Amy lay down in the grass and looked up at the sky. So many twinkling stars. They had been there for eons; undoubtedly there were some that had been there at the beginning of time. How was it possible that some of these stars had looked upon the likes of the greats; Shakespeare, Caesar, Jane Austen, George Washington, Leonardo DaVinci, all these people who had lived centuries in the past. The stars had witnessed some of the greatest events in history. And now they were watching Amy. A plain young girl whose only "great" act was searching for clues.

Had some of these famous, great people searched for the Clues as well? Maybe. And this thought was mind-boggling. Some of the best people in history were her relatives. And the stars had looked down and seen them. Surely those sparkling little dots were full of excellent stories, the real stories, and no one ever was to hear them.

But perhaps, if she listened hard enough, they would confide in her a tale of one of these greats. A tale that was unknown to the rest of the world.



Gee, that was probably my first oneshot that wasn't about random weirdness. It was still really bad, though. Maybe someday I'll elaborate on it, revise, you know. But I don't feel like it now, so, uh, yeah. It was short, sorry. I wrote it in 9 minutes. Hope you liked it.