To all readers. I apologize because this is not an update(although those are coming very soon) but rather my own attempt to be proactive in the protection of our basic rights. I know you have probably seen this before but I wanted to take a moment and explain why you should pay attention to the net neutrality debate.
First off I want you to know that normally I would never place myself as part of this debate in any way, shape, or form but I believe it is your right to remain informed. For this purpose I have put several website links down at the bottom that help explain the situation better than I can by people more knowledgeable than myself. Take a moment and read, it will cost you nothing but a few minutes and may help you come to form a more knowledgeable opinion.
Update: Chewie Cookies has informed me the links in this note were not working and could not be copy/pasted. As such I have reposted the links in the update in an attempt to fix the problem while also posting them within my profile. For more information about Net Neutrality the links are now on my profile near the bottom. Please feel free to use them there and learn as much as you can. Net Neutrality will directly affect our freedoms on the internet, one way or another, and we must remain informed to make good decisions and defend our freedoms.
My take:
Ask yourself, how many years and how many stories on fan fiction have you enjoyed or written? How much artwork have you seen on deviant art? How many shows have you watched on Crunchyroll or Netflix? Now realize that all this and much more may be in jeopardy.
Net neutrality refers to the right for all data to be treated equally. Under net neutrality rules that were thrown out in a suit by Comcast no data may be given superior speeds over another. Thus Netflix streaming should be the same as youtube or any video streaming service. Without this Comcast can (and has) begun charging companies to pay more to allow their services to reach consumers quickly and reliably.
In essence the internet service providers (ISPs) want to be able to determine who gets what data and when and then extort that service for more money. This can lead very easily for free service sites (comics, art hosting sites, fanfiction sites, etc.) that rely on ad traffic to being completely destroyed because they can't afford to pay for their consumers to be able to reach their sites quickly or possibly even have their websites denied/blocked because they won't pay the ISP.
Further this can place an almost impenetrable wall to start-up companies that would be able to possibly bring us better services and supplant current companies (i.e. facebook beating out myspace).
Example: Netflix can be forced pay an extra cost (and has been) and its video streaming has no interruptions vs Start-up that can't and is unable to provide reliable download or streaming speeds for its consumers. Who will survive?
The internet is a level playing field right now. One of the few truly level places in the world and a place we all share, speak, and are able to come to understand one another. Should the ISPs be allowed to destroy this neutrality because Comcast is spending over 18 million a year in lobbying we all lose. It would be a slippery and short slope to complete control of the internet by the service providers who already refuse to compete against one another and give us the worst service imaginable.
Ask yourself how you feel. I know where I come down and if you would like to discuss this with me more you are welcome to send me a private message but I want you to have the knowledge to make an informed decision and take action. I can't tell you how to think or what to do but look at the facts, see the information, and come to a decision.
With regards,
Edaar the Mage
The FCC is taking comments by us, use this as a chance to be heard.
For more information I am listing a few sites I have and articles for people to read: