when someone came up to them, "Hello, ladies. I heard you, two, were looking for someone with an ogre symbol on his forehead." Miaka perked up and looked at him. He had dirty blonde hair and his face wasn't anything special. He looked decent enough to the brunette.

"Yes! Do you know him?"

The man smiled, "Yeah, he's a friend of mine! Why don't you come with me and I'll take you to him." He flashed them another smile and Miaka had this stupid idea of him hitting on her but was cut out of her reverie by Kagome's response.

"No thank you, we'll find him on our own, sir. Come on Miaka." She started to walk away but her friend grabbed her hand and said, "What do you mean 'no'? This guy knows him and it'll be much faster if had help. Besides, we'll be able to find Yui sooner. Please?" Kagome looked at Miaka and at the man, who grinned back at her, then back at Miaka who mustered up the biggest puppy-dog eyes. Sighing, Kagome hesitantly nodded and let the stranger lead the way. She did not let her guard down and kept a wary eye on the guy. When he began leading them down an alley, Kagome instantly knew that he was trouble. The priestess kept her senses on high alert, but let things play out first. She wanted Miaka to learn a thing or two about trusting strangers so readily…


The boy they were looking for sat in a tavern while picking his teeth with a toothpick. He listened to the rumor going around about two strangely dressed girls who seemed to be looking for him. Curious, he stood up and went to the table of the men who were talking about them asking,

"Excuse me."

"What is it, bro?"

"These girls you were talking about did they have another one with them?"

"I'm not really sure but the man who sold them a bun said that there were only two of them."

"Oh, thanks." Guess it's not them after all...he thought and walked out of the tavern.

Kagome and Miaka…

"Are you sure your friend's here?" asked a now anxious Miaka. Kagome had her arms crossed and her eyes closed. She was expecting for some more gangs to show up. Feeling multiple presences moving around in the dark, Kagome happily noted that these guys were a little weaker and considerably fewer than those slave traders they met outside the city. Nodding to herself, Kagome locked her eyes on their 'guide' who suddenly stopped walking.

The man smirked and a few more men came out of the huge crack on the wall. They were snickering as they circled the girls like some vultures. They eyed Miaka before settling on Kagome who now had a bored look on her face and a hand on her hip. The former backed up until she was next to her friend.

"See? I told you," taunted Kagome.

"All right I'm sorry! Now what do we do?"

"Hehehe. These are dressed stranger than the usual ones," quipped of one of them.

"Yeah, their clothes alone could set us up for months," replied the one who brought them there.

"But first, we have to test the merchandise," All eight started chuckling evilly and advanced towards the girls.

Kagome narrowed her eyes and let her body fall into position. Miaka, however, had different plans, "Ne, Kagome, we aren't in school and this won't be on my permanent record! How about I handle these guys? I did watch all those pro-wrestling shows, after all!"

Before Kagome could protest, Miaka had already removed her outer uniform and handed it to her. The brunette raised the sleeve of her left arm and showed six vaccination scars before yelling different wrestling attacks and charging at the men. Some were amazed since they are not familiar with that kind of 'martial-arts'.

After bringing them all down, she looked at Kagome with a smile, "Hehehe." The raven-haired beauty did not smile back. Instead, she tossed Miaka's uniform back to her and nodded in the direction of the gang members who were getting up and looking angry.

"Uh-oh." Miaka instinctively moved closer to Kagome.

"'Uh-oh' indeed. Get behind me and don't do anything stupid."


Kagome ignored her leaving Miaka to do as she was told. Kagome mustered her scariest glare and inwardly applauded herself when she saw them start to cower. But, of course, it wasn't be so simple. They quickly composed themselves and slowly advancing on her.

"Oh? Too bad you didn't run away," her voice was laced with a seriousness that made Miaka want to duck and cover.

"Why you-! Come on, men!" They were all coming for her when a pebble was thrown at their leader. Even Kagome was mildly surprised. Searching for the source, the priestess noticed someone standing on the wall behind them. It was the boy they were looking for.

"Eight guys against two girls? And you call yourself men." He jumped down and stood beside Kagome.

He was cracking his knuckles threateningly when Kagome shoved her friend towards the boy, "Protect Miaka."

He was about to protest, but she had already delivered an uppercut to the first one that came near her. Next she sent a series of kicks and head-butts and elbow hits. Taking out seven of them, she searched for the last one only to see him being kicked in the face by that boy.

Nearing them, Kagome lifted her hand to her neck and made sure that the Shikon was still there, and it was, thankfully. Glancing at the boy who was helping Miaka stand, she asked, "Who are you?" The youth smiled at her, "I'm Tamahome. And you are?"

"Kagome and that's Miaka. The one that was with us before was Yui. Have you seen her?" Before the boy could answer Miaka interrupted, "Kagome! He took Yui, we already know that so why are you exchanging pleasantries with him? He might just be one of those guys who keep attacking us."

Kagome gave her a dead-pan expression, "Miaka, how can he be an enemy if he has come to our aid two times in a row? Besides, I told you that you shouldn't assume such things until we have enough evidence." Turning to Tamahome, she gave him a nod to continue. Miaka sulked and 'huffed' before crossing her arms.

"No, I thought she was with you," shrugged Tamahome.

Sighing, Kagome thanked him and leaned on a wall and tried to think of some other possibilities. There was no one else aside from her, Miaka, Tamahome, and those unconscious bandits before… 'She must've been transported back into the library...It is the only explanation…'


Read and Review pls! Sorry for any errors! ^-^