Oh my God! Final chapter! Yes, yes, yes! Anyway, I'm sorry if you think I took too long to post this chapter, it's just that, like I said, school has started for me, and I was drowned in a deep ocean of homework for my Biology class. And in this chapter will have a flashback, a lighter one this time. It was supposed to be funny, but I doubt it was. So, OMIGOD, final chapter. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Gossip Girl (SHOCKER!)
"All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand."
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Blair opened her eyes, shifted slightly, and felt two arms wrapped around her, and realized that her head was rested on someone's chest. Feeling slightly sore, she suddenly remembered the events of the previous night. She looked up and saw Chuck smiling at her.
"Hey," he said softly.
"Hi," she replied, smiling back at him. "Chuck...last night was...amazing."
"You were amazing," he told her.
Her heart melted. "Really?"
He leaned in and kissed her softly. "Really," he whispered.
She blushed. "Were you just lying here, watching me sleep?" He nodded. "Why didn't you wake me?"
"Didn't wanna disturb you," he said.
She smirked. "Since when is Chuck Bass kind enough to do that?"
"Since he fell in love with you," he replied, making her heart melt again. "I love you."
"I love you too," she said, and kissed him. When they broke apart, she couldn't resist asking, "For how long?"
Chuck thought for a while. "Ten years," he replied, surprising her a bit.
"Ten years?" She repeated. "Nate told me it was only six or seven."
He lifted a shoulder. "Like I said before, Archibald can be an idiot sometimes."
She chuckled. They just lied there in comfortable silence, looking at each other, when Chuck asked her something, "How long were you in love with me?"
"I-I really don't know..." she said. "I just realized a few days ago."
"How long ago was 'a few days ago'?" he asked.
"Sometime after I found out you had feelings for me," she explained. "I was about to tell you at the airport, but then..." she trailed off, not wanting to re-live the moment she saw him with a blonde whore.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I had no idea..."
She nodded. "It's okay."
But it's as if he hadn't heard what she just said. "I-Is that why you...you know...?"
She nodded, a little more sadly this time. "It won't happen again," she said reassuringly, putting a hand on his cheek. "I-If it does, I'll tell you, I promise."
It was his turn to nod, and he took the hand that was on his cheek and kissed it softly. Then he noticed a silver chain around her neck. She was wearing the necklace. He smiled. "You're wearing it," he said.
Blair looked at what he was looking at and put her hand on the pendant. "Yeah, all the time," she said. He kissed her forehead.
A few moments of silence passed, when a memory popped into Blair's head.
Chuck walked inside a twelve-year old Blair's bedroom, with a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Why are you so happy?" she asked, her eyebrows raised at him.
He didn't answer, the smirk never leaving his face, and suddenly Blair understood, wearing a look of disgust on her face as she stood up from her bed. "You didn't..." He still didn't answer, and the answer occurred to Blair: he had lost his virginity. "Oh, God! W-With whom?"
"Georgina Sparks," he said. Unfortunately for him, Blair absolutely hated Georgina Sparks.
"AAAHH!" She screamed, running away from him as fast as she could, exiting her bedroom and going down the stairs quickly. Quite amused, Chuck followed her downstairs. "Get back!" she shrieked. But he didn't listen. With the smirk still on his face, he slowly approached her. "I swear, Bass, if you take one step closer to me, I will-"
"You'll what?" he asked.
She gave him an evil smirk, one that scared him. And Chuck Bass never gets scared. "Dorota! Get the Lysol!"
Chuck hated the smell of Lysol and it was time for Blair to take advantage of that. Dorota appeared, making Chuck and Blair look at her, standing around twelve feet away from them, holding a can of Lysol.
Chuck turned to Blair. "You wouldn't," he said.
"Oh yes I would," she replied, feeling like some sort of bad-ass movie star.
"Go long, Ms. Blair!" Dorota said before throwing the can in to Blair's direction.
It was like one of those cheesy moments in a movie, wherein the frames would go in slow motion, and some kind of music would play in the background just because someone jumped for joy in the air. In this case, it was the can of Lysol.
Blair caught it, eternally grateful that her best friend wasn't athletic, otherwise, he would've caught it, and she would've never got to spray him. Once the can landed on her hand, she smiled at him evilly and sprayed him without any hesitation whatsoever.
