A/N: Okay, not my favourite chapter, but I did update :) Sorry it's been so long. Summer School :/ Stupid Math. Anyways. I'm skipping on doing homework so I could write this chapter, so yeah. R&R ;)
:The "After Last" Chapter: And You Made The Shape Of My Heart With Your Hands
"I watch the night turn light blue. But it's not the same without you, Because it takes two to whisper quietly, The silence isn't so bad, Till I look at my hands and feel sad, 'Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly..." ~Ü•~Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
The car hit a dip in the road and my head bounced against the window with a painful thud. I winced and my eyes drowsily snapped open and the sounds of Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind and John's singing filled the air around me. My hand rubbed the side of my head where a small bump had started to form and I unfolded my legs, streatching them out in front of me under the dashboard.
"Oh good. You're up." John stopped singing and turned to smile at me from the driver's seat of my Ferrari.
"How long was I asleep?" I yawned, sliding farther into the back of the leather seat.
"We're almost back in Phoenix, so I'd say a good five maybe six hours." He said. "Hungry?" I shook my head and turned down the radio, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
"I can get something when we get home." I said, hugging John's hoodie closer to my chest.
"Home." John reapeated. "That reminds me. Have you thought about moving in with me yet?" I yawned again and shrugged.
"I don't know." I sighed, leaning my head back against the window and turning on my side. "My agent called me yesterday, and says I have to go back to Los Angeles in a few weeks or so."
"That soon?" John asked. I nodded and felt my eyes start to close again. "Hey, I told Kennedy that we'd stop by at his place for an hour or two, you don't mind, right?"
"No. It's fine. Teagen have her kid yet?" I asked.
"Yeah, while we were in California. Twins." John said. "Sierra and Mitchell."
"Awh," I smiled. "That's awesome."
"Yeah," John sighed. "I was wondering... Would you ever-?"
"John! Watch out!" I yelled, latching onto the steering wheel and swerving away from another car that honked its horn loudly at us.
"Sorry!" John breathed at the closed window and stared intently out the windshield.
"Yeah, so what were you saying?" I asked, looking up at him. "Would I ever what?"
"Nothing. Nevermind." He pulled down the next street and took another turn towards Kennedy and Teagen's two story house.
"You sure?" I asked as he shut off the car.
"Yeah," He nodded and threw open his door and waited until I got out to start towards the door. He held out his hand and I reached out to grab it. I looked down at my mid thigh lenght peach coloured strapless bubble dress, black gladiator sandals, and John's black hoodie I still had on from the beach in California.
"I kind of wish I had time to change first." I sighed, brushing off loose sand from my lap.
"You look beautiful." John smiled, throwing his arm around my shoulders and pecking me on the lips. I giggled and hugged his waist.
"John!" Teagen squealed from the doorway. "Caty!" She hopped down the steps and ran over towards us, pulling us into a group hug. "You guys look great! I've missed you so much! You should see the kids, too. They're getting so big!" Teagen didn't take breaths between sentences so her sentences slurred together and it was hard to make out what she was saying. "And Sierra's already talking, and she's only at eight months." The biggest smile was platered on Teagen's face and it made it hard not to laugh.
"Oh, Lord, Teagen. I've missed you!" I laughed, hugging her. Almost a year in California with John seemed to go by so quick, and I hadn't realized how much I'd missed Teagen.
"How long are you staying?" Teagen asked me and I shrugged.
"I have in interview back in Dallas tomorrow, but I'm only staying for a day or so, then I'm here for a couple more weeks." I said. Teagen stuck out her bottom lip and pouted. I followed her inside and John went to go talk to Kennedy and Pat. Teagen grabbed my wrist and pulled me upstairs.
"Sierra, sweetie?" Teagen still held my wrist as she pushed open a white door.
"Mommy! Mitchell took my Barbie and threw it out the window!" The little girl with short chestnut hair and hazel eyes whined.
"Awh. I'm sorry, baby. I'll have daddy go and get it for you." Teagen smiled down at the little girl and turned to me. "Told you she was talking. It's crazy! She's speaking in complete sentences and everything!" I looked over a the small boy in the corner who looked identical to Kennedy except for his large baby blue eyes which were locked on me. "Mitchell hasn't said anything yet, though. I'm ready to take him to those talking classes thing, but Sierra's just an early talker, so I guess it's too soon. He just doesn't talk or cry, or anything. Sierra broke his new remote control car and he just walked away towards Kenney." She sighed. "Didn't say a word." She pulled the door closed and we walked back downstairs.
"Grant and Charlie's boy Cameron is almost seven and still hasn't said a word yet. So I'd wait awhile and see what happens." I said.
