Author's Notes: I can't believe this is the last chapter of the story. This is the first story that I actually finish. LOL! Thank you everyone for your patience, for reading, and for the reviews. Let's get on with the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or The Lion King.
Chapter Twenty-Five
She's Here!
A few months had passed by since the defeat of Naraku and everything was back to normal. Inuyasha and Kagome were learning each day about how to run a peaceful kingdom from their parents and they still continued with personal training. The thing that everyone is waiting on the most is for Kagome's water to break. She's been having Braxton Hicks for the past few weeks and she knew Rin was not ready to come out. Kagome was currently on her bed with Inuyasha in the newly renovated room because her feet were swollen and Inuyasha was feeding her breakfast.
"I can feed myself Inuyasha." Kagome said smiling.
"I know dear but I don't want you to exert yourself." Inuyasha said.
"My feet are swollen." Kagome said. "My hands and my mouth are perfectly fine."
Inuyasha didn't say a smart ass remark as he usually would because he knew it was her hormones taking over. Sometimes he even thought that she used that to her advantage. That's one of the mysteries of life that he will not know.
"I know Kagome." Inuyasha said. "I just want to cater to you a little longer."
"So you're saying you're not going to cater to me once Rin is born?" Kagome asked with a pouted face.
"I didn't say that. Please do not put words in my mouth dear." Inuyasha said as he put a spoonful of oatmeal in Kagome's mouth. "I won't be able to cater to you as much because I will be catering to the both of you. Rin will have a lot more needs than you will so that's why I'm doing as much as I can for you now."
"Aw Inuyasha, you're such a wonderful husband and you will be a great father." Kagome said smiling. "I'm really glad that you picked me as your mate."
"Of course I did." Inuyasha said as his chest inflated with pride. "It would've been the wrong choice to pick someone else."
"I must confess something to you." Kagome said.
Inuyasha's chest deflated so Kagome smiled.
"When I first saw Kikyo, I thought to myself I'm so glad that you saw me first." Kagome said. "I thought she was more beautiful than I was in every meaning of the word."
"I don't even know why would you think such a thing Kagome." Inuyasha said as he caressed Kagome's left cheek. "That woman's heart was black and full of hate. I didn't need that and neither did my kingdom. Do you know why I fell in love with you?"
"Was it because of my cooking?" Kagome asked smiling.
"I must say those mud pies were delicious but that's not the reason why." Inuyasha answered chuckling at the memory.
Inuyasha moved all of the food out of the way and he placed Kagome on top of his lap with no effort at all.
"I fell in love with your inner beauty, your personality, your caring and your giving ways, and there are many more things to add to that list." Inuyasha said smiling. "Out of all the things that I mentioned, this one pops out the most."
"Which is?" Kagome asked with loving eyes.
"It's your heart of gold." Inuyasha answered. "I have not seen one like it and you tend to see the good in most people. Your heart knows no limit."
"Inuyasha, that's very sweet of you to say." Kagome said as her eyes began to water.
Inuyasha and Kagome got closer together for a kiss and Inuyasha felt something wet on his lap.
"She knows how to ruin a moment." Kagome thought. Thank you, Rin."
"Lady Kaede it's time for her to come." Kagome said telepathically to Kaede.
"Kagome, did you just use the bathroom on me?" Inuyasha asked worried.
"Inuyasha! How could you say that?" Kagome asked outraged. "My water just broke on you and you ask me if I used the restroom on you! You're unbelievable!"
"I'm sorry Kagome it was all of a sudden and I wasn't thinking." Inuyasha said as he tried to calm down his mate.
"Let's go to the birthing room before I make you sleep in the dog house." Kagome said as she got off of Inuyasha's lap.
Inuyasha and Kagome got out of the room and they headed to the birthing room. Inutaisho and Izayoi were watching the rushing couple and they were confused at this.
"What's going on with those two?" Inutaisho asked.
"Inutaisho, that's the direction to the birthing room." Izayoi answered. "Kagome is going to give birth!"
"We must notify everyone!" Inutaisho said. "You go find Kagome's parents and I'll go notify Shippo and Kohaku so they can notify the messenger."
"Okay dear." Izayoi said.
Izayoi went to find Kagome's parents so Inutaisho went to find the inseparable duo.
In the birthing room, Kagome and Kaede were getting ready to deliver the baby and Inuyasha was holding Kagome's hand as he dried her forehead.