Blair laughed. "What are you thinking about?" Chuck asked.
"The time you came here and told me you just lost your virginity to Whore-Gina." She said, still laughing. He rolled his eyes and smirked. "And then I sprayed you with Lysol."
He laughed with her. When the laughter ceased, Blair's phone rang. She reached for it on the night stand and opened the text. It was from Serena.
Hey B! I'm sorry about last night. Wanna go out for breakfast? Meet me in about an hour.
"Serena?" he asked.
She nodded. "She wants to go out for breakfast," she said, slowly getting up. "I need to get ready."
Chuck groaned, pulling her back next to him. Blair rolled her eyes and smiled. "Chuck, as much as I'd love to stay, I really have to go see her. I'll be back."
He sighed. "Fine."
"Oh, Bass, don't be like that, and, I promise I'll make it up to you..." She said seductively.
"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" he asked, just as seductively as she did.
She smirked at him. "You'll see," she said, getting up again and walking to her bathroom to take a quick bath and get dressed, leaving Chuck lying on her bed, more amazed with her than he's ever been before.
Serena was at the restaurant, waiting and waiting and waiting. She may have only been doing so for fifteen minutes, but even so, for Blair Waldorf, this was beyond fashionably late. What if she was too mad to see her? What if things with Chuck had gotten worse? It could have, since Serena could've killed herself when she left Blair's penthouse the previous night and saw Chuck when she turned around, knowing perfectly well that he overheard their argument. But then again, someone had to let him know how Blair felt about him, right? The only problem is, did he let Blair know how he felt about her?
Five more minutes passed until Blair finally arrived at the restaurant. Serena was quite surprised when she got there, because she had a smile on her face that Serena hadn't seen in ages, and luckily for her, it wasn't a fake one, it was absolutely genuine. She almost looked like she was glowing.
"Hi," Blair greeted as Serena stood up to hug her.
"B," Serena said, happy to see a change in her friend's mood. "So...you're kinda...late," she said when they sat down.
"Yeah, well...didn't sleep well last night," she told her.
But Serena sensed it was a lie, still, she nodded anyway. "So, what happened? You're practically glowing."
"Really?" Blair asked, still lying. "I guess I must've put too much blush on..."
Serena rolled her eyes. "B, what happened? Is this about Chuck?"
"No, it isn't," Blair replied, a little too quickly to say the least.
"Then what is it about then?"
"Nothing! I just...had a really good dream last night."
Mm Hmm. Yeah, right. Serena had a feeling that it was more than just a dream, and knowing that she wouldn't be able to get the truth out of her, remained silent until someone decided to change the subject.
And so they talked and talked and talked. When breakfast was over, Blair left in a hurry, and Serena, nosy as she was, couldn't help but know that something was up.
"Bass! I'm home!" she called out when she got to her penthouse. But something was different. Everything was different. She put down her purse and gasped. The lights were dimmed, and there were red and white rose petals gracefully scattered on the floor and on the furniture. Beautiful music was playing on a phonograph, and there was a champagne bottle with two flutes beside it on the coffee table. And then he appeared, walking down the staircase, smirking at her slightly, dressed in a classic black Armani with a white dress shirt, looking way too handsome for words.
"Chuck...this is..." she said, looking around, unable to find words.
"Like it?" he asked, walking towards her.
"I love it," she breathed. He was already in front of her, still smirking, but at the same time, he had that sincere look in his eyes.
He put a hand on her waist and clasped the other with hers. "Dance with me," he said. She smiled, quite taken away by his charm. And they danced. Well, it wasn't really dancing; they were just holding each other and swaying to the slow beat of the music, Chuck occasionally spinning her around.
Blair hadn't remembered how Chuck had gotten better at this then the last time they swayed together like this, and yet, here he was, practically carrying the grace of Fred Astaire himself. She rested her head on his chest and sighed. She could definitely get used to this.
Nate, Dan, Jenny and Eric watched as Serena paced in front of them.
"She's hiding something from me...I know she is..." Serena said, as she paced back and forth. "But what is it?"
"Look, maybe you should just wait until she's ready to tell you," Nate suggested.
"Yes, but that could take forever!" Serena cried, flinging her hands in the air. "I want to know now!"
Oohh, boy. And before any of them could say anything else, Serena took off, and they had nothing else to do but to follow her.
