It was a late night at the Pit. Mainframe leaned back in his chair and stretched. He was trying to finish keying in a program, but his keyboard wasn't cooperating with him, often skipping letters and forcing him to go back and rekey the line.

He bent down to check the cord and caught a small movement out of the corner of his eye. He sighed. The ninjas were at it again, playing their little "war games".

He sighed again as he realized that the cord to his keyboard was almost cut totally through. He slammed his chair back and unplugged the keyboard, winding the cord around his hand until he got to the slice.

"We got a traitor around here. Everybody knows to leave my cords alone," he thought. "Did someone forget to tell that I was going to be tonight's target?"

He angrily yelled and Scarlett burst into the room, followed by Jinx, Snake Eyes, Kamakura and Storm Shadow.

"Mainframe, what's wrong?" Jinx asked innocently.

He held up the keyboard and cord. "Which one of you weaponless wonders chose me for a target tonight?"

"None of us," Snake Eyes signed. "We knew you were too busy."

"Yeah," agreed Kamakura.

"Well somebody cut this cord, and it most certainly was not me," Mainframe growled. They searched the admin building from top to bottom, not finding anything. They finally met up back in Mainframe's office.

"I didn't find anything," Kamakura announced.

"Me either," Scarlett admitted.

Snake Eyes shook his head.

A loud, high-pitched scream came from Hawk's office, where everyone knew that he was also working late, alone. The keyboard and cord fell forgotten from Mainframe's hands as the Marine Sergeant's mind shifted to battle mode.

Snake Eyes burst open the door and everyone rushed in, bursting out laughing. Hawk was perched on his desk, freaking out.

"What is it? Hawk, what's wrong?" Scarlett asked. The Commanding Officer just pointed behind and under his desk.

Kamakura and Storm Shadow investigated and Storm Shadow reached into the darkness. When he stood up again, Scarlett and Jinx began to laugh.

"Here's your culprit, Mainframe," he announced, holding a squirming mouse by the tail.

"Who knew that Hawk was afraid of mice?"Scarlett asked Snake Eyes as Storm Shadow disposed of the rodent outside. The tall, mute ninja shrugged.

"Not me," he signed.

Behind Hawk's back, Kamakura sneaked a ten dollar bill into his sensei's hand.

"You win," he stated softly.