I couldn't leave Phoenix depressed, it went against every fibre of my being. So I had to add this chapter to make things a little more positive, plus you guys seemed to want another chapter.
Contains: Shounen-ai, T&T and AJ spoilers
Disclaimer: I own nothing apart from the story, so please don't steal it from me!


Chapter Two- Redemption

"You're not leaving again..."

"I have to Wright, I am studying foreign judicial systems after all."

"B-but why? Why can't you just stay here?"

"...I have to find myself..."

"You have found yourself! A couple of years ago, you wouldn't have dared take the place of a defence attorney. You've changed Edgeworth! I know you have, so please... don't leave again..."

"Wright. Why are you so determined to make me stay? My place isn't here anymore-"

"But it is! It's always been here! Please, I don't want you to go away again..." Phoenix stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the prosecutor. Edgeworth didn't respond, although he didn't pull away either.

"Please..." Phoenix whispered by the others ear, "Stay here with me. I want you to be with me, Miles..."


Phoenix slowly opened his eyes. His vision was severely cloudy, due to the mix of sleep and tears that were present. He tried to sit up but was quickly knocked back down as an extreme pain pulsed through his head. The ex-defence attorney let out a small, pained gasp as he held his throbbing head. He had really drunk a lot last night.

Shifting his eyes slightly to the right so that the coffee table was now within his vision, Phoenix couldn't believe how much alcohol he had actually cleared. No wonder his head hurt so much. However, despite the extreme alcohol intake, his dream had been vividly clear. It was back when Phoenix had just cleared Iris's name. Miles had flown over straight away upon hearing that his friend had been hospitalized. One thing lead to another and suddenly the prosecutor was acting as a defence attorney.

Once it was all over, Phoenix had payed a visit to Edgeworth's office. He had wanted to thank him for all of his help with the case, but when he got there he saw Miles gathering up anything that looked relevant and wearing a big blue coat. Scanning the area, the dark haired man noticed a few suitcases in the corner and he quickly figured out what was going on.

"You're not leaving again..."

The answer was obvious. Edgeworth was planning to go back to whichever country he was currently studying the judicial system of and hadn't bothered telling anyone.
The prosecutor had never been the best with goodbye's and so he had hoped to be gone before someone had the chance to notice. Sadly, his idea did not work out according to plan as his old friend had caught him trying to escape.

He never did end up leaving though. Somehow, Phoenix had ended up hugging him. Somehow, Phoenix had asked Edgeworth to stay with him. Somehow, Edgeworth didn't find himself pushing the other away. For whatever reason, he felt safe in those arms. And he knew that there was no possible way he could ever leave the country for an extended amount of time upon hearing three simple words escape Wright's lips:

"I love you."

Every time Phoenix thought about what they had, he got depressed. There was no possible way that they could be like that again. All because he had to go and break the law. What on earth would Edgeworth see in the drunken hobo that had replaced his lover? Nothing. And so, still lying on the sofa, Phoenix scanned all bottles and cans, desperately searching for one that he could have missed. He still had a hangover but he didn't care. What did he have to live for anyway? He might as well just end it for all he had left.

To his dismay, the raven haired one found that there was no alcohol left.
And then, a frantic banging sounded. This did absolutely nothing to help his throbbing head and Phoenix had no idea where the sound was coming from. However, it soon ceased and he heard the lock to his front door being turned and his front door being opened.

The door was practically slammed shut once the mystery person had entered the apartment, and quick footsteps sounded upon the floor. Any normal person would have been terrified, but not Phoenix. He figured that he didn't have anything valuable and so a robber would be no threat. He also figured that if it was a murderer, then they would be a saint for putting him out of his misery.

But it wasn't any sort of criminal at all. The footsteps stopped when they got to the living room and walked over to the sofa cautiously. Phoenix shut his eyes, anticipating some sort of blow to the head. He couldn't have escaped even if he had wanted to, his hangover was keeping him firmly in place. But no sort of murder weapon came near him. Only a deeply concerned voice called his name.

"Phoenix?" Came the worried voice and Phoenix wished that there really was a murderer in his apartment. He couldn't bear what was surely about to unfold, he couldn't believe that he was actually here.

"Miles..." Phoenix whispered hoarsely. He hadn't used his voice in a while apart from letting out a few muffled sobs the previous night.

"Oh my god!" Edgeworth quickly made his way around to the front of the sofa and took a look at the state his lover was in.
"What on earth-"

"-Don't start. All you need to know is that I have been disbarred. That's all there is to it. Goodbye." The dark haired man made an extreme effort to turn so that his back was to Edgeworth, but said person prevented this by grabbing his arm.