Blair and Chuck were still swaying to the music, Blair's forehead pressed against his. And before they knew it, they were kissing. Blair wrapped her arms around his neck, while he wrapped his around her waist. As the kiss grew deeper, Chuck pushed her gently so that her back landed on the couch, and he placed himself on top of her and continued their make-out session. Both were so engrossed with their make-out session that neither of them seemed to notice the elevator bell ring.
It was when they heard footsteps that they noticed they weren't alone. Then they heard someone gasp. "Oh My God!" It was Serena.
They broke the kiss, and Chuck, shocked, lost his balance and fell off the couch, his back slamming against the marble floor. Ouch.
"So this is why you were so happy," Serena said, still a little shocked. And Chuck and Blair saw that she wasn't alone; Nate, Dan, Jenny and Eric were right behind them.
"Well, congratulations," Nate said, and then he turned to Dan. "You owe me five bucks."
Dan sighed in defeat and pulled out a five dollar bill from his pocket. "Here," he said, handing it to Nate.
Blair rolled her eyes as Chuck got up. "You placed bets on us?"
"Just Dan and Nate," Eric said.
"Yeah, I mean, we kinda saw this coming, so I guess I'm not really surprised," Jenny told her.
"She's right," Nate said. "It's about time you two got together."
It's true. For most of their high school years, Nate and Serena had kept hinting to Chuck and Blair about their feelings for each other, unfortunately, at the time, they just let those comments roll of their backs. The whole school thought they were a couple, even Gossip Girl thought so.
"Well, as much as I resent the fact that you guys placed bets on us, I couldn't agree more," Blair replied and she stood up.
Serena took a few steps closer to her so that she and Blair were face to face. "Tell me everything," she said excitedly.
Blair gave another roll of her eyes and smiled. "Fine," she said before Serena squealed, and Blair dragged her to somewhere they could talk privately.
As Chuck dusted off some dirt from his suit, he noticed Dan smiling a little. "What are you so happy about?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.
Dan shook his head a little before replying, "And to think, you two wouldn't be together if it weren't for the slip of my mouth."
Jenny came up behind him and patted him on the back. "Well, at least you finally did something right," she said, and she headed off with him to talk to Nate and Eric.
Chuck looked around for Blair, and saw her in a corner with Serena, both of them giggling while glancing at him.
A few hours later, the group was still together, Nate, Serena, Chuck and Blair crouched on the couch, while Jenny sat on the sofa with Eric and Dan. The room was filled with laughter, giggles, and small talk. But Blair enjoyed it. She let her head rest on Chuck's shoulder and smiled as he held her tighter.
Later, the other members of the group had to leave, and they all stood up to hug each other. Jenny and Eric left first, then Nate and Serena were about to leave, Dan following them. But right before Dan was out of sight, Blair called out his name.
"Wait, Humphrey!"
Dan turned around, quite surprised, and he walked towards Blair and Chuck. "What is it?"
She hesitated a little. "So, I guess, if it weren't for you, none of this would have ever happened, so...thank you, Humphrey." And she smiled at him, not a fake one, like the one she usually gave him, but a real one.
Chuck smiled at him as well. "She's right," he said. "Thank you, Humphrey. It means a lot."
And that's when Dan just knew that the pair right in front of him was truly made for each other. He smiled back at them. "You're welcome." And with that, he left.
Chuck turned to Blair once the elevator doors closed. "So, where were we?" he asked, wearing that devilish look in his eyes, the smirk on his face and the seductive tone in his voice, Blair wasn't able to speak. Instead, she just kissed him.
She sighed against his lips, and realized that everything she had gone through was just part of it, disappointments come to test you, and that maybe, everyone needed a breakdown once in a while. Life isn't perfect.
But right now, it could've fooled her.
Omigod. I can't believe it, I'm finally finished. So what did you guys think? Love it? Hate it? All you have to do is leave a review.
Thank you to every single person that reviewed this story. Like I've said before, I'm very grateful. And, thank you to my best friend, and fellow Chair fan, Trixie, who instantly fell in love with this story from the very beginning and helped me with writing it.
And, you may or may not know, but I'm currently working on a new story, entitled, "Right In Front Of You". If you want to find out more about it, visit my profile.
Once again, thank you, everyone! I've had so much fun writing this story.
Until my next story,