A/N Heya all here is a new story about Naruto in the land of Alageasia. ERAGON! It will follow the inheritance cycle and Naruto will meet up with the group at around the end of the second book. Until that time I will not touch up on ANY of the book's group it will be purely original. This will be about how Naruto is brought up and to give his character depth. Until Naruto meets up with the Eragon crew it will be oc's and if it isn't it is not owned by me.
Disclaimer. Naruto and The inheritance cycle are not owned by me. If they were I'd be rich and be currently doing my dream job. (A.K.A a writer.)
In the land of Alageasia deep within hidden mountains, a heavy storm brewed. The clouds, black like death, the rain a heavy screen of melancholy. Lightning lanced across the sky with wicked precision. Smiting the ground with terrible force. Thunder howled across the peaks of the mountain making the ground below rumble with unease.
In the eye of the storm a strange surge of energy was growing into a heavy maelstrom that vibrated with immense power unlike anything the world has felt. The reason for the Maelstrom would turn the world on its head, again.
Two beings trudged forward to the eye of the storm. One being, many times smaller than the second, strode on two legs with a staff to help propel him forward. The second, bigger being, prowled the ground on four legs. Its height equal to some of the hill sized boulders that dotted the craggy recesses of the mountain. They were companions and life friends. They lived together on a large plateau farther down the mountain.
The maelstrom currently thrumming with energy was what had brought the pair into the heart of the mountain. As they reached it, the bluish swirling mass of energy started pulsing and expanding. Pulling at the edges at extreme angles. Much like water going haywire in a water balloon. As the thrumming energy reached a feverish pace it imploded on itself and slammed into the ground. The force was so great the entire mountain top reverberated with a giant BOOM.
The clouds of black death were sent screaming away leaving a perfect circle of bright sun touched land miles wide.
Where the energy had connected with the land lay something neither of the two beings expected. Laying there, balling its eyes out, was a baby, just born. A black seal marking its stomach and three whisker marks adorning the baby's cheeks.
The smaller humanoid being strode forward slowly and knelt down to the baby. He examined it as if it were a piece of machinery. Glancing at his partner he asked in a gravelly yet musical voice "Whatdya think we should do with the young one?"
The second being didn't speak outright but in the other's mind a strong deep voice filled with immense power spoke. I think we should raise it. After all we could raise it and I have a feeling it's the "Destined one" that our prophecy spoke of
The humanoid being nodded. "Aye I agree." Scooping up the baby he surveyed the area. "Ya know considering the storm this one came from I think I figured out a name."
The other asked. And what would that be Kai?
The one now known as Kai grinned. "Naruto. I once read that meant maelstrom in one of the human's language. What do you think Ruth?"
Ruth let out a snort. A small ball of smoke wisped out of its nostrils. I think it suits the little one. Now shall we head home? I want to sunbathe while we have sun.
Kai let out a small laugh. His wrinkled, weathered face lighting up in a rare moment of joy. His hair parted slightly revealing sharp pronounced pointed ears.
Together the elf and dragon left the peak of the mountain and soared down to their plateau where a small cottage rested next to a cavern big enough for the dragon.
Five years later.
The day was bright and full of life in the mountain range. Currently one five year old Naruto was on an adventure he thought his "Parents" Were unaware of. He had snuck off the plateau and was currently exploring the forest below. It was a giant forest and one that any person not well versed with could easily get lost. Hence why his parents had told him it was forbidden until he was older.
Naruto being the person that he was simply couldn't resist a challenge such as that and had to explore the forest. He already had an interest for plants and living beings in general and had wanted to explore it since before he could remember. The rule was just the icing on the cake. He currently found himself staring at a beautiful lake that was low on the mountain base. The closer you got to the ground level the more thick the forest became.
The scene he was at was like a slice of heaven to Naruto. The lake had about a ten foot clearance from the forest where lush grass grew and swayed with the slight wind. A rainbow of flowers bloomed amongst the grass. Blues yellow's orange's reds, every color that could light up a child's world.