"Yeah, I guess." Teagen pulled out her phone and checked the time. "Well, hey. You have a flight to catch, and I have to go rescue a Barbie. I'll see you in a day or two? I'm throwing a party for you,you better be here."
"I will." I smiled and moved towards the front door. "John! Let's go!"
"Coming." John called from the front room.
I pulled out my cell phone and sighed. It was already seven. Where was Caleb? I dropped my phone back into my pocket and turned to walk back towards my Tahoe when I heard my name.
"Kyle?" I turned to see Caty standing in front of an H&M next to the theater looking as gorgeous as ever.
"Caty." I smiled, walking over towards her. "What are you doing here?" I asked, pulling her into a hug.
"I had an interview earlier, but I'm leaving tomorrow. What are you up to?" She smiled.
"I was going to catch a movie with Caleb, but he didn't show." I rolled my eyes.
"Would you see one with me?" She arched an eyebrow and I nodded quickly.
"Totally." I smiled and she hiked her oversized Coach bag farther up her shoulder and grabbed my hand and ran towards the ticket counter. We bought two tickets and she dragged me inside and bought popcorn and some candy.
"So how have you been?" She asked as we walked towards the theater.
"Not bad. The band thing's working out great, so I guess that's good. What about you? How was your interview?" I asked, pushing my lips together as she peeled off her black hoodie to reveal a small strapless dress.
"It was alright. They ask retared questions, but whatever." She smiled, rolling her eyes slightly and stealing a handful of popcorn as we entered the theater. We slipped into two empty seats.
A half hour into the movie, I found myself looking more at Caty then thte screen. She had polished off the popcorn before the commercials were over and now she was looking intently at the screen. I streatched my arms behind me and dropped it slowly around the back of her chiar. She didn't do anything so I inched closer. After two deep breaths, I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She started to kiss me back so I leaned in closer and held her. She pushed back panting.
"Kyle. I can't. I told you I had a boyfriend!" She breathed.
"I know. But he isn't here." I whined. "Caty, I miss you, and you're here. You told me you believed in fate, you don't think it was a conincidence that you and I were at the same place at the same time?" She was quiet.
"Maybe that was fate, but it doesn't change the fact that I have a boyfriend." She whispered.
"Caty, I told you before. I love you." I whispered and she turned away.
"Can we go outside or something. Please?" She whispered, tears implied in her voice. I reached out and held her hands in mine. I kissed her cheek and she pulled away and walked out of the theater. I ran out after her and she turned around and hugged me. "I'm so confused." She whispered into my shirt through tears.
"How about I take you home and you figure this out, okay babe?" I said, holding her and kissing her hair. She nodded and wiped away her tears with her fingers, pulling away from me.
"Yeah, thanks." She sniffed and I lead her towards my black Tahoe. She climbed into the front seat and I turned on the radio. "I just don't want to think anymore." She sighed as soon as I started the car. She leaned her head against my shoulder and we sat in the parking lot. "Do you have beer at your house?" I nodded and we pulled out of the parking lot and into my driveway in a matter of minutes. She walked inside and fell down on the couch. I pulled out two beers and handed her one.
"Thanks." She mumbled and took a sip. I flipped on the TV and we sat watching Terminator movie after Terminator movie until midnight and five beers later Caty was out of it. Her head was in my lap and she reached up and played with the ends of my hair.
"You have pretty hair." She smiled, holding my bangs between two of her fingers and flipping it back and forth. I pulled my head away and pushed my lips to hers. She giggled and kissed me back.
"You have a pretty face." I whispered. She laughed and put her palm on mine, measuring the difference of our hand sizes. I watched as she played with my fingers and traced the lines on my palm and then she scooted up onto my lap.
"I missed you Kyle." She sighed and leaned her head against my chest.
"I missed you, too." I said.
"You know what else I miss?" She asked, looking up at me.
"What?" I asked, my heart beat picking up slightly. She stood up and reached for the zipper on the back of her dress and let it fall to the floor so she stood in front of me in only her underwear. She pulled my to my feet too and pulled at the buckle on my belt. I caught her hand and she stared at my face, confusion plain in her eyes. I pulled her to the bedroom and closed the door behind us. I quickly unbuckled my belt and slid off my jeans and T-shirt as she reached for the clasp on her bra. She lost her balance and fell onto the queen sized matress and laughed. I fell down next to her and smiled.
"You have a pretty smile." She giggled. I put my finger to her lips.
"Shhhh," I said and she put her finger to my lips.
"Got it." And tugged off my boxers and climbed underneath the covers.
Caty was coming down the small staircase from the door of the jet, her blonde hair whipping around her and a big smile plastered on her face. She ran over to me and flew into my arms. I kissed her and she smiled.
"I missed you." I said.
"I was only gone for a day and a half, John." She giggled.
