Hello again...This is my second fanfic! I'm so excited! I got this inspiration when I woke up...Hmmm..I've been getting lots of inspiration when I wake up or fall asleep..Well, anyway I had fun writing this! But I wonder why this pairing? IDK.. I'm usually the Rochu fangirl among my friends and sometimes UKXCHINA but I guess I could go for this pairing tooo!

Any ways please review... I do not own Hetalia in any way nor do I make money off of it...Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya...

Out of Love

Everything that Kiku has done was out of love for his beloved Yao-nii

Every slash

Every touch

Every kiss

Every moan

Every night

Then why was Yao-nii crying…

"Yao-nii, why are you crying?"

"Because you're hurting me aru."

"But I did it out of love Yao-nii. You know that I love you, right?"

"Kiku, you don't love me…All you wanted to do was to conquer me…"

"But I wanted to conquer you because I love you. Isn't that what love is? To be able to own someone, to have them close to you."

"No, Kiku. This isn't love. This is greed and selfishness. If you truly love someone then you want them to be happy, even though they're not around you. Look at me Kiku…Do I look happy?"

Kiku looked at the Asian man in front of him. He was still his beautiful Yao-nii; it's just that his eyes were filled with sadness and anger.

"But look at me Yao-nii…Do I look at happy?"

It was true that Kiku was happy to have Yao near him. Yao could see that Kiku had a glint in his eyes that weren't there; his eyes were full of happiness and lust.

Kiku was already put of with Yao. 'If Yao-nii wasn't happy, then I'll make him happy. He was always happy when we were together' Kiku thought.

While Yao was still starring at Kiku, Kiku stood up and tackled Yao to the ground. He ripped his shirt open and started kissing the milky cream flesh in front of him.

Yao still shocked from all this, started to push Kiku away but Kiku was just too heavy and Yao was still tired from the war.

Kiku didn't lose a second and stripped himself out of his clothing and started to work on Yao's sash. Once undone, everything came nicely. Bare bodies were touching each other.

At the feeling of his sash getting removed, Yao used all his might to kick Kiku in the stomach but it was no use, Kiku didn't even flinch a little.

Wanting to show his brother his love for him, Kiku already positioned himself and thrusted into Yao like he was an open door. Ignoring the protest that Yao was making, Kiku already felt the pleasure coming.

"Don't worry Yao-nii. This is all out of love."

Isn't it?

If you don't get the last two words...I'm asking you is that what ever Kiku does to Yao is out of love, is it not? Yeah If I was the reader I wouldn't have understand it. This here is just a side note.

And please review.