No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

Have you ever wished you were never born? Felt like you just want to scream? I have, and I've always wanted nothing more then to escape this personal Hell I was in. I was born in Chicago, Illinois, at first my life was great until I was six, and then it came falling down. My parents: Elizabeth and Edward Anthony Masen are the "nicest people around". Of course that's what everyone says, because that's what my parents have played out when in reality they're the laziest and the most rude and abusive people I've ever met.

My name is Edward Anthony Masen (sadly I'm named after that bastard known as my father) and I look like my mother: green eyes and untidy bronze locks. Though of course her hair is always neat and nice, mine, ha, I don't even try bothering with it. I have my father's facial structure, chiseled jaw and straight nose along with slightly high-raised cheekbones. Unlike my parents I'm very pale – almost unhealthy. My body is lanky, but with slight muscles and I'm reaching 6 foot and 2 inches.

My life was great like I said before until I turned six, then I became my parents' personal servant. I'm now seventeen and still a servant. If I don't do something right I get beaten, if I forget something on the long ass list of chores my parents give me each day I get beaten, if I even breath wrongly according to them I'll be beaten. I'm their cook, maid, and anything else they could think of. Most teenage boys should be out having fun and enjoying teenage life, but where I'm concerned I'm as clueless about what's in and what's out. I'm a fifty-year-old by mind when it comes to teenager stuff, though I can thank my parents for that. I'm very intelligent when it comes to school (I do online schooling) and I do enjoy reading – when I get the chance. All I know how to do is obey (for the most part), cook, clean, stay out of people's way unless they want something, and pretty much everything to be considered "book smart".

Welcome to my life…

…I yawned and rubbed my heavy eyelids for probably the fifth time. I was so exhausted, but I had to finish the stupid list or I'd get woken up by my father's fists for forgetting something. I'm lucky if I even get at least three hours of sleep in a day, but I take what I can get. I checked the time on my watch – 4: 45 AM, wonderful. I went to my feet and grabbed the bathroom's cleaning supplies and stumbled my way to the stairs. I tripped over my pant leg and tumbled down the stairs with the supplies going everywhere and making a ruckus. Once my head slammed hard on the wooden floorboards in a heap of panic I sat up and stared at the stairway. I prayed my parents were still asleep. My heart accelerated in fear, but after a few moments of silence I knew they were in too deep of a sleep to even hear it. I let out a breath of relief before pulling myself back to my feet, picking up the supplies and placing them under the sink. I yawned once more and checked the list on the kitchen table.

"Let's see…did that…and that…"

I went down the list until I came to the last chore I had to do before I could get what little sleep I could. I groaned in frustration at the last item of business.

"Are you kidding me?"

I couldn't believe it; they honestly wanted me to clean the fucking car? I did that already probably not even an exact twenty-four hours ago! They couldn't be serious, but I didn't want to get smacked or anything this early in the morning. My sides still ache from dinner's incident. I collected the bucket and filled it up with water before placing soap in it and carrying it outside. The bucket felt like it was ten times heavier then what it normally was, but that may be the fact I was weak and exhausted. I dropped the bucket on the dark grass and sighed before going in the garage to get a rag. The summer's morning air was muggy from the downpour we had hours ago, but for some reason I enjoyed the after rain scent. It's odd I know, but I just find it relaxing. The thick and dewed smell going though my nose woke me a little, but not much. I went to work and finished fifteen minutes later. After I placed the items back in their rightful places I flopped on the couch (too tired to make it up the stairs) and drifted off into sleep.

7: 45 AM

"Get up, Edward!"

I groaned in protest, but after I felt my mother's hand sweep across my face I open my eyes. I looked up at her and sighed.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I've let you sleep, so get off your ass and make breakfast!"

I sighed and check my watch…wow I've had roughly only three hours of sleep, you shouldn't have. I got up slowly and made my way to the kitchen.

"Mr. and Mrs. Conner are coming over, so make yourself decent looking."

I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a frying pan. What, my dirt-stained light blue jeans and black T-shirt wasn't flattering? I think it's stupid I had to go along with this fucking happy and perfect family charade, but whatever to not get hit for once…


"Edward, they're coming at any moment, hurry your ass now!"

"Yes ma'am!"

I growled as I shoved my legs in my darkest and nicest jeans and throwing on my blue button-up shirt. I rolled the sleeves to my elbows as I made my way down stairs. Walking in the family room I saw my parents in chairs looking at me. I sat on the couch and my father spoke.

"Remember, don't talk unless you're asked to and no smart mouthing."

"Yes sir."

"Couldn't you have fixed your hair?"

I fought hard to not roll my eyes.

"My hair is impossible to tame, just be happy I'm playing along with this charade."

I knew my father was about to smack me when the doorbell rung – saved by the bell!

"Get the door."

I got up and went for the door, Mr. and Mrs. Conner where smiling brightly at me.

"Hello, Edward."

"Hello, Mrs. Conner."

I let them pass me and I closed the door and entered the family room. The adults were in conversation immediately, so I sat on the left side of the couch and read – acting like I wasn't there. About a few minutes Mr. Conner pulled me into the conversation.

"So, Edward how's the online schooling doing ya'?"

I smiled at him and answered – lied my ass off.

"It's going really great! I enjoy it very much!"

Mr. Conner smiled at me.

"Good, good."

Truthfully…I hate it. My parents forced me to do it when I started becoming their slave.

"Yes, Edward is a bright young fellow, just like his father."

Father nodded and smiled a fake smile.

"Indeed he is."

Lying sons of bitches, I went back to reading and let the book take me away. I really feel for this Harry kid. Only his parents died from a dark wizard, but his aunt and uncle in ways treat him a hell of a lot better then my parents treat me. At least they let him sleep and don't physically abuse him, but I guess I'm just cursed with all the bad luck.

After Mr. and Mrs. Conner left around five my parents went back to their usual selves.

"Go and make dinner."

"What do you want?"

"I don't know, just make yourself useful!"

I got up and walked for the kitchen. As soon as I passed my father he swung a fist across my face and I stumbled back.

"That was for being a smart ass earlier."

I rubbed my jaw and walked to the kitchen and prepared dinner.

Please review for an update