"You look and smell terrible." Miles stated simply. He looked at all the empty alcohol containers and he raised an eyebrow.

"I am well aware of your being disbarred although I would have liked to get Phoenix's side of the story, but unfortunately it looks like I can't find him."

Phoenix looked at the other, thoroughly confused.
"I'm right here," he said, perplexed.

"Who's right here?" asked Edgeworth.

What the hell is he talking about? Phoenix Wright is here!

"Phoenix Wright," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, but I know Phoenix Wright and you are definitely not him."

"You know it's me Miles!" Phoenix raised his voice a little.

"Do I? Look at yourself. You look like a bloody hobo and you've clearly got a hangover! Just how much did you drink last night? You look awful, you smell awful and you are not Phoenix Wright."

Getting fed up and annoyed, Phoenix raised his voice a little more as he asked, "Well if I'm not Phoenix Wright, then who am I, and who is he?"

"You are worthless. A complete waste of space and totally pathetic."

Ouch... But I guess he's right...

"Phoenix Wright on the other hand," Miles began, "Is amazing. He is a strong, dependable man that will get the job done. His tactics in court are... interesting to say the least. Phoenix is a reliable friend and he just so happens to be the one I love so I would appreciate it if you would give him back to me."

Miles looked Phoenix in the eye, waiting for a reply.

"It's over Miles... I lost my badge so-"

"So what? You're just going to give up? You are sadly mistaken if you think I will leave things like this! You can no longer practice law, but surely you could do something else with your life. It's time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get yourself out of this mess. You've never backed down when the odds were against you before, so why start now?"

"Miles, I've lost everything. I'm unworthy of your love..."

"Aren't I the one who should decide that? Phoenix, I love you. Not some metal badge that you used to have. I refuse to let you give up, so please stay here with me. I want you to be with me, Phoenix..."


--1 month later--

"You officially suck at the piano Phoenix. Why did they even hire you?"

"Aw, that's not very nice Miles!" Phoenix pouted, pretending to be hurt.

The two were sat on the sofa in Phoenix's (now clean) apartment. Miles had insisted that he hear the other play the piano and wasn't exactly impressed.

"I just don't understand, it was completely... abominable!"

"Are you trying to make me cry?" Asked Phoenix, scooting closer to the prosecutor and placing an arm around him. Miles leant against Phoenix, laughing slightly.

"I still don't get it..." Muttered the silver haired man.

"It's because Daddy's super good at poker! They don't really want him to play the piano, Mummy!" Came a small voice from behind them.

A little girl clad in red pajamas and a red top hat skipped in front of them.

"Trucy? What are you still doing up?" Questioned Phoenix.

Edgeworth didn't say anything, horrified that he had been called "Mummy" yet again. Wright's new adoptive daughter seemed to live in her own little world and happily replied, "I was waiting for you two to get back. Daddy, why didn't you tell Mummy about your real job?"

"W-Well," Phoenix scratched the back of his head and grinned sheepishly, "You see-"

"What 'real job?'" Miles narrowed his eyes. Wright didn't look like he would divulge any information so he turned to Trucy instead.

"Trucy, can you tell Mummy what Daddy's real job is?" Edgeworth cringed when he said this, but Trucy was more likely to respond to him this way. Phoenix chuckled, clearly amused.

"Sure thing Mummy! Daddy is really good at poker and so the club hire him to play matches. The piano thing is a secret cover," grinned the little girl.

Miles's eyes widened. "Wh-what?" He turned to face the accused, who didn't deny it.

"Phoenix! That's illegal!"

"No it isn't. We don't play for money, they just play to beat me. Or try to beat me anyway."

"No wonder they let you dress like a slob at work then! Which reminds me... WHY THE HECK DO YOU STILL LOOK LIKE A HOBO?"

"These clothes are comfy," Phoenix shrugged, "And they don't look that bad. I know you don't really mind them." As he said this, the new poker-pro leaned in a gave Edgeworth a quick kiss on the lips, causing the latter to blush and Trucy to start chanting, "Mummy and Daddy are KISSING!"

Phoenix laughed heartily before beckoning Trucy to come and sit with them.

Life was good. He was with the man he loved and his new daughter. They were like a family already. Phoenix was grateful that he really didn't give up everything. He was grateful to Miles for saving him. He didn't know what he'd do without him.
Edgeworth had made it abundantly clear that he didn't care about the disbarment, that he loved Phoenix for who he was. That he always has been, and always will be, completely worthy of his love.



I gave it a happy ending! Didn't exactly look like it was heading that way though... I hope that this was ok in the end. Like I've said before: this is NOT my genre! XP
Your thoughts, comments, criticism and REVIEWS are cherished very very much!
Thank you! ^_^
