Title: Sweet Child of Mine.

Pairing: Puckleberry.

Summary: Five years after walking away from her newborn daughter Quinn starts to wonder about the little girl she gave away and what has become of her.

Disclaimer: The characters of Glee do not belong to me but are the property of Fox and Ryan Murphy.


Sitting down at the nearest empty table Quinn sipped slowly at her skinny latte as she picked up the discarded magazine from the chair next to her.

Opening the magazine in the middle she almost dropped her drink as she found herself staring into a pair of familiar hazel eyes.

Shaking her head she pulled her attention away from the young girl and started to read the article.

"Broadway sensation Rachel Berry confirmed for the lead role in Wicked the movie."

Biting her bottom lip Quinn could feel her hands begin to shake as she read how Rachel was to star in the movie version of the popular musical in a multi-million pound deal that would no doubt see her catapulted to Hollywood A-List.

Moving her attention back to the picture Quinn read the caption at the bottom of the page, her eyes glazing over with unshed tears as the words began to sink in.

"On the day the casting was confirmed Rachel Berry and her husband New York chef Noah Puckerman were seen enjoying a picnic lunch in Central Park with their adorable three-year-old daughter Eden."

Throwing the magazine down on the table in front of her Quinn almost burnt her hand as her latte splashed across her sleeve. "She's not their daughter, she's mine," she whispered to herself as she pulled out her cell phone and dialled a familiar number.

"Finn. It's Quinn, we need to talk," she took a deep, calming breath before picking up the offending magazine and stuffing it into her bag.

Half-an-hour later Quinn found herself sat opposite her High School boyfriend, her hands clamped tightly together as she tried to keep her emotions under control.

"Is everything alright?" Finn asked, sensing her mood.

Pulling the magazine out of her bag Quinn slapped it down on the table in front of her. "When were you going to tell me about this?"

"That's old news," Finn frowned, confused by what had gotten Quinn so mad. "That magazine must be a few years old by now because the movie finished filming months ago."

"I wasn't talking about the film," Quinn spat. "I was talking about this," she elaborated as she angrily jabbed her finger towards the offending caption.

Picking the magazine up Finn read the small caption as the penny finally dropped. "Oh. I know it must be difficult to see it written there but you walked away Quinn."

"Does she call Rachel Mom?" Quinn asked, her voice suddenly small and nervous.

Finn knew that he would eventually have to answer her questions but that didn't stop him from feeling uncomfortable. "I-"

"Does my little-girl call Rachel Berry Mom?" Quinn once again demanded to know.

After a few minutes silence Finn finally nodded. "Yes."

"For how long?" Quinn asked, needing to know exactly what had happened in the five years since she had walked away from her newborn baby.

"When you left Puck was awarded custody. Everyone could see that he and Rachel were falling for each other, but nothing really happened between then until Eden's first birthday and they've been together ever since, so I guess it just seemed like the natural thing for Rachel to take on the role of mother," Finn explained, trying to simplify a complicated situation.

Quinn shook her head. "But she's not her mother. I am."

"But you weren't there, you walked away, no-one could find you, Puck tried, we all did but in the end we just had to get on with it," Finn reasoned.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Quinn asked. "We've been in contact again for four months and you haven't once mentioned Puck, Rachel or Ed … or Eden," she stammered, the name sounding alien on her lips.

Finn shrugged, a part of him knew that this moment would come ever since he had bumped into Quinn on the streets of Columbus. "It wasn't my place to say."

"I want to see her," Quinn demanded.


"If you don't tell me where they're living then I will go to the media, I'm sure someone will be interested to hear my story," Quinn blackmailed.

Looking at her Finn could see the anger in her eyes. "You can't do that."

"I can do what I want. So you have a choice; either you tell me where they are playing happy families with my daughter or I find out the hard way," Quinn spat with so much venom the devil himself would have run for cover.

Taking a deep breath Finn reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, asking the lady behind him for a pen he quickly wrote down the address before handing it back to her.

"Before I give you this I just want you to consider one thing. No matter what you think of Puck and Rachel they have been the only parents that little girl has ever known, so however much you might want to hurt them it won't just be them that is affected by this, it will be Eden too," Finn reminded her as he handed her the address before walking away and leaving Quinn to contemplate his words in silence.


Running through the spacious loft apartment Eden Jane Puckerman skidded her slipper-clad feet across the floor as she ran into her parents bedroom and launched herself onto her father, pulling at the duvet cover in an attempt to wake him up.

"It's time to wake up," Eden half-shouted, half-sung as she turned her attention to her mother.

Sitting up Puck pulled the little ball of energy into his arms. "Shh," he whispered into her ear as he carried her out of the bedroom and towards the large breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the lounge area.

"Why is it a shh moment?" Eden asked.

"Because your mom needs her sleep," Puck told his daughter as he sat her down on one of the stools.

Eden nodded. "So it's just the two of us for breakfast?"

"Yep. It's just you and me Kiddo," Puck smiled as he ruffled his daughter's light brown curls.

"Can we go out for breakfast?" Eden asked.

Puck's eyes lit up in a playful manner as he leaned on the bar opposite her. "Nah I think we'll just stick with Cheerios and OJ today. I mean it's not like it's a special occasion or anything."

"It is," Eden insisted. "It's a very, very special occasion."

"It is?" Puck questioned, furrowing his eyebrows for added effect.

Eden nodded, her messy curls falling in front of her face. "It's the most special day ever. It's my birthday."

"It is?" Puck asked.

Looking up at her father Eden sat up straight before placing her hands akimbo style on her hips. "Did you forget my birthday?"