"My lady, don't you want to wait for your parents?" Kaede asked.
"I can't Rin wants to come out now." Kagome answered.
"I'm ready when you are my lady." Kaede said.
Kagome began to push as much as she could without screaming so she wouldn't let Rin back in her womb. Kagome was pushing without her being told since Rin was guiding her all the way. Kagome was doing what she needed to do and the parents heard a light tap. The new parents began to hear the cries of their baby girl and they were all smiles. Kaede cut the umbilical cord from the baby and she began to clean her. Once Kaede was done, she gave the baby to Kagome.
"Welcome to our world Rin." Kagome said smiling. "My name is Kagome and I am your mother."
"I'm Inuyasha, your father baby girl." Inuyasha said smiling.
"Inuyasha and Kaede, could you please step away from me and do not let anyone near me?" Kagome asked.
"What's going on Kagome?" Inuyasha asked worried.
"Trust your daughter, Inuyasha." Kagome answered with a smile.
Inuyasha nodded his head and he stepped back with Kaede. Kagome closed her eyes while her head was down and she was being engulfed in her daughter's white aura. Kagome's parents, Inuyasha's parents, Shippo and Kohaku arrived and they began to see what was happening. Kagome's hair began to go up as if there was a breeze in the room but there was no wind. Rin's aura began to turn red and she was healing Kagome. Kagome raised her head and she opened her eyes which were a solid white.
"Inuyasha, come to us please." Kagome said.
Inuyasha rushed over to Kagome without hesitation and he was engulfed in his daughter's aura now.
"Father, please do not worry about me for the next few hours." A little voice said. "I must rest and it will take me a while to do so. Mother please make sure he doesn't over react."
Kagome laughed and Inuyasha chuckled.
"I'll try my little one." Kagome said smiling.
Rin's aura began to come down so Kagome's eyes were returning to normal. Once the aura was completely down, Rin went to sleep.
"What just happened?" Sango asked as she cautiously neared her daughter with the others.
"Rin just healed me." Kagome answered. "She was also letting Inuyasha know not to worry about her because she needed to rest."
"You mean she did all that?" Inutaisho asked in disbelief.
"Yes she did." Kagome answered proudly. "Rin will be a very powerful priestess."
"Totosai is making the preparations for Rin's presentation." Miroku said.
"She will be ready by this afternoon." Kagome said as she caressed Rin's right cheek. "Inuyasha, take me to our room please."
"Aren't you going to let us hold her?" Izayoi asked.
"She's sleeping mother." Inuyasha answered as she picked Kagome bridal style. "You can pick her up and pass her around as much as you like after her presentation."
"Yeah what Inuyasha said." Kagome said smiling.
Kaede began to clean the birthing room as Inuyasha was walking away with his mate and his daughter in his arms.
"He's really strong." Shippo said smiling.
"Yes he is." Kohaku said as he was walking towards the exit. "Come on Shippo. I'm sure that they're going to need some help in the kitchen today."
"Yeah that's a great idea." Shippo said as he followed Kohaku. "Maybe we could ask Yuka if she could make extra sweet buns just for us."
"You're using your head Shippo." Kohaku said. "I'm proud of you."
"Shut up." Shippo said.
Shippo and Kohaku were out of the room so the women were huffing and puffing.
"I can't believe he would say such a thing to his mother." Izayoi said.
"You think that's the worst thing he will say to you?" Inutaisho asked. "Wait and see after presentation."
"I'm sure that everyone will agree with me when I say this even though it will hurt us to acknowledge." Miroku said.
"What Miroku?" Sango asked.
"We cannot interfere in anything when it comes to Rin's development." Miroku answered.
"You can't tell me that Miroku." Izayoi said. "This is their first child and they need our advice."
"When it's asked for Izayoi." Inutaisho said. "Miroku has a point and we need to let them make their own mistakes."
"I actually agree with Miroku." Sango said as she rubbed her belly.
"Sango, you're suppose to be on my side." Izayoi said with a pouting face.
"I'm looking at this in a mature way Izayoi." Sango said. "We did raise two great young adults and I'm sure that Rin will be the same way."
"I'm sorry to intrude but it seems to me that Lady Izayoi is scared of loosing her son." Kaede said as she dumped the water.
"That's not true!" Izayoi said in denial.
"Your tone says it all Izayoi." Inutaisho said. "You need to let go and you haven't lost him. He will still be your little boy. You did promise you wouldn't be like your mother."
