.:Me Without You:.

Part one

Disclaimer: I do not own Full Metal Alchemist; if I did it would turn into a Romance kinda thing and it wouldn't the same amazing thrilling Anime that we all LOVE so much x3

Author Note:

Why not try writing a jealous Ed? I thought the other day.

And here you go another one shot for you lovebale readers to enjoy, the name is a song by (Ashley Tisdale) that I love so much ^^

Don't forget to leave a review !

Rays of orange light managed to made their way inside the room on the second floor of the Rockbell residence, Winry's bedroom, indicating the end of another long day, the sunset was a mix of orange and red, Winry blinked twice admiring the beautiful sight in front of her eyes, night was soon to fall down.

Winry walked across her room floor, her eyes darted to the clock that was placed on her night stand, it read 6 o'clock.

Winry took a deep breath then sighed heavily; nervousness could be seen in all of her actions clearly.

"I should get ready now, he said that he was going to pick me up at 7." the blue eyed blonde spoke out her words to no one, only the walls of her rooms could nod in agreement.

She walked swiftly to the door of her closet, pulled out a black dress, placing it carefully on her bed, then she sat on the comfortable chair of her dresser, brushing her silk blonde hair, then pulling it up in a lose yet elegant bun, some lose blonde locks escaped from her bun, framing her face from both sides, making her look even more breath taking.

Her hands worked their magic, applying a little make-up upon her delicate features, her lips shined with a cherry color, her eyes had a smokey look, but it still looked natural somehow.

Winry stood up and slid the silk over her entire form, it hung on her curve like a glove, beautiful, perfect, shimmering glove.

Winry then turned around so she was now facing her tall mirror, she then smirked at her sight, her milky white, flawless, back exposed to her waiting eyes.

Her gaze followed the line of her spine and she grinned at the sight, again.

She twirled around and smoothed her hands over the fabric. It felt like she was moving her gingers in butter, the length of her dress was also fantastic, it was enough to cover her feet, but not enough to be dragging three inches on the floor.

Winry then grabbed her high heels- that she rarely wearied- and slid her slim feet in them, making her even taller, her dress looking even more, well, hotter!

Winry loved the way she looked very much, cause after all she wanted to impress someone, to make him even regret setting an eye on her!

Winry made her way down the stairs, her heels making a click sound every time she planted one of her foot on the wooden steps, stealing all attention into her direction, everyone was now looking at her, the expressions that were blasted on their faces were priceless, Pinako was looking at her with the most loving eyes ever, some tears managed to leak from the side of her wrinkled eyes, Winry walked down fast and hugged her Granny tight, trying to surpass the urge of shedding tears along with her, she didn't want to ruin her make up after all, "You look just like your mother, simply beautiful" Pinako said as she hugged her only granddaughter tighter.

Winry's eyes then darted to Al's metallic face, it may seem emotionless to anyone else, but to her it held so much care, adoring, admiration, and brotherly love "You look great Winry." Al's metallic voice send Winry's heart to an edge, making her glow even more from the inside out, she walked to him and circled as much as she could of his metallic form with her arms, a form of compaction the two came to share so often, "Thank you Al, Granny" Winry spoke, her voice was overwhelmed with happiness.

Finally her eyes fixed them self solidly on him.

He was looking the other way, pretending that he didn't see her, but she knew very well that he did gasp at her emerging form from down the stairs, he was a taken by surprise, his eyes was wide open at her sight, yet he acted as if it didn't matter to him at all, that she was dressed so lovely, to go out to a party she was invited to the other day, by another guy, someone that obviously wasn't him.

Winry always cared about Ed, okay she always loved him, deeply.

But he on the other hand, wasn't showing any sign of affection, last time when he had another visit of his, after his auto-mail was busted to no end, she tried kissing him only, for him to play dump, and ignore her like something never happened, then left the next morning without even saying goodbye to her!

She cried, cursed Edward to no end, he totally broke her heart to millions of pieces and simply ignored his deed, she dreamt about him every night, only for him to repeat the same heart breaking act, which irate her to no end, she wanted to love him from the bottom of her heart, yet he simply ignored her, shoving her feelings in her face.

Was she just suppose to wait for the jerk to accept her feelings back, to weep every night soundlessly after her lost feelings?

Like hell she wouldn't, she would fight him, she would open his eyes, she knew deep inside that he did actually care about her, cause she did glimpse the hint of fire that was burning in his eyes when their lips were just inches apart, but he simply choice to ignore what his body and heart wanted, and walked away like a coward, leaving her world to crumble apart without his presence to color it with his golden color.