Naruto was one such child. Naruto beamed as he looked around. His large sapphire eyes lit up with wonder. He was in an elegant orange robe with white cloth trim and white under cloth. It looked like something that a child from a regal family would wear. In truth his elven parent had made it for him. The elf was proficient in all arts. But his true loves were two. One was blacksmithing which was his favorite passion. His second was tailoring. The two went hand in hand. Both required patience and delicate work.
Which his parents and masters had in abundance.
Naruto grinned as he reached the edge of the water. The lake was as smooth as glass reflecting a perfect reverse version of the real thing. Naruto laughed as the child he was as he had accomplished his task. He had found a great place to get away and have fun. As he crouched at the water's edge he leaned forward more and more. Getting engrossed in his reflection.
Suddenly his legs gave out underneath him and he crashed into the water. Caught off guard and in panic naruto flailed around uselessly his clothes weighed him down and drug him deeper. Naruto, in his panic had made the grave mistake of trying to intake some air. Naruto received a lung full of water. His flailing became weaker and weaker.
Naruto gave out one last gargled cry. As his world started to fade he saw a feminine figure appear before him. She wore no clothes and her skin was a clear blue that contrasted with the deep blue of the lake. She leaned in and pressed her lips against the boys. As she did Naruto's lungs became full of air once again. Giving him air. With the boy firmly in her grasp, she shot through the water like a bullet, her legs weren't moving. Nor was any part of her. It seemed she moved through the water through magic. This was what Naruto thought as he held his breath. As they reached the top Naruto let out the breath he was holding and started heaving.
The naked woman drifted forward and set him on the beach where his masters awaited him with a clear accusatory look. Five year old Naruto however was scared out of his mind and blasted against Kai's legs the shock finally worn off he was reduced to terrified sobbing.
The elf and dragon looked at the blue skinned woman who had the good graces to be sporting an embarrassed blush. Kai growled "I hope your happy water sprite. You have just reduced my son to terrified sobbing."
The sprite shifted uncomfortably in the water. "I was only playing around" she mumbled meekly
"Bah! That's just like you sprites. Always acting rashly, never thinking your actions through. He's a five year old boy and you expect him to know how to swim? Be gone with you!"
The water sprite hung her head in shame. She truly had not meant for the boy to be hurt. She had only wanted someone to play with. "Wait let me give him something as a token of my apology."
Ruth gave her a deep growl as he thrust his head forward stopping only inches from her face. She trembled in fear of the fearsome beast. He was majestic. He was a giant of a dragon and his muscles rippled with awesome power. Glittering amethyst scales glistened in the sunlight creating a disco ball effect creating various shades of purple dots that swirled. 'This had better not be a trick sprite or I will tear you to pieces with my claws understood!'
The sprite could only nod very very timidly. Ruth withdrew his head slowly his eyes trained on her. "C-Could the boy come here?" She asked meekly.
Kai sighed "Very well." He knelt down towards Naruto placing his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Naruto… Naruto!" he said sharply. Finally getting a response from the blonde. "The sprite wishes to speak with you. To apologize for pulling you into the water. Go to her and allow her to make amends. After that we will head home where we will discuss your punishment for disobeying our direct orders."
Naruto sniffled a little and nodded bravely. Slowly turning around he advanced trembling in fright. He knew she had saved him but he also was now afraid to go near the water. Finally he reached a few feet from the edge and said shakily. "U-Um Hi"
The sprite gave him a small smile of reassurance. "Hello Naruto, My name is Arianne. I am a water sprite. It was I who pulled you into the water. I apologize, young Naruto. Please let me make amends." She said sadly.
Naruto gulped. "I-it's okay sprite lady- I mean Miss Arianne- You saved my life after all.
The sprite giggled at the cute little boy. "True but it was I who put in danger in the first place. However, I digress. As a token of my apology I gift you these Naruto." She told him as she reached into her hair and pulled out a gem the size of a palm. "They are called the gems of Aquarius, the water bearer. It is a special gem with magic properties. Use it well brave one." She explained.
Naruto nodded understanding the importance of the gem. He knew the word "Magic" meant something powerful and should be handled with care. Arianne smiled and blushed a little. "And Naruto. M-maybe you could come visit me some time. I would love to get to know one so brave."
Naruto slowly broke into a smile, one that brightened the world. He had made his first friend.
Kai cleared throat. Indicating it was time to leave. Naruto jogged back to his masters and waved good bye to the water spirit.
When they arrived back at the plateau after a short ride from Ruth they both turned to him with furious looks in their eyes. Ruth's snout sent ripples of steam in the air and Kai's whole body was vibrating.
"What do you think you were doing? We both warned you of the dangers of that forest and yet you purposefully disobeyed our warnings and orders and went in KNOWING it was forbidden. You're intelligent Naruto. We've made sure of that. Yet you did something foolish today. When we saw you fall into the lake before we could catch you we were worried SICK!
"Thankfully that sprite saved you! What do you have to say for yourself?" Kai roared.
Naruto shrank back in fright. "I-I'M SORRY! I-I just wanted to explore. The forest called me! I'm SORRY!" He cried.
You were very foolish Naruto there is no excusing that. However, wanting to explore is a natural instinct and It was a good lesson for you. You've been through enough already. Go inside and get some rest. You're punishment shall be reading and writing practice all day every day for the rest of the week. Now get going. Kai and I have much to discuss. Ruth said more mellow than his elven partner.
Kai took a deep breath and sighed letting his anger go. "Go on Naruto. Tomorrow shall be an early day." Once Naruto had gone into the now two bedroom hut and was fast asleep in his room Kai turned to his friend. "Ah Ruth, I know I was as little harsh on the boy. There shall be no need to scold me. Still I was worried, we both were. We should have addressed him when he reached the lake."
Ruth rumbled which was the equivalent of dragon laughter. Come now Kai, you know as well I do that every creature needs to go through life lessons. However I fear he will have a fear of water from now on. Even if Arianne gave him that gem.
Kai ran his hand across his chin and down his long flowing white beard. It reached to his waist same as his hair. The man wore robes much like Naruto's except his clothes were purple as a sign of kin ship to Ruth. Unlike most rider and dragon they were not bonded. They had been brought together before the first Rider Eragon. Kai had forsaken his people's company finding it not to his liking and somehow he had befriended Ruth. Ruth was a wild dragon who was nearly as tame as a bonded dragon but in battle his old ferocity came back and when in battle he sent all but the bravest and the severely stupid running.
Kai reached up and placed a hand on the dragon's shoulder. They may not be bonded but they knew each other so well they knew the other's thought without even touching minds.
Kai sighed heavily as he stared across the mountain out into the world beyond. "We failed to stop the falling, Ruth. I do not want to fail with Naruto. He may be the world's last hope. The lad is cunning like a fox and has a certain appreciation for nature that one can only be born with."
Ruth leaned slightly against the touch of his elven friend. Kai, we tried our best to warn the council that he had gone mad. When they failed to see reason we had no choice but to leave, lest we die before our time. We both felt that same dread crashing upon us that day. With Naruto though, I KNOW he is the one we have waited for, He has stirred our frozen hearts. Can't you feel it?
Kai chuckled. "Indeed I have. I just pray that we last long enough to teach him what needs to be taught. After all the boy will need to be ready to take on the world if he has too. He will need help more than what we can give."
Ruth nodded. But he already has help. Haven't you felt it? The presence residing within him?
Kai agreed. "Aye I have. But it felt tainted and malicious as if it harbored immense anger over something. I can't help but wonder if it will truly be a help, or another hurtle the blonde must face. Regardless, I can feel the world starting stir I have to prepare what he needs. And I'll need your help to do it. He'll be our last mark upon this land. Somehow I just know he'll live on in legends for the rest of time."
Ruth snorted his agreement and together they watched the sun falling casting a brilliant array of orange red and pink hues splattering across the sky. Together they sat there for a long time. Sharing in each other's company as they had done for over a thousand years.