'Hello?' England inquired a bit nervously, usually the Prime minister only rang if something bad was happening.

'England, we need you to go hang out with America!' He cried down the phone.

'Yeah, because David really stuck his foot in it again.' His deputy added in.

'Be quiet Nick.'

'Hang out?' England was confused, usually their relations where pretty good, something must have happened.

'Go cinema or something!' David suggested.

'But I just went with him!' England cried, exasperated.

'That's good! Where is he now?'

'Running around trying to find his brother and Prussia.'

'And where are you?'

'Lapin, come back to bed, or are you too sore?' France purred beside him.

'England, who's that?' David questioned.

'Shush, my boss is on the phone!' England whispered furiously.

'But Elizabeth is used to this, non?'

'No! My other new boss who only came into power a few months ago!'

'ah, oops.'

'England?' Nick cut in.


'who're you with?'


'Francis who?'


'And who's he when he's at home?'



'Oui, moi.'

'And why is he asking whether or not you're sore?' England felt his face go red, he really didn't want have to explain things to his Prime minister and his deputy.

'Because we were working out...' He improvised wildly.

'Working out?' David didn't sound convinced.

'Yeah, we need to get our strength back...'

'Strength back?'

'You know, war and bad economies and all that!' England chuckled nervously.

'O-oh, because we thought you meant something else...' Nick muttered.

'A-anyway Sir. I have a question.' England quickly cut in, quickly changing the subject.

'Yes?' David and Nick asked in unison.

'Why did America call me a terrorist hugger?'

'O-oh, well... You know the oil leak BP may have caused...' David started.

'Yes, Alfred won't be quiet about it.' England said angrily.

'Well, it seems that BP has been linked to the early release of the Lockerbie bomber.'

'Ok...' England was stumped by this; it seemed that he may have to look into it.

'Anyway, we must go, Florence is crying and we've things to organise.'

'O-oh yes, my congratulations and condolences sir.'

'Thank you England, now we really must go, but don't forget, AMERICA. Goodbye'

'Good bye Prime minister.'

'Bye England!'

'Goodbye Mr. Clegg' As soon as the words left his mouth the phone went dead, sighing with relief England threw it on the floor.

'That was close, non?'

'S-so, what d-do y-you wanna do now? Canada asked, watching America's back as he ran off.

'Hmm, I know a pretty awesome restaurant nearby... If you wanna go?' Prussia sounded uncharacteristically unsure about this, sure the restaurant did good food, but it was a bit, well, 'coupley' and this was only the first date.

'Y-yeah, that sounds cool.' Canada smiled, and gingerly grasped Prussia's hand, causing the older nation to smile slightly.

'Come on then!' Prussia laughed, and began running, dragging the Canadian with him. They ran hand in hand down many winding streets, Canada was completely lost, but Prussia seemed to know exactly where they were. They ran for what felt like ages, but soon they ground to a halt outside a small restaurant.

'This looks quite...' Canada started, but was cut off.

'Terrible? Old fashioned? Like Artie and Francis owned their own restaurant and they let Poland decorate?' Prussia shot off, he'd heard several other nations insult the restaurant, but he quite liked it.

'...Expensive.' he finished, shooting Prussia an odd look.


'But it looks pretty nice.' Canada smiled at Prussia, who was blushing a little.

'Great! C'mon, I need to go sweet talk the owner into giving us a table!'

'Sweet talk?'

'Yeah... You're supposed to make reservations...' Canada rolled his eyes followed Prussia inside.

Well, it was certainly... not at all what Canada expected. The restaurant was very quaint and didn't at all look like somewhere Prussia would usually go. He let his eyes roam over the mahogany tables and random ornaments as he half listened to Prussia's 'sweet talking'.

'Aww! C'mon Roxanne! Please?' Prussia whined, using puppy dog eyes.

'Gilly, you know you're supposed to make reservations!' 'Roxanne' replied, she looked to be in her late 30's/ early 40's and was a brunette with piercing hazel eyes.

'I know! But can't you just let me off? The awesome me has a date!'

'A date? What girl has enough patience for you?'

'Roxanne, he is pretty darn awesome.'



'And where is this mysterious date of yours?'

'He's over there.' Prussia pointed at Canada.

'Where?' Roxanne squinted, she couldn't see anyone...

'THERE.' Prussia practically screamed, Canada waved a little, causing the restaurant owner to notice him.

'Oh... He's cute...' Canada felt his cheeks burn a little at this.


'Fine, but don't you dare get drunk again Gilly! We've got a couple in who actually made reservations, unlike you.'

'Don't worry about me Rox, I'll be on my awesomest behaviour!'

'That's exactly what I'm worried about...' She muttered, heading toward the bar.

'I've got us a table!' Prussia declared.

'I heard. Gilly.' Canada sniggered.

'Urgh, don't, Rox feels the need to give everyone pet names.'

'I gathered. How do you know about this place any way?'

'West dragged me here one time, I ended up on a double date with him and Feli.'

'D-double d-date?'

'Yeah, I had to put up with Romano for three hours. Boy was Toni pissed!' Prussia laughed.

'I don't envy you, Romano gives me a headache.'

'Romano gives everyone headaches, why do you think Toni carries paracetamol with him?' Canada laughed and the two carried on chatting good naturedly until a smug, Austrian accented voice cut across their conversation.

'And just who is this Gilbert?' Austria asked, half mocking the albino nation.

'This is Matthew, now fuck off Aristo.' Prussia spat obviously annoyed that the Austrian man was there.

'And have you forgotten the rules about dating people who aren't like us?' Austria raised an eyebrow.

'No I have not. Austria, this is Matthew Williams, also known as Canada.'

'Cah-Nah-Dah?' Austria looked perplexed.

'I-I'm Alfred's b-brother...' Canada spoke up, voice trembling more that it had the entire night.

'Why are you even here, you fucking aristocrat? I would've thought that this'd be like slumming it for you!' Austria straightened up and glared at Prussia.

'For your information Elizabeta rather likes it here.'

'And where is your darling little psychopath?' Prussia asked with an innocent smile on his face.

'She's... I don't know...' Austria looked round, a confused look on his face.

'Escaped from her cage, has she?' Prussia grinned.

'Goodbye Gilbert.' Austria snapped.

'See ya fuckface!' Prussia waved as Austria stalked off. 'I hate that bitch.' He muttered to a laughing Canada.




My life right now is just a whole mess of shizz, not even joking.

I've been really busy now that i'm in year 10 tbh.

Btw, you may have noticed I don't like Austria much.

I know I haven't been replying to reveiws, but I will from now on! :D

Reviews make me happy :) 3