She would move on, she would try to find another guy to color her life, even if it wasn't a golden color, even if it appeared fade compared to his, she would try her best to be happy on her own even if she knew deep inside that she couldn't stay away from him, but she would at least try her best.

"you know Ed, you could at least compliment me," Winry tried her best to sound casual, she wanted him to regret not paying attention to her before, she wanted him to fall down on his knees and beg for forgiveness, she was far too consumed in every thing that was him, drowning in every smirk played on his irresistible lips, but she was too dense to notice his domination on every cell of her being "Because I know I do look good, at least for tonight."

Ed let out a chuckle that he tired to surpass down his throat, he tried his best to hide the bad temper he was currently in, his blood was boiling inside his vines, his body was on fire, and he just wanted to kill whom ever dared to set an eye on his Winry, yes his.

He loved her whole heartedly, but he just couldn't tell her the truth, he wanted to spare her the pain that he was enduring on his own, every single time he had to leave her, he would sneak to her room at dawn, when he was so sure that she was deeply asleep, he then would lean closer to her unconscious form, watching her sleepy face as her chest heaved up and down, her lips a little parted inviting him, yet he always placed a sweet kiss on her forehead, whispered love into her ears, watching as her lips curled into a little smile, and then left her with no goodbye.

But now she dared to go out on a date with another guy!

He felt rage take over his body as he heard her melody like voice invading his angry state; You look like so damn beautiful and breathtaking! Though Ed to him self, as if he could tell her such a thing.

He then jerked his body up, took one stride forward, so his face now was only inches away from her so shimmering one, his hot breath tickling her lips, making her shiver in delight, if he just would lean a little closer, though Winry disparately in her fogged up mind, her back arching so to escape this proximity.

"What a poor guy really," Ed breathed his words on her lips, making her blush madly "If he just knew what he was getting him self into, he would sure run for it!" and as Ed finished his sentence Winry's wrench was already flying in mid air, Ed's head it's poor target, Ed winced at the hard contact, and leaned forward, his hands holding his throbbing head, pressing lightly to lessen the pain.

"You already made my point very clear, mechanic freak!" Ed snapped in her face, making her ever redder, even her eyes were seeing red by now.

"You're such a jerk that am not gonna waste my time over you, am gonna have loads of fun tonight and you obviously wouldn't!" she spat her words with venom leaking and dropping from her lips.

A soft knock on the wooden door was heard, interrupting the heated fight that was rising between the two blondes.

"It must be Brayden!" Winry squealed like a three years old as she forget that she was in the middle of beating the shit out of Ed, then she held the him of dress and walked fast till she was standing in front of the door, she yanked it open to reveal a very young handsome man.

Winry's eyes laid on the man standing right on front of her eyes, his lips was like sweet berries, his cologne was strong that the smell hit her hard, his eyes were forest green, big and daring, his frame was firm and perfectly fit, his hair was wavy chocolate brown "Good evening Winry," his husky voice made Winry snap out of her daze, she had to admit that he was attractive, yet not as a certain jerk she knew, not by a chance.

Brayden then beaked his head inside her house "Good evening" his words greeting every one that was inside the room, which made Ed clench his hands, curling them into fists beside his shaking frame, he just meet the guy and he wanted to take his inside out!

Ed just simply hated, and was deeply disgusted with the man, he made his guts twist hard, he just wanted to lung at the man and rip his head off, and it may yet not be enough to satisfy him.

"I'll have her home by 12 don't worry" Brayden words were mostly meant for Ed, cause his facial expression that he was greeting Brayden with told him not to mess with Winry, or he would simply kill him.

Winry then locked her hand with Brayden's and shoved him out side "come on, we don't want to be late Brayden!" she urged him outside as she closed the door behind her.

Ed's hand then made contact with the wall beside him, leaving a very large dent where it hit it hard, his teeth were clenched hard, words choking in his throat, a vine throbbing in his forehead, he then took o look around him, making who ever meet his gaze swallow his words in fear.

Ed took a couple of hard strides till he reached the hanger beside the door, he yanked his infamous red coat and walked out the door, slamming it hard behind him.

Pinako looked at Al's directly, a very big smirk playing on her lips, Al just nodded his head in acknowledgment.

So... how was is it?

I just loved Ed all mad and shaking x3

review if you wanna know what happened :D