Title: Laid To Rest

Disclaimer: I don't own Tekken.

Summary: As she stood in the waking blizzard with memories in her hand, she mourns alone.

Author's note: Another simple one shot from me but this is set in Xiaoyu's POV.


Chapter One

She knew this day would come but why did it have to be today?

Her fists burn in the freezing cold.

She swallows the lump down her throat.

It was going to happen.

It was meant to happen.

She knew that.

They both knew it.

But she hadn't believed in it.

Her rosy cheeks are now pale; frozen with crystal tears.

Her breaths come out in short mists.

Her entire being is burning yet freezing.





She doesn't know what to say or do.

She shudders into her furry scarf, trying to keep herself warm as she stands with weak knees.

Her legs feel like giving away.

Memories of them push themselves out of her limited mind; they rolled down to the palm of her hands.

She crushed them.

Anything to hold on. Anything.

They slipped away like sand in her hand.

One by one.

She couldn't remember her voice anymore.

Or how furry her fur was.

All that remained was the pain.

She stood still.

The snow falls.

It burns through her.

The breeze moves past her but yet she still stands; unyielding.

She was a birch tree in an approaching storm.

A stubborn one.




Her eyes forget to drench more tears.

It's too cold.

Yet she can't remember how warm her fur was.

Just a couple of more years.

Just a decade.

Anything but now.

She hadn't been prepared yet.

But fate had.

She was frozen in this moment.





Her knees sunk in the snow.

Her eyes were fixated on the headstone.

R.I.P Panda.

Beloved friend.

Gone was the good old days.

A bleak future now hung over her head.




She had to accept.

It was time to accept.

Because, playtime was over.