Follow/Fav Pokedex OneShots
By: Ysavvryl
A collection of short stories based on the Pokedex entries and whatever else happens to be in my mind. Vast range of genres, characters, and settings. Any Pokemon can be valuable if you care enough to give value to it. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova complete!
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Chapters: 340 - Words: 545,991 - Reviews: 597 - Favs: 368 - Follows: 198 - Updated: 7/13/2016 - Published: 5/13/2010 - id: 5968447
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Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten
< Prev 1. Magikarp 2. Skitty 3. Torkoal 4. Shuppet 5. Hoppip, Skiploom 6. Umbreon 7. Spiritomb 8. Gible 9. Shuckle 10. Clamperl, Spoink 11. Phanpy, Donphan 12. Snorlax 13. Ditto 14. Snorunt 15. Shedinja 16. Gardevoir, Zangoose 17. Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon 18. Seviper 19. Miltank, Tauros 20. Rhyperior 21. Pidgeot 22. Aron, Sableye 23. Metagross 24. Blastoise, Ariados 25. Heracross, Dugtrio 26. Sunkern, Sunflora 27. Exeggcute, Exeggutor 28. Raichu, Charmeleon 29. Whismur 30. Cubone, Marowak 31. Kingler 32. Riolu, Lucario 33. Quilava 34. Paras 35. Torterra, Starly 36. Nidoran M, Nidoran F, Persian 37. Rotom 38. Stunky, Smeargle 39. Mankey, Primeape 40. Murkrow, Honchrow 41. Drapion 42. Abomasnow 43. Lapras 44. Chikorita, Feraligator 45. Flaaffy, Togepi 46. Sudowoodo 47. Farfetch'd, Bagon, Natu 48. Cherubi, Croagunk 49. Shelgon, Salamence 50. Froslass 51. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres 52. Meditite, Medicham 53. Happiny, Blissey 54. Leafeon, Drifloon 55. Ludicolo, Shiftry 56. Torchic 57. Igglybuff, Wailord 58. Turtwig, Staraptor 59. Kangaskan 60. Garchomp, Dragonite 61. Zubat, Golbat, Crobat 62. Gengar, Gallade 63. Aipom, Piloswine 64. Luvdisc 65. Mudkip, Diglett 66. Dunsparce, Qwilfish 67. Beedrill 68. Porygon, Porygon2, PorygonZ 69. Scyther, Scizor 70. Hitmonchan, Baltoy 71. Tropius 72. Totodile, Croconaw 73. Shaymin 74. Glalie, Bellossom 75. Squirtle, Buizel 76. Electrike, Manectric, Gastrodon 77. Milotic, Dusknoir 78. Meowth, Voltorb 79. Pupitar, Grotle 80. Taillow, Swellow 81. Manaphy, Phione 82. Magby, Smoochum, Elekid 83. Lairon, Aggron 84. Treecko 85. Politoed 86. Muk, Cherrim 87. Hitmonlee 88. Nidoqueen, Bonsley 89. Munchlax, Combee 90. Electrivire, Electrode, Pikachu 91. Feebas, Tentacool 92. Fearow 93. Mareep, Kadabra 94. Nincada, Dragonair 95. Metapod, Kakuna, Cascoon, Silcoon 96. Gastly, Haunter 97. Steelix 98. Arbok, Weezing 99. Tangela, Tangrowth, Togekiss 100. Growlithe, Arcanine 101. Gyarados 102. Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim 103. Clefairy 104. Wurmple, Beautifly, Dustox 105. Delibird 106. Giratina 107. Sneasel 108. Vulpix, Houndour 109. Flygon 110. Machoke 111. Raikou, Entei, Suicune 112. Kricketot, Kricketune 113. Lunatone, Solrock 114. Horsea, Kingdra 115. Meganium, Typhlosion 116. Alakazam, Kirlia 117. Yanma, Cyndaquil, Ralts 118. Celebi, Gorebyss 119. Wigglytuff, Duskull 120. Houndoom 121. Swablu, Charizard, Aerodactyl 122. Cloyster, Crawdaunt 123. Seaking, Remoraid 124. Cradily 125. Walrein 126. Stantler, Bayleef 127. Wingull, Pelipper 128. Ledian, Jirachi 129. Lickitung, Lickilicky 130. Unown 131. Mawile, Delcatty 132. Budew, Lotad 133. Chinchou, Lanturn 134. Mantyke 135. Banette 136. Drowzee, Darkrai 137. Ekans, Koffing 138. Mewtwo, Mew 139. Dratini 140. Drifblim 141. Girafarig, Ledyba 142. Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Bellsprout Weepinbel 143. Victreebel, Linoone 144. Pineco, Forretress, Spearow 145. Lopunny 146. Dusclops, Mime Jr 147. Trapinch, Vibrava 148. Oddish 149. Seedot, Wailmer 150. Missingno, Chatot 151. Chimecho 152. Doduo, Arceus 153. Roselia, Machamp 154. Sandslash 155. Carnivine, Pidgey, Pidgeotto 156. Azurill, Wynaut 157. Rapidash, Luxray 158. Gliscor, Uxie 159. Relicanth 160. Espeon, Castform 161. Absol, Blaziken 162. Azelf, Slakoth 163. Ponyta, Roserade 164. Jynx, Mespirit 165. Pichu, Shieldon 166. Ninetales, Psyduck 167. Bastiodon, Rampardos 168. Marill 169. Metang, Magnemite, Registeel 170. Wobbuffet 171. Poochenya 172. Parasect 173. Piplup, Empoleon, Ambipom 174. Lileep 175. Rattata, Glameow 176. Gloom, Chansey 177. Raticate, Regirock 178. Altaria, Gabite 179. Swinub, Regice 180. Chimchar, Abra 181. Mamoswine, Sentret 182. Misdreavus, Weedle 183. Tyranitar 184. Quagsire 185. Charmander, Magmar 186. Togetic, Mightyena 187. Kabutops 188. Venusaur, Wartortle 189. Teddiursa, Venonat, Latias 190. Glaceon, Weavile, Shinx 191. Breloom, Poliwrath 192. Plusle, Minun, Electrabuzz, Magmortar 193. Venomoth, Nidoking 194. Armaldo, Swampert, Whiscash 195. Tyrogue, Hariyama, Infernape, Hitmontop 196. Dewgong, Grovyle 197. Nidorina, Nidorino 198. Combusken, Floatzel, Staryu 199. Skuntank, Swalot, Slaking 200. Ho oh, Lugia 201. Snivy, Litwick 202. Mr Mime, Rhydon 203. Cacnea, Maractus 204. Haxorus, Krookodile 205. Kecleon 206. Leavanny, Klink 207. Krabby 208. Buneary, Onix 209. Makuhita, Darumaka 210. Cacturne 211. Finneon, Lumineon 212. Meloetta 213. Scrafty, Genesect 214. Basculin, Klang 215. Boldore, Woobat 216. Sealeo, Luxio 217. Lilligant 218. Jigglypuff 219. Munna, Musharna 220. Illumise, Volbeat 221. Dialga, Palkia 222. Samurott, Bisharp, Gothitelle, Audino 223. Seismitoad, Skarmory 224. Cresselia 225. Sigilyph, Golurk 226. Joltik 227. Bouffalant 228. Golduck, Surskit, Masquerain 229. Machop, Dewott, Monferno 230. Timburr, Conkeldurr 231. Volcarona 232. Butterfree, Spinda, Mismagius 233. Garbodor, Zigzagoon 234. Sandile, Yamask 235. Hypno 236. Sawsbuck, Zebstrika 237. Hydreigon, Stunfisk 238. Vespiquen 239. Rayquaza 240. Geodude, Graveler, Golem 241. Serperior, Emboar 242. Solosis, Zoroark 243. Vanilluxe, Chandelure 244. Vanillite, Beartic 245. Sewaddle, Caterpie 246. Carracosta, Omastar 247. Reshiram, Servine 248. Deerling, Stoutland 249. Heatmor, Durant 250. Zorua 251. Deoxys 252. Groudon, Kyogre 253. Sandshrew, Grimer 254. Lombre, Nuzleaf 255. Yanmega, Oshawott 256. Archeops 257. Tynamo 258. Latios, Loudred 259. Cleffa, Tentacruel 260. Pidove, Noctowl 261. Marshtomp, Sceptile 262. Whimsicott, Tirtouga 263. Zweilous, Ferrothorn 264. Corsola, Shellder 265. Slowking, Regigigas 