Time Changes Everything
Written by: Adventure-Seeking-Juliet
When: Listening to some serious motivational music-Disturbed. :D
Disclaimer: I own nothing, not a single character, place, droid, or ship is mine. :/
A/N I concede that this update took a long time to get here, there are lots of factors that caused that, but I'm not going to bore you with the many reasons I was unable to update sooner. However, I do want to thank my thirteen reviewers, tegdog1, soliloguy, babzz, Jedi Angel001, serious starwars fan, ilovenat1995, LuckyNumbers, MrUnclePeanuts, Spice9, h, BloodyAngel93, and DaWaffle. Reviews mean a LOT to me, they're like my call to battle, so please continue to review. :) Thanks guys.
Part 2- The Time Traveler and the Wizard
"He's dead."
Anakin stared at Luke, a cold feeling of dread dropping into the pit of his stomach. He was dead. When? How? His mind flooded with questions...that were much too suspicious to ask Luke flat out.
Anakin was pulled from his reverie when he sensed a wave of confusion from Luke.
"Are you okay?" Luke seemed genuinely concerned about Anakin, despite the fact he had only met him a couple minuites earlier.
The Jedi found a swell of affection for his son surge through him, the thought of not being there to watch the boy grow up was unconceivable," H-how did he die?"
Luke, unlike Anakin, seemed unbothered by the query," I don't know exactly. You see, old Ben Kenobi-"
Anakin's head snapped up so fast he was surprised he didn't get whip-lash," Kenobi? As in Obi-Wan Kenobi?"
Luke rolled his eyes," No. Ben Kenobi, weren't you listening, old one?"
" Do not call me old one, I'm not old," Anakin protested, indignantly.
"You're older than me." Luke pointed out, smirking up at Anakin in a slightly...familiar way.
Anakin ignored his comment, his mind whirling with thoughts of the Kenobi man Luke had mentioned," Do you know where this Kenobi lives?"
Luke raised an eyebrow," Of course I do. I can take you there if you want." Luke pointed back to his old speeder, grinning.
Anakin chuckled," How about some directions, and I'll take us there."
Anakin eyed the sand-worn cliffs of the Stone Needle wearily, old memories flooding back. Beside him, Luke was rambling away at all the races he'd been involved in, completely oblivious to Anakin's plunging mood.
No matter what the Force was telling him, it was becoming difficult to make himself believe anything that had happened in the past hour was real.
Logically, it was impossible.
But from experience, Anakin knew the Force was anything but logical.
Anakin paused in his thoughts, surprised to find that Luke had gone silent. He glanced over at the boy curiously. Luke was staring at him closely, as though studying him.
" You know...your face looks really familiar," Luke said.
Anakin tensed," I'm a Jedi, perhaps you've seen my face on a wanted poster, young one."
Luke blanched, glaring at Anakin," My name is Luke, not 'young one.' And no, that's not it, I've never seen a Jedi wanted poster."
Anakin nodded, once again consumed by his thoughts. There was so much he needed to find out, and he had no idea how much time he had left in this...place.
Luke sat silently for a few moments, watching the Jedi. Anakin could feel his son's eyes on him, but couldn't quite think of what to say. Was it supposed to be this awkward when you talk to your son?
...Of course, these weren't normal circumstances.
Finally, Anakin managed to speak up," So...do you live with your mother then?"
Luke tore his gaze from the clouds and turned to look at Anakin, curiously," No, I never knew her."
Anakin's resolve faltered. His dreams must have been true.
The Jedi forced himself to take a calming breath," Who-"
" I live with my aunt and uncle, Owen ad Beru Lars, on a moisture farm. I don't think I was born here, but I don't remember ever being anywhere else." Luke's eyes were glued on the sandy rocks ahead of them, the boy didn't look at Anakin once while he spoke.
Anakin sighed," I...knew your parents. They were good people, important people. If they were...alive, so many things would be different. I'm sure of it."
Anakin looked at the boy, two identical blue eyes stared back," I...I don't think so."
Anakin fowned, there was a sadness behind Luke's words, a sadness a ten year old boy shouldn't feel. And it was his fault.
" What do you mean, Luke?"
Luke shook his head," You wouldn't understand."
"You never know, I mightt understand more than you realize."
Luke rolled his eyes," Whatever."
Anakin snorted. Typical childish response.
Suddenly, Luke sat up in his seat," That's it!" The boy pointed wildly at a small hut, nestled amongst the sandy cliffs. Outside the hut, an old man sat in the sun, his gray-white beard glinting in the light.
Anakin slowed the speeder to a stop, shock reeling through all his limbs. The man was Obi-Wan Kenobi. There was no doubt about it, Anakin would recognize the Force signiture anywhere.
Obi-Wan smiled softly, a sad smile," Come on in, my old friend, I've been expecting you."
Luke turned to Anakin in surprise," You know each other?"
Anakin nodded, too shocked to speak.
Obi-Wan however, nodded kindly," Indeed. And it is nice to see you too, young Luke."
Luke grinned," Likewise Mr. Kenobi...do you have anything to eat? I'm starving."
Obi-Wan chuckled, leading the two Skywalkers inside," I'll see what I can find."
Luke had finally drifted off. It had taken three hours of small talk, food, and Force suggestion, but now Obi-Wan and Anakin could speak openly.
" This was unexpected," Obi-Wan muttered," Very unexpected. What's the last thing you remember?"
Anakin eyed his old mentor warily, Obi-Wan was usally the patient one, but it seemed he wanted to cut to the chase as soon as possible," I was on my way to...the Chancellor's office."
Obi-Wan's eyes were watching Anakin so closely, he almost felt nervous," Why were you headed to Palpatine's office?"
When Anakin did not reply, Obi-Wan spoke again," Or should I say, why were heading to Sidious's office?
Anakin froze," How did you know? I- What happened? What about Padme? How did Luke get here? I-"
Obi-Wan took a deep breath," One question at a time Anakin, please."
"What happened to Padme?" Anakin whispered, tears welling in his eyes, as his non-mechanial hand stroked Luke's hair for comfort.
Obi-Wan stood, and walked all the way to the oppoite window before he replied," You killed her, Anakin."
A/N Reviews? Please?