Inutaisho began to shutter at the memory of Izayoi's mother.
"If you don't control yourself, you might be worse than her." Miroku said.
"Oh dear I wouldn't want to be like my mother." Izayoi said.
"Are you sure you will do as you're told this time?" Inutaisho asked. "Will you repeat what you did with the day you got the dog?"
"Yes dear I will." Izayoi answered sincerely. "I will not repeat the incident with the dog."
"Well then let's go and prepare our robes." Inutaisho said.
The two couples had left the birthing room and Kaede was chuckling to her self.
"I never knew working for them would be so interesting." Kaede said smiling.
In Kagome's and Inuyasha's room, Kagome was giggling to herself and Inuyasha was wondering why.
"What's so funny?" Inuyasha asked.
"Our parents." Kagome answered as Inuyasha put Rin in her crib. "Izayoi had a fit after we left."
Kagome went into the bathroom and she took a quick rinse. She changed and she climbed into bed.
"Are you serious?" Inuyasha asked. "My mother never seems to amaze me."
Kagome started telling Inuyasha what happened and he wasn't surprised at his mother.
"I don't blame her." Inuyasha said. "I am her only son."
"I might suggest for her and Inutaisho to get busy in getting you a little brother or a little sister so she doesn't think that." Kagome said yawning.
"You're really crazy." Inuyasha said. "I actually like the idea. Rin could have a play mate other than your little brother or little sister."
"We will speak to your parents about it later." Kagome said. "Come join me in a nap my dear mate."
"I will satisfy you in your request my dear mate." Inuyasha said as he got into bed.
Inuyasha got into the bed so Kagome rested on his chest.
"I love you, Inuyasha Shinohima." Kagome said.
"I love you too, Kagome Higurashi." Inuyasha said. "Soon to be Kagome Shinohima."
"Do you really mean it Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.
"Of course I do Kagome." Inuyasha answered. "I know that you wanted to do after you gave birth and Rin would be the flower girl."
"You know how to make a woman happy." Kagome said smiling.
Inuyasha and Kagome began to kiss and they close their eyes so they can take a nap.
The afternoon was arriving sooner than everyone expected so they were waiting for the new parents and the baby. Kagome opened her eyes and she got out of bed. She was looking for Inuyasha since he wasn't in bed and he was coming out of the bathroom with a naked Rin.
"I see you're awake." Inuyasha said as he smiled at Kagome.
"Yes dear. Why didn't you wake me up?" Kagome asked.
"You were sleeping so soundly so I didn't want to wake you." Inuyasha answered.
"Oh thank you." Kagome said. "Where are the robes?"
"They're hanging in the closet and we're ready when you are." Inuyasha said as he grabbed the silk blanket that they used when they presented him.
Kagome got the robes and she put hers on. Inuyasha gave Rin to Kagome and he got dressed in his robes.
"Are you ready Inuyasha?" Kagome asked as she wrapped Rin into the silk blanket.
"Yes I am." Inuyasha answered. "Let's go before we are late."
Kagome and Inuyasha kissed and they went to the balcony to present Rin.
Inuyasha's parents, Kagome's parents, Kohaku, Shippo, and Totosai were ready to present Rin and they were all smiles.
"Totosai, she is ready." Kagome said as she removed the blanket from Rin.
Totosai took out one of his crystal vials and placed some of the power in his hand.
"This power was placed on your father when he was presented Princess Rin. It will guide you through any hardships you may go through." Totosai said. "It will also shield you from evil spirits."
Totosai blew the power on Rin's body and she sneezed just like her father did.
"That's too cute." Izayoi said. "Inuyasha did the same thing."
Totosai grabbed Rin and he took her to the edge of the balcony.
"LET'S WELCOME PRINCESS RIN!" Totosai yelled from the top of his lungs.
The crowd began to cheer and they chanted welcome Princess Rin. Rin had her father's skin tone, his ears, and his eyes, so everything else was from her mother. She had the black hair, her crescent moon was on her left butt cheek in the upper area, and everyone knew that she had powerful spiritual powers. Kagome began to sense a faint evil aura near them and she sensed a troubled one in the crowd.
"Those are the auras of Kikyo and Sesshomaru." Kagome thought. "What are they doing here?"
Inuyasha felt Kagome's worry so he was concerned.