266. Tepig, Unfezant, Vanillish 267. Frillish, Xatu 268. Starmie, Archen 269. Rufflet, Braviary 270. Purrloin, Liepard 271. Gigalith 272. Omanyte, Kabuto 273. Emolga 274. Slowpoke, Clefable 275. Jumpluff, Klinklang, Gulpin 276. Pignite, Prinplup, Spheal, Seel 277. Reuniclus, Slowbro 278. Nosepass, Pinsir 279. Staravia, Dodrio 280. Wooper, Zekrom 281. Gothorita, Escavalier, Duosion 282. Ninjask, Accelgor, Magcargo 283. Bronzong, Exploud 284. Whirlipede, Watchog, Eelektrik 285. Chingling, Beldum 286. Swadloon, Swoobat 287. Palpitoad, Simisear 288. Barboach, Shelmet 289. Lampent 290. Tranquill 291. Vullaby, Mandibuzz 292. Pachirisu, Snubbull 293. Hoothoot, Gligar 294. Rhyhorn 295. Bibarel, Ursaring, Cubchoo 296. Azumarill, Swanna 297. Poliwag, Goldeen 298. Jellicent, Pawniard, Cranidos 299. Alomomola, Darmanitan, Vigoroth 300. Furret, Golett 301. Trubbish, Vileplume, Amoonguss 302. Poliwhirl, Cofagrigus, Mantine 303. Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus 304. Scolipede, Herdier 305. Toxicroak, Victini 306. Bidoof, Anorith, Heatran 307. Kyurem 308. Dwebble, Larvitar 309. Sharpedo, Seadra, Gothita, Beheeyem 310. Spinarak, Snover 311. Skorupi, Ampharos, Bronzor 312. Purugly, Huntail, Grumpig 313. Camerupt 314. Sawk, Hippowdon 315. Granbull, Claydol 316. Karrablast, Galvantula, Eelektross 317. Larvesta, Cryogonal 318. Octillery, Shroomish 319. Exadrill, Cinccino, Druddgion 320. Corphish, Slugma, Shellos 321. Patrat, Numel, Hippopotas 322. Carvahna, Cobalion 323. Mienshao, Deino, Terrakion 324. Virizion, Petlil, Cottonee 325. Throh, Keldeo 326. Blitzle, Roggenrola, Ducklett, Foongus 327. Simipour, Panpour, Pansear, Pansage 328. Sylveon 329. Gurdurr 330. Minccino, Mienfoo, Simisage 331. Crustle, Ferroseed, Scraggy 332. Flabebe 333. Lillipup 334. Aurorus, Chespin, Binacle 335. Tympole, Dragalge 336. Magneton, Magnezone, Probopass 337. Drillbur, Krokorok 338. Venipede, Froakie 339. Elgyem, Axew, Fraxure 340. Amaura
I dreamed of vast lands covered in hardy grass and sprinkled with giant billowing trees. It is a cold place, snow coating the ground, but the plants are still strong. On some days, the sun never set. On others, it never appeared, just a glow shifting along the horizon. The dark days were hard, but the light days made one strong for the dark ones.
As I was viewing the dreams of the Amaura, I was with the Amaura. Our long necks rise above the grass, our sturdy bodies plow through shallow snow. It is melting, the sun's light grows longer. The grasses will grow better soon, but it is time to move on. While the rocky refuge is good shelter when the winds and ice of the long dark are blowing, the rolling fields are best when the long light is growing. Moving on will allow the earth to always provide.
It should be cold, but I am not cold. i am one with ice. In spite of that, the long dark is still dangerous. Not much to eat, sickness hits harder. Strangely, there is no worry about with predators. There is no fighting. There are long days of walking, good days under sunny blue skies, bad days under rumbling storm clouds. Nothing to fight. No reason to fight.
Times change. The light of the sun is not as long, but stronger. It is warmer, not as nice. Also not as nice is the fighting. As the Amaura, I was alone. No other Amaura to be with. There were other Pokemon that I was getting used to. Also, the amazing creatures called humans. They were great leaders, intelligent and kind. But the humans want me to fight. I don't want to fight. Long days walking, slow easy pace, peace and satisfaction. There is so much activity that I can't keep track of it. when the battles aren't happening, though, the human is nice to me. They help to clean and get food, even play. Is that worth it all? I am still deciding.
(Researcher's note: I'd recommend to this Amaura's Trainer that they keep her out of battles for a little while longer. Have her watch them and socialize with other Pokemon. On the other hand, the unique way this Pokemon was revived means she still holds memories of prehistoric eras. Her dreams may hold interesting information that we can't find out otherwise. I would like to go within her dream world a few more times.)
Amaura Y entry: This calm Pokemon lived in a cold land where there were no violent predators like Tyrantrum.
< Prev 1. Magikarp 2. Skitty 3. Torkoal 4. Shuppet 5. Hoppip, Skiploom 6. Umbreon 7. Spiritomb 8. Gible 9. Shuckle 10. Clamperl, Spoink 11. Phanpy, Donphan 12. Snorlax 13. Ditto 14. Snorunt 15. Shedinja 16. Gardevoir, Zangoose 17. Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon 18. Seviper 19. Miltank, Tauros 20. Rhyperior 21. Pidgeot 22. Aron, Sableye 23. Metagross 24. Blastoise, Ariados 25. Heracross, Dugtrio 26. Sunkern, Sunflora 27. Exeggcute, Exeggutor 28. Raichu, Charmeleon 29. Whismur 30. Cubone, Marowak 31. Kingler 32. Riolu, Lucario 33. Quilava 34. Paras 35. Torterra, Starly 36. Nidoran M, Nidoran F, Persian 37. Rotom 38. Stunky, Smeargle 39. Mankey, Primeape 40. Murkrow, Honchrow 41. Drapion 42. Abomasnow 43. Lapras 44. Chikorita, Feraligator 45. Flaaffy, Togepi 46. Sudowoodo 47. Farfetch'd, Bagon, Natu 48. Cherubi, Croagunk 49. Shelgon, Salamence 50. Froslass 51. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres 52. Meditite, Medicham 53. Happiny, Blissey 54. Leafeon, Drifloon 55. Ludicolo, Shiftry 56. Torchic 57. Igglybuff, Wailord 58. Turtwig, Staraptor 59. Kangaskan 60. Garchomp, Dragonite 61. Zubat, Golbat, Crobat 62. Gengar, Gallade 63. Aipom, Piloswine 64. Luvdisc 65. Mudkip, Diglett 66. Dunsparce, Qwilfish 67. Beedrill 68. Porygon, Porygon2, PorygonZ 69. Scyther, Scizor 70. Hitmonchan, Baltoy 71. Tropius 72. Totodile, Croconaw 73. Shaymin 74. Glalie, Bellossom 75. Squirtle, Buizel 76. Electrike, Manectric, Gastrodon 77. Milotic, Dusknoir 78. Meowth, Voltorb 79. Pupitar, Grotle 80. Taillow, Swellow 81. Manaphy, Phione 82. Magby, Smoochum, Elekid 83. Lairon, Aggron 84. Treecko 85. Politoed 86. Muk, Cherrim 87. Hitmonlee 88. Nidoqueen, Bonsley 89. Munchlax, Combee 90. Electrivire, Electrode, Pikachu 91. Feebas, Tentacool 92. Fearow 93. Mareep, Kadabra 94. Nincada, Dragonair 95. Metapod, Kakuna, Cascoon, Silcoon 96. Gastly, Haunter 97. Steelix 98. Arbok, Weezing 99. Tangela, Tangrowth, Togekiss 100. Growlithe, Arcanine 101. Gyarados 102. Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim 103. Clefairy 104. Wurmple, Beautifly, Dustox 105. Delibird 106. Giratina 107. Sneasel 108. Vulpix, Houndour 109. Flygon 110. Machoke 111. Raikou, Entei, Suicune 112. Kricketot, Kricketune 113. Lunatone, Solrock 114. Horsea, Kingdra 115. Meganium, