
I dreamed of vast lands covered in hardy grass and sprinkled with giant billowing trees. It is a cold place, snow coating the ground, but the plants are still strong. On some days, the sun never set. On others, it never appeared, just a glow shifting along the horizon. The dark days were hard, but the light days made one strong for the dark ones.

As I was viewing the dreams of the Amaura, I was with the Amaura. Our long necks rise above the grass, our sturdy bodies plow through shallow snow. It is melting, the sun's light grows longer. The grasses will grow better soon, but it is time to move on. While the rocky refuge is good shelter when the winds and ice of the long dark are blowing, the rolling fields are best when the long light is growing. Moving on will allow the earth to always provide.

It should be cold, but I am not cold. i am one with ice. In spite of that, the long dark is still dangerous. Not much to eat, sickness hits harder. Strangely, there is no worry about with predators. There is no fighting. There are long days of walking, good days under sunny blue skies, bad days under rumbling storm clouds. Nothing to fight. No reason to fight.

Times change. The light of the sun is not as long, but stronger. It is warmer, not as nice. Also not as nice is the fighting. As the Amaura, I was alone. No other Amaura to be with. There were other Pokemon that I was getting used to. Also, the amazing creatures called humans. They were great leaders, intelligent and kind. But the humans want me to fight. I don't want to fight. Long days walking, slow easy pace, peace and satisfaction. There is so much activity that I can't keep track of it. when the battles aren't happening, though, the human is nice to me. They help to clean and get food, even play. Is that worth it all? I am still deciding.

(Researcher's note: I'd recommend to this Amaura's Trainer that they keep her out of battles for a little while longer. Have her watch them and socialize with other Pokemon. On the other hand, the unique way this Pokemon was revived means she still holds memories of prehistoric eras. Her dreams may hold interesting information that we can't find out otherwise. I would like to go within her dream world a few more times.)


Amaura Y entry: This calm Pokemon lived in a cold land where there were no violent predators like Tyrantrum.