"Longest day and a half of my life." She rolled her eyes and I picked up her duffle bag and we walked towards her car. "So Teagen said to bring you straight to her house, but since I have run down to the venue, I thought we'd go get something to eat."
"Sounds good." She smiled as she crawleld into thte front seat. "When's the big show?"
"Three days." I sighed, pulling out of the parking lot.
"Sweet." She smiled as I drove into a Burger King. We ordered and then drove down to Teagen's. "So, I'm gone for a few days and now you're leaving me." She said between bites of her burger.
"I'll be counting down the minutes until I come back." I smiled and she rolled her eyes. "And when I come back, we can have some fun."
"Ooo, what kind of fun?" She asked.
"Well, there's that really cool The Killers concert tomorrow that I bought tickets for if you're up to it." I said and she gasped.
"No way. I'm in." I laughed.
"I thought so." I said as I pulled into Teagen's driveway.
As soon as Caty walked in, my heart jumped into my throat and my stomach did a summersault. She looked beautiful, as always and I felt my feet moving towards her before I knew what I was doing.
"Hey," I smiled.
"Hey, Stephen." She pulled me into a quick hug. "How are you? It's been way to long."
"I know, right?" I laughed, nervously. I don't know why I was nervous, I just was. Maybe it was the buzz from the Red Bull and Vodka I had earlier. "I'm good. Great actually. What about you? How was your interview?"
"It was good." She smiled and walked towards the kitchen. "Teagen here?"
"Upstairs with the twins." I said, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.
"The twins are here? While she's having a party with booze?" Caty arched an eyebrow and I shrugged. She laughed and dragged her finger across my chest and winked. "See you later." I nodded and watched as she made her way upstairs.
I had held it pretty well together until I ran upstairs to Teagen.
"Caty!" Teagen chirped quietly as she quietly closed the bedroom door. She threw her arms around my neck. "Hey, what's up?"
"I have to talk to you. Are the kids sleeping in there?" I gestured towards the door she had come out of.
"No, but-" I pushed open the door and took a slight step backwards when I saw John Gomez putting on a t-shirt.
"Sup, Cates." He smiled. My jaw dropped and I turned to Teagen who's eyes were glued to the floor.
"You didn't." I breathed.
"Don't tell Kenney, please! It's ruin everything!" She cried. I closed the door and stepped into the hallway with Teagen.
"I won't, but you guys are getting married! And John's still just a kid! I guess you're the wrong person to ask for help then, huh?" I smiled sadly and Teagen shrugged helplessly.
"What did you do?" She asked quietly. My smile fell off my face and I pulled Teagen off to the side.
"Sweet Jesus. God, I feel like such a slut, but I guess you can keep it a secret." I sighed, pushing my bangs out of my eyes.
"Caty. Tell me what happened." Teagen reached out and put a hand on my arm.
"I may have had drunk love with Kyle." I sighed. "And now I'm soberly flirting with Stephen."
"You what?" Teagen whispered. "Okay, well John and I didn't actually do it so I guess I'm still good, but you what?"
"I saw Kyle in Dallas and we caught a movie together and he told me he loved me and then we watched Terminator and had a few beers and... Why are you looking at me like that? You're supposed to be helping!"
"Terminator?" Teagen arched an eyebrow and I groaned.
"Not helping."
"Sorry! Sorry. Okay, well I'd say stay away from Stephen and Kyle, and don't tell John." Teagen smiled.
"Thanks." I rolled my eyes.
"You were flirting with me?" Stephen called from the head of the stairs. I winced.
"Eavesdropper!" Teagen called back.
"I'm sorry!" He lauged and smiled at me.
"What did you hear?" I demanded.
"Just that you were flirting with me." His smile grew and I groaned.
"That's it? You swear on your mother's life?" Teagen narrowed her eyes and he nodded. Teagen shrugged and pushed past him to get back downstairs. Stephen watched her leave and then turned back to me.
"Go away." I smiled and started to push past him. He reached out and grabbed my wrist.
"How do you know that that was all I heard?" He asked. I stopped and looked at him.
"It better be, or I'm going to beat the shit out of you." I growled and pulled my arm out of his grasp and went to get a beer.
"Can you keep a secret?" Caty smiled up to me from my lap.
"Maybe." I said. She giggled and slapped my thigh. She was somewhat tipsy, but everytime I reached for the zipper on her dress she would duck away so I had stopped trying.
"I skipped a period." She whispered.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm pregnant." She whispered, her fingers playing with my necklace.
"John's?" I asked. She shook her head and giggled. "Who's?" She put her finger to my lips.
"Shh! Don't tell anyone." She said. My head started spinning. She was pregnant? Who's kid? What? "Shhh." She said again and I watched as her eyes slowly started to close and she fell asleep.