Hello! ^_^ thank you for those who review this story! Thank you too for those who have put this story in their favorite and alert! Thank you!

Well, for those who asked what happened to inuyasha…well, he was paralyzed by miroku..

Well, here's the next chapter! Enjoy! And keep reading! Also try reading my other story! [Connection] Thank you again!


Bright silver blue eyes opened

"so, let me get this straight... This jewel was created by a priestess named midoriko. Who fought for 7 days straight" she looks at them for any correction and when they nodded she continue.

"She won the battle but at the price of her life. Which is, sealing her soul and her enemy; tying them with the jewel I have now... When she died the jewel was given to your people" her gaze stopped at the woman named sango beside the monk and saw her nod.

She continued. "After many years of guarding the jewel, your people decided that the best way of protecting it is to give it to a miko to protect it and purify it. That's where kikyou came, she was the one who was chosen to protect the jewel but after years of protecting it the miko kikyou fell in love with a hanyou and yada yada..." she said moving her head left and right as if she was bored with matching arms.

The others just watched her with wide eyed expression as she summarizes the story humorously.

She continued with the story not taking the expressions of the others. "That's where naraku enters; he framed the two couples into thinking that they killed each other... And my throat is dry already!" the others just sweat drop at her antics "and to make the very long story short! Kikyou with her last strength trap inuyasha in that tree" pointing where the tree stands " and before she dies she asked to be burned along with the jewel so that no one can have it" she took a deep breath

"also this naraku guy ruined your life" she finished as she let her gaze swept through them

They nodded stiffly. Sango clenched her hands. "Yes"

She slumped back on her futon, her arm covering half of her face. "Wow..."

Miroku coughed "you forgot to include your responsibility in protecting it and the fact that you are the reincarnation of kikyou"

She rolled her eyes mentally. Really, he just has to say that she sighed "why do you-"

"WENCH! GIVE ME THE DAMN JEWEL NOW!" she sighed again

"sit" it was just a simple word but it has a great effect for the hanyou who was now kissing the ground.

"fhack" he groaned still stuck on the ground

The other occupants just shook their heads.

" would inuyasha ever learn?" shippo asked while shaking his head

" I guess not if he is in the same place where he first fell" kagome said with amusement dancing with those silver blue eyes.


"How are ye feeling, dear?" the old priestess asked

"Sore" kagome said sheepishly while rubbing her side

"Well, that is to be expected-"

The door was opened harshly as a man-er hanyou- came storming inside the hut.

"WENCH! GIVE ME THE FUCKING-!" he was about to pounce kagome when he was bound by a weapon like strings in mid-air. "What the fu-" he was stopped again when the strings tighten around him and it seems to burn him. "release me, wench!"

"No, if I release you who know what you'll do" she answered calmly

"Wench if you won't release me I'll kill -urgh!" the strings that wrap around his neck tighten and burned his neck where the string was placed. "Shit!" he curse as he felt the pain of being burned. He is a hanyou he shouldn't be affected by that kind of burn better yet he shouldn't be feeling it but instead he felt like he was being-his eyes widen as it finally came to him what it was..

Purification energy.

He stared at her with shock and accusingly.

"YOU!" he snarled

"yes,me?" pointing herself

"Are you killing-urk!-no! YOU are killing me!"

Kagome just raised her eyebrow that seems to be very familiar to him and that made his eye twitch.

"I'm not killing you it's just a small spark"

If it was even possible for the eyes to go wide, wider than a normal eye can do then he have definitely done it.

"Not killing me my ass! Does purifying not counted!" he shouted at her

He continues to curse at her but kagome doesn't seem to pay attention to him when the old priestess talked to her.

"kagome, put this on him" she said as she handed her a beaded necklace

"what is this for, lady Kaede?"

"put it on him to protect ye from him"

She raised her eyebrow "help to protect me?" she asked hesitantly and the old miko nodded.


"What are you doing?" he asked as he saw her coming to him with a beaded necklace

she shrugged "She said to put it on you" and she put it on him. She turned to kaede and asked what to do next.

"Now ye only need to chose a command to control the necklace" and when kaede notice her puzzle look she explain further "that necklace is subjugation one"

Inuyasha's eyes widen "YOU ARE NOT CONTROLLING ME! I REFUSE!"

"Calmed down inuyasha and I'll take the strings off" and when the strings are no longer there he began to make a move making kagome irritated.

"Damn it inuyasha! Calm down and SIT-

A loud crash was heard.

-Down?" she looks at the place where inuyasha was standing just a second ago and was now in a human crater.

Her eyes widen.

"well, it seems ye have chosen the command word" kaede said

She whipped her head from kaede to inuyasha and back to the old lady. "What do you mean?"

The old lady smiled with a hinted of amusement " well, ye have just gave it a command word" she continue as she saw her confused and with a dreaded face " why not recall it and see what the command word is" she suggested

She think about it first and she look at kaede with a look of uncertainty " umm... Sit?"

Another crash and a groan and a muffle curse.

Her eyes widen. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry inuyasha!" she apologize while helping inuyasha out of his crater..


Kaede was right it definitely help to protect her. Help to protect her from hitting her head from the frustration the hanyo gave her.

And speaking of him. She took a look at the place where he fell when she felt him move out of the crater and stood before her small frame.

"Grr... Woman! Give me the da-"

She turn to look at shippo and said "here, shippo. Take this and run!"

He zoomed out of the hut as he caught it with laughter filling the place.

He snarled at kagome before he storm out of the hut.

She laughs. "Well, that was funny"

" are you sure it's a good idea to give it to shippo, lady kagome?" miroku asked

"well, shippo is a good boy-"

Miroku held up a hand. "That is not what I mean, lady kagome. I don't doubt that shippo is a good boy but what I meant is that giving it to the boy is very dangerous.. You just put shippo in a dangerous position. Youkau will attack him." he reprimand her

her eyes widen as it hit her" oh, shit" she mumble and at the same time hearing shippo's scream and inuyasha's outrageous yell. She looks at the others and scrambles to get up and run out of the hut.


What she saw made her heart stop for a second. There in front of her was shippo hanging on some kind of bird. He was still holding the jewel in his hands that were being bound by the bird's claws.

"WIND SCAR!" inuyasha roared and swing his sword

"NO!" she screams at inuyasha. She looks back at shippo and took two kunai, throwing it to the bird to release shippo and at the same time run up to inuyasha and pushing him away to redirect the attack to the forest but even still it was moved away it still got the bird, destroying the bird at the same time breaking the jewel into many pieces.

"What the fuck, woman!"

Kagome chose to run to shippo instead of listening to inuyasha. "Are you okay,shippo?" she asked while checking for any signs of wounds, when she found none she let out a relief sigh. She swoop the young fox into a bone crushing hug. "I'm so sorry, shippo. I won't do it again" while still hugging the young fox.

"It's okay, kagome. I wasn't hurt" shippo smiled

Inuyasha came storming to them "Fuck, wench! Look what you did!" he pointed the area where the jewel was broken to pieces. " YOU! Broke the jewel if it wa-"

She snap her head to him, glaring holes. "SHUT UP! Inuyasha, if anyone here to blame it would be YOU!" she shouted at his face.

"wha?" he blinked

"No, YOU listen to me!" she continue while poking his chest "If you haven't used your (poke) fucking (poke) wind (poke) scar. The jewel wouldn't have been broken into pieces!" she screamed at him, tip-toeing in order to reach his nose. If it wasn't for the atmosphere and the situation around them, it would have been a pretty funny position.

"if it wasn't for my wind scar that yokai would have taken the jewel!" inuyasha yelled at her

"like I said SHUT UP!" she screamed frustrated at the stupidity of his comrade-to be " don't you think of anything other than that fucking jewel? Aren't you even thinking that if you used your wind scar someone will die?"


"Damn it, inuyasha! Why don't you just look around yourself!" she yelled while moving her arms around her

and he did.

And what he saw made him curse mentally. He was in the middle of the village if she didn't push him away at the same time changing the direction of the attack the village would have been destroyed by him. She was right; he was so concentrated in taking the jewel that he has overlooked his surrounding not that he will admit it.

He huffed and crossed his arms. "Che!"

"Why, you!" she was about to punch him when a hand stop her from punching inuyasha. She turn around to see who stopped her only to see miroku.

"it's okay, lady kagome. Inuyasha have already accepted that he was wrong" he smile

She raised a brow at him. "What? No, sorry?" she smirked humorously

Miroku chuckle, he can't believe how fast her emotion changes just this earlier she was so angry that you could practically see the smoke coming out of her nose and now she acts as if a fight between her and inuyasha never occurred. well, I guess that made lady kagome more attractive he thought. "Well, that's inuyasha for you, lady kagome" he smiled

She rolled her eyes "I don't think I'll ever get -" her eyebrow twitched


"You perverted monk!" she huffed annoyed at her monk friend's action and walked away from him while cursing him at his perverseness.

"well, now I know how soft those perfect-"


He looks up to see sango. "oh, hello there, la-OOF!" he was stopped at his sentence when a huge boomerang was hit on his torso.

"PERVERT!" and sango walk away joining kagome inside the hut

"would you ever learn, miroku?" shippo asked while shaking his head

" you won't understand this art, shippo"

Shaking his head " I don't think I want to" and he went away, leaving miroku with a red cheek and one broken rib but with a large grin plastered on his face "it was worth it"


"inuyasha, can we rest for a bit?" kagome asked

"NO, WENCH!" inuyasha shouted while continuing on his walk


"we ain't stopp'n, wench! We need to find more shards!" he looks at his shoulder "make it faster will 'ya! You lazybuns!"

Eyebrow twitched. She smiled sweetly "okay" her smile widen "sit" a loud crash was heard

Muffled curses.

She turn around to look at the others still smiling brightly. "well, it seems like inuyasha decided to rest. So, it looks like that we are stopping for tonight. What do you think guys?"

A louder muffled curse was heard. "Sit. Sit. Sit" she said in a sing-song voice

Crash. CRash. CRAsh!

"hmm..what was that, inuyash?" she asked innocently her right hand cupped to her ear while bending a little where inuyasha was crashed.

"Okay! That settles it!" she announces chirpily

the others just look at eachother and smiled back at her, albeit uncertainly.

"Thank you, lady kagome" he bowed his head in gratitude

"yeah" sango agreed

Kagome shook her head" oh, don't thank me, thank inuyasha. He was the one who decided to rest here we are only following" she answered with the same chirpiness

they sweatdrop.

It's been 3 days since the incident. 3 days of hellish travel with constant curses, courtesy of inuyasha. But, within 3 days the group has been getting close to kagome. She's very different from the other women one of those are her constant changes of emotions. They also know that she's a strong fighter since they have seen her fight just the other day when they are taking a jewel shard from a lizard youkai-making inuyasha more grumpier than ever-but the most important of all is that she's very different from kikyou although she's her reincarnation (not that they know that she's not) she never act like her.

Rustle Rustle

they all stopped at what they are doing.

Inuyasha sniffed. "kikyou!" his eyes snapped open from the direction of the noise

They all shared a look, excluding kagome and inuyasha who was staring intently on the place.

"Inuyasha" a cold dead voice was heard from the noise, followed by a female figure. The female now introduced as kikyou swept her gaze to them but lingered at kagome for a short while before stopping her gaze at inuyasha again.

"What are you doing here, kikyou?" inuyasha asked as he stepped forward

"why,inuyasha? Do you not want me here?" she asked with no emotion just like a dead person.

"What? No! It's just that you never visit like this before. So, I was just a little shock at your sudden visit" he answered softly "...so, what are you doing here, kikyou" he asked

"I have felt the shikon jewel and I also heard some rumors about the shikon jewel being shattered and being looked by a group" she answered

" words do spread fast nowadays don't you think, miroku, sango?" kagome said

They nodded. "Indeed, lady kagome. The shikon haven't been shattered that long and it seems half the population of Japan have already heard It." miroku said agreeing with kagome

Kikyou gave kagome a strange look. "You must be kagome. MY reincarnation." she stated

Kagome let those word pass and just smiled at her "hello, nice to meet you" she nodded to the undead priestess

The undead priestess just turn her head away from her and looked at inuyasha. "Was this the reason you were shocked by my sudden visit? it seems that you have chosen her instead of me, a copy to the real one." she said coldly

Kagome raised her eyebrow


"Inuyash! Don't say that to kagome!" sango yelled at inuyasha

Sango never liked kikyou. She was just letting her since she knows that she's a respected powerful priestess plus inuyasha will surely come to the undead priestess rescue but this is a different story now. She liked kagome, she really does she is like a sister she always wanted but never had. A little sister she felt the same love with her brother, kohaku. And she won't let anyone hurt her even kikyou. Be damn with the powerful priestess! She doesn't care! Bring it on!

While sango and inuyasha are busy fighting while miroku was busy acting as the peacemaker of the group by holding sango away from inuyasha and shippo cheering sango to beat inuyasha to pulp. Kikyou looked around satisfied by what she is seeing; she stopped her gaze to the other female who is also watching the scene.

Her eyes narrowed. She would never let that copy best her! Sensing the glare that is being directed by her the girl turned her attention away from the fight and stared straight at her eyes.

The girl's lips curled up into a smirk and opened her mouth, forming silent words.

Her eyes widen. She knows!

The girl's smirk widens. Giving one final look she turns around and went to help the others.

She can't believe she knows but how? She can't say that she was just fooling around with her. No, she was serious when she said those words plus her eyes were glowing white. A tell-tail sign that she had already done it.

but "knowing" your soul is Impossible. Even she can't do it. How did she do it in the first place?

She frowned. Just who are you?


Hiya! m(- -)m Sorry it took so long! . but I hope that you will like it ^=^ nway, let me write a little about the story and thank you for those who read this story!

*they admit that they saw kagome fight but kagome is still not fighting her all... What the others have seen is just like a child's fight to her also if you see.. Up there!^^ about making inuyasha grumpier

is because he wasn't able to show off his so called skills :p since kagome sliced the lizard youkai in half in one attack before he could even put his hand on his sword's hilt

Also... The thing about the glowing white eyes is like a known thing in spiritual beings... Proving that she/he have achieved it already.. You know! The "knowing" your soul

BUT! "Knowing" your soul is very hard! Even the highest priestess or monk have a hard time doing that even still they could not totally do it...

Also, I might not be able to write it here... I might write it here on later chapters :) about kagome being priestess...don't forget kagome wasn't trained as a priestess but as a kunoichi also they don't know that little tidbits about her not trained as it they will know it in the next chapter or the next... I don't know yet

Also, if you are wondering what she mean as "knowing" your soul and how she do it... Well, I might throw a few flashbacks
about kagome's childhood training or somehing like that. :p hehehe!

Oh! Those I wrote here in this chapter and in this little author's space is as fiction as this ^_^ so don't think they are real! But don't think that all the information in this story is all not real…there is information that I have looked up to!

Once again thank you for reading my stories and those who have listed my stories in their favorite and story alert.. THANK YOU!