"I would never forget your birthday," Puck assured her. "So it can't be today because I would definitely remember if it was your birthday."

"But it is my birthday, I'm five today, that's a whole hand, look," Eden said as she held up her right hand.

Putting some coffee in the espresso pot Puck turned on the stove and left it to boil before turning his attention back to his daughter. "If it was your birthday that would make today the sixteenth of June and it's not, we're still in May."

"No it's not silly, it's June and it is my birthday, I'll prove it," Eden said as she slid down from the stool and ran towards her bedroom.

Watching as she ran back towards him Puck couldn't help but laugh as she slapped a calendar down in front of him with today's date circled and the words 'Eden's Birthday' written in gold lettering and surrounded by stars.

"Oh," Puck breathed, covering his mouth in an attempt to keep a straight face as he took in the steely determination on the young girl's face. It amazed him everyday how alike Eden and Rachel's facial expressions could be, Rachel might not have been the young girl's biological mother but it was obvious to him that nurture had as much of an effect in a child's life as nature.

"I guess it is your birthday then," Puck added as he picked up the calendar.

Walking towards them Rachel pulled her dressing gown tightly around herself as she approached her husband and daughter. "Did I hear someone say it was their birthday?"

Eden nodded, practically jumping up and down. "Yes Mama it's my birthday."

"It is?" Rachel asked as she winked towards her husband.

"So she says," Puck answered his wife.

Eden sighed in a dramatic, over-the-top fashion that he had seen Rachel herself do many times. Shaking her head she then crossed her arms over her chest before turning to face her parents. "Oh no. Don't tell me you forgot too. That means that I won't have any presents."

"We're sorry Diva but we really thought it was still May," Puck lied.

"Can we at least go for breakfast then?" Eden asked, pouting her lips at them.

Puck nodded. "Sure. How about you go and get your favourite outfit on while your mother and I get dressed and them we'll go anywhere you want."

"Anywhere I want?" Eden asked.

"Anywhere you want," Puck assured her.

Eden looked up at her mother. "And can I wear anything I want?"

"Anything but pyjamas," Rachel told her as she watched Eden run off towards her bedroom, singing Happy Birthday to herself.

"I can't believed it worked exactly like you said it would," Puck smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him.

Rachel leaned into him. "What can I say. I know my little-girl."

"And you're certain she'll pick Stardust Diner?" Puck asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately she's inherited your taste for all things retro and gimmicky," Rachel teased as she led him towards the bedroom so that they could get ready.

Just under an hour later Rachel, Puck and Eden bundled out of the house and headed in the direction of the Diner.

"Mom. Mama," Eden called as she ran up behind Rachel and took hold of her hand.

Holding her daughter's hand in hers Rachel looked down at the little girl. "Yes?"

"Do you like my outfit?" Eden asked as she let go of her hand, stepped in front of her and twirled to give the full effect.

"It's perfect," Rachel smiled as she took in the full outfit. Eden was wearing a pair of red leggings with white polka dots, a red tutu and a black Rolling Stones top that Puck had brought her and then she had on a pair of kids black Ugg boots and her hair hung loose around her face.

Walking up behind her Puck rested his hand on the small of Rachel's back. "I have no idea where she gets her fashion choices from."

"I blame Brittany and Mike," Rachel laughed as she watched Eden twirl down the street.

They got to the end of the street where the Diner was situated as Eden ran ahead of them. "Did you give Kurt the heads up?" Puck asked.

Rachel nodded as they entered the Diner to find Eden stood there with a huge smile and a look of complete and utter shock on her face as she found her self faced with twenty of her closest friends and family, a large banner, a pile of presents, a birthday cake and multiple balloons.

As Puck and Rachel moved to stand by her side everyone burst into a chorus of Happy Birthday as Eden turned to face her parents. "You were joking me," she laughed as she looked around the room once more. "You really did remember."

"Of course we remembered," Puck assured her as he picked her up before turning to Rachel as the three of them shared a quiet moment together before the party really got started.

"We were just waiting to surprise you," Rachel added.

Eden wrapped her arm around Rachel so that she was cuddled between both of her parents. "I thought you forgot about me."

"We would never forget about you Diva," Rachel promised the little girl. "You are the most important person in our lives."

Eden looked down to where Puck's hand was rested on Rachel's five-month bump. "Even when the new baby comes?"

"Especially when the new baby comes, because we know that you will be the greatest big sister ever," Rachel smiled as she placed a kiss on the youngsters forehead.

"Now how about you go and open your presents," Puck said as he put her down watching as she ran towards the pile of gifts.

Turning to face his wife Puck rested both hands on her stomach. "Can you believe how far we've made it?"

"Most of the time, but sometimes I still have to pinch myself," Rachel admitted.

"We did that," Puck smiled as he watched Eden shake one of the presents before putting it down and moving on to the next one. "I love you Rachel Puckerman."

"I love you too Noah Berry," she smiled as she leaned into him before making her way over to join Eden in opening her presents.

Outside the Diner a lone figure stood watching the celebrations from a safe distance. Wiping at her eyes Quinn tried to hide her tears as she watched Puck and Rachel playing happy families with her little girl. When she had walked away from her newborn baby she had been a confused mess. But she was older now and she was ready to be a mother, she just hadn't expected to find somebody else already playing the role, and she definitely hadn't expected that person to be Rachel Berry.

As Quinn watched Rachel ruffle Eden's curls she made a silent promise to herself that no matter who it hurt, or what she had to do to make it happen, she was going to get her little girl back.