"What's wrong Kagome?" Inuyasha whispered.
"It's nothing Inuyasha." Kagome whispered. "I'm fine thank you."
The crowd stopped chanting so Totosai took Rin to her mother. The crowd left to where they came from but Kikyo and Sesshomaru stayed hidden. Kagome wrapped Rin in the silk blanket and she began to hug her.
"I trust you, Rin." Kagome thought.
"We must celebrate this joyous day!" Inuyasha said. "We must have a feast in Rin's name. Myoga, notify the kitchen staff."
"Yes sire." Myoga said as he bowed.
"They already know King Inuyasha." Shippo said. "We told them that Rin was born so they started making more food."
"I guess you don't have to tell them Myoga." Inuyasha said smiling.
The grandparents started to surround Kagome and they were gushing over Rin.
"May I hold her Kagome?" Izayoi asked.
"Sure." Kagome answered as she gave Rin to Izayoi.
"She's so precious." Izayoi said.
Everyone began to walk inside the castle but Kagome walked to the balcony.
"You will train your son to be a killer so I will train my daughter to be his savior." Kagome whispered. "You will not blacken his heart for that is not what he truly wants. I will trust in my daughter's choices and I will support her until the end."
Inuyasha was getting close to Kagome so she started walking towards him.
"Come on Kagome." Inuyasha said. "I don't want you to miss our celebration for Rin."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Kagome said smiling. "Inuyasha, can I ask you something?"
"Yes ask me anything." Inuyasha answered.
"As a mother and as a queen, will you trust me in the development of Rin?" Kagome asked.
"Of course I will Kagome." Inuyasha answered. "What makes you think otherwise?"
"Oh nothing Inuyasha." Kagome answered. "I guess curiosity killed the cat."
Inuyasha kissed Kagome as he picked her up and he carried her to where the others were.
"I asked because you will be tested with hard trials." Kagome thought. "It will also involve your daughter and her feelings."
Outside in the castle lands, Kikyo and Sesshomaru were still standing outside after the crowd had left and Kikyo had an evil grin on her face.
"So that is the daughter of the great king and queen." Kikyo said smiling. "I will wait until Sesshomaru is old enough to plan against the royal family."
Kikyo began to laugh sinisterly and Sesshomaru didn't like the idea in plotting against Rin and her family.
"Rin, I am so confused with all of this." Sesshomaru thought. "I really need your help since I cannot trust no one in the Forbidden Lands."
"Let's go my son." Kikyo said. "Before we go, let's hunt for dinner."
"Yes mother." Sesshomaru said.
Kikyo and Sesshomaru left the castle grounds and they went to hunt.
"Do not think that this is over King Inuyasha. You will pay for Naraku's death and for exiling us." Kikyo thought. "You watching your daughter and your wife killed will be one of the things on my list to make you pay for what you have done."
Everyone was sitting around the dinning area and Kagome had Rin in her arms. The staff began to serve the food and the beverage and everything looked very delicious.
"A toast the two most beautiful women in my world." Inuyasha said as he stood up. "Kagome and Rin, you are my life and I will always protect the both of you."
"Thank you, Inuyasha." Kagome said.
"I thought I was in your world to Inuyasha." Izayoi said.
"Mother, you're ruining the moment." Inuyasha said as he sat down.
"You know Mother Izayoi." Kagome said. "Inuyasha and I were thinking about father Inutaisho and you having another pup."
"Oh Kagome that is a wonderful idea." Izayoi said with stars in her eyes. "I think we should take care of that problem right away."
"Uh Izayoi, we're going to eat first." Inutaisho said. "Aren't we?"
"Of course we are." Izayoi said. "We're not going to be rude about it."
Miroku noticed something that he hasn't noticed before and he started to grin from ear to ear.
"What's wrong Miroku?" Sango asked.
"We were so involved in the things that we were doing that we didn't noticed what has happened." Miroku answered smiling.
"What are you talking about father?" Kagome asked as she took a piece of bread.
"Izayoi is already pregnant!" Miroku said excited.
"What?" Inutaisho and Izayoi said shocked.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
…. or is it?
Author's notes: I'm finally done with my story! I know the ending was lame but don't worry it's going to have another story added to it. I just need to have the idea of the story and all that stuff.
Special Thank To:
blue waves18
Claire Cooper
John's Cenation Girl
Kyoki-Chan make my head bleed
Kagome's Blossom
The Unknown