(Oh yes...we are updating... :D)

Louise: It's been a loooong time.

Tristan: Blame it on Mat. He got a boyfriend and moved to America for a year.

Louise: I miss him so much! *cries on Caitlyn's lap*

Caitlyn: I officially get to take his and Karen's places.

Tristan: Karen's a flake.

Louise: So, now it's down to us three and the whole Phineas and Ferb cast! Even that giant baby head!

Tristan: We have four whole pages of dares to catch up with, so let's get started.

Louise: Since Drama Sapphire has sent us so many dares, and we appreciate it, here's from her:

1. I dare Buford to be picked on by a tougher bully! Make sure that Buford learns a lesson after he was being sent to a hospital!

2. Hey Phineas, if Isabella asked you to go to a dance party...what would you say?

3. I dare Major Monogram to do the chicken dance with Carl and Agent C!

Buford: A tougher bully? A'int no one tougher than me.

Louise: Oh yeah! How about you try fighting me then?

Buford: But you're a girl. I can't hit girls.

Louise: Then this should be fun!


Buford: *is crying and sitting in the corner*

Louise: I didn't even touch him…

Phineas: Well, that's the power of suggestion, I guess… And if Isabella asked me out, of course I would go!

Isabella: Let's dance!

*the chicken dance song music plays and everyone dances. Major Monogram and Carl come out dressed as chickens looking embarrassed*

Everyone: I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a duck, so kiss my butt!

*Clap clap clap clap!*

Louise: To be continued!


Isabella: Here are the next of Louise and Friend's favorite dares, as suggested by viewers like you!

xXxSprinklesOnTopXxX: I dare Ferb to have a coconut bra and a skirt in the end! If not, Karen has to punch him even if she likes it or not!

Pffan: Dr D, what do you REALLY think about Perry the Platypus? Also, I dare Phineas to be silent and Ferb to talk FOR THE WHOLE CHAPTER! And a question: Isabella, if you could kiss anyone BUT Phineas, who would you do it with? Why? Now, Isabella, you have to kiss whoever you said you would!

SilverArrow13: *points to Doof* WHERE ARE YOU FROM? And don't tell me it's Germany. And I dare... Monogram in a ballet outfit... to tango with Carl in a scuba divers outfit. And video tape it XD

Runegod2.0: Have Doof be chased for an hour (or chapter, whatever you prefer) by fangirls. Also, have Tristan kiss a girl of his choice (not from the show) and that girl can't do anything bad to him for the whole chapter.

Louise: Wow. That's a lot. But I think we can do it!

Tristan: The only problem is Karen isn't here anymore.

Louise: …Uh oh. Some people are not going to like that. QUICK! Get the cardboard cut-out!

*Phineas places a card board version of Karen in the middle of the floor*

Louise: Phew. That was a close one. OK! From now on, Phineas, you cannot talk. In this chapter, at least. Ferb will do all your talking.

Ferb: Um…I don't think so.

Caitlyn: We didn't ask you to think. Just to speak. Ask Isabella her truth.

Ferb: *looks nervous* Uh…Isabella, if you could kiss anyone but Phineas, who would you?

Isabella: Well…you, Ferb, I guess. I mean, I wouldn't kiss Irving or Baljeet or Buford so…yeah.

Ferb: *looks at her and raises his eyebrows* Well, now you kind of have to.

Isabella: Darn. *she kisses him and Ferb passionately dips her. She freaks out and runs away.*

Ferb: Hm. Oh well, I'm into older women anyway. Besides, no need to create nonsensical brotherly conflict. *he looks at Vanessa and smiles*

Phineas: *opens his mouth to say something, but Isabella just kisses him instead*

Doof: Okay, can we place the focus on me now? I'm getting bored.

Caitlyn: Sure. How do you REALLY feel about Perry?

Doof: He's my nemesis! Which means I love him! I mean hate him! I mean-


*a thousand screaming fangirls run after him*

Fangirls: WE LOVE YOU, DOOF!


Louise: By the way Doof, where are you from?

Doof: *screams again* DRUELSELSTEIN!

Louise: …Grr. That's not a real place, in actuality.

Ferb: Next, Major Monogram and Carl will be dancing together. Major, you must wear a ballerina costume while Carl must wear a diver's suit complete with goggles and snorkel.

MM: …What?

Ferb: *turns on the music* Dance. Now.

Carl: Well, okay. You lead, sir.

MM: Of course I lead. *they waltz together in their strange outfits*

Louise: *looks at Tristan* You have to kiss one of us.

Tristan: No.

Caitlyn: It's a dare. A disgusting dare, but a dare nonetheless.

Tristan: I'm kissing the cardboard cut-out. *he walks over to it and kisses it* HA! Now I completed the dare.

Karen: *looks at him* Do I look like I'm made out of cardboard you idiot?

Tristan: W-what? No, you weren't here!

Karen: *gets angry* You called me a flake earlier, didn't you! *she gets ready to punch him but Ferb stops her*

Ferb: You have to be nice to him now. He kissed you.

Karen: …Th-that makes no sense!

Ferb: *sighs* I have to wear a coconut bra? Seriously? What kind of sick people are you?

Louise: HEY! Remember what I said about insulting the viewers. *looks at the camera* I love you all.

Cailtlyn: *rolls her eyes* You're such a drama queen! FERB! COSTUME! NOW!

Ferb: *silently comes out in his coconut bra and grass skirt and sighs* Let's end this episode with a dance. HIT IT!

*Everyone starts dancing wildly to a Lady Gaga song*

Ferb: Join us next time, on the Phineas and Ferb dare show. Goodbye!

Louise: Ugh. I am a flake. I have not been anywhere, and yet I have been everywhere.

Karen: No one can understand you, Louise. Just get on with the dares.

Louise: Right. Right. Okay! Go ahead, Isabella.

Isabella: Yay!

From darkdemondog24:

For the whole chapter, Doof will hug Perry.
2. Tristan is not allowed to call the above dare gay.
3. For the whole chapter, no one may hurt Doof.
4. Doofenshmirtz: Is Phineas your real son?
5. Also, I dare Ferb to be butt naked for the entire chapter!

Ferb: Uh, I refuse to-

Karen: CLOTHES! *she pulls off Ferb's clothes and leaves him completely naked*

Caitlyn: Ah! Shield my eyes!

Ferb: *turns bright red and hides behind a tree* This is totally barbaric!

Louise: Um…wow. Wow. Woooow. Wow. Wow.

Isabella: Doofensmirtz, get on with the dares so we can end this awkward episode quickly!

Louise: Haha we have a lot of time left…wow.

Doof: *he smiles and hugs Perry* Oh Perry the Platypus, you are so soft! I wouldn't expect you to be so soft since you're always hitting me so I sometimes forget that you can be cuddly!

Perry: *gets an incredibly annoyed and disgusted look on his face*

Phineas: Wait…Doofensmirtz is my father! *he looks at his mom*

Linda/Mom: Er…What? No…No…

Doof: *sighs* It's true.

Everyone: GASP! Wait…what?

Perry: *looks at Doof with a very skeptical look*

Doof: Yeah. Remember that time I told you Linda and I never saw each other again? I lied. Just after I'd been divorced, I went to see her. And, well, some stuff happened in the back of a car…and…yeah.

Phineas: Y…you're my dad?

Doof: *he laughs hysterically* NO. Of course not. *he keeps laughing* But, oh boy, I really was pulling all of your legs there for a second. Oh jeeze…

Everyone: *grumbles and angrily go to attack Doof, but then remember no one can hurt him*

Louise: *sigh* Next dares!

Isabella: PrinceTanabi was trying to talk smack about this, and saying hurtful words. Their dares were stupid, so we're moving on.

Louise: Normally I would say something about not insulting the viewers, but in this case, the dares insulted the viewers more than that last sentence did. Continue.

Isabella: Beautiful-disaster1996 said: I dare Dr. D to sing "Can't Be Tamed" by Miley Cyrus with all the weird looking backup dancers/singers he always tries to hit on.

Doof: Oh this is my favorite song! *the lights go off and a spotlight comes up as Doof enters in an elaborate, feathery dark bird costume, still holding Perry who has a feathered mask on. Doof starts to dance suggestively like Miley Cyrus*

Background Dancers/Singers: CAN'T BE TAMED! NO NO NO! CAN'T BE TAMED!

Doof: *gets into a giant birdcage and rubs Perry all over his chest and under his arms like he's putting on deodorant while Perry has a "wtf" face on. Doof is singing at the top of his lungs*

Louis: *standing in the lighted area of the room and observing Dr. D* This…this is the strangest thing I've ever seen.

Ferb: *nakedly scurries by*

Louis: No wait, that was pretty strange too…Isabella, take us home.

Isabella: This next dare is for Candace, and comes from PXDLOVER: Candace, why do you want to bust your brothers? Are you protective over them?

Candace: Well, yeah, I am being protective. But it's just not fair that mom thinks I'm crazy just because I say the boys do these wacky things. I mean, it's totally TRUE! You all see it! I'm NOT crazy!

Phineas: She DOES have a point…

Isabella: Yeah. This is also from PXDLOVER: Make Perry human and make Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Perry kiss…

Phineas: UUUUMMM…

Louise: *grabs Perry and puts him through a machine that changes him into a really hunky looking human*

Perry: Huh?

Doof: *still dancing, he goes over to Perry and grabs his face and kisses him*

Perry: ?

Doof: Oh YEAH! I can NOT be TAMED!

Isabella: Um…that's all the time we have for today. Join us next time…

Phineas: Or don't. This is just going to get worse.

Isabella: *sigh*


Tristan: Did anyone else realize that that was like, legit, gay? Like, I'm not even being smart right now…That was gay.

Louise: Can't argue with that. STAY TUNED! :D

(Keep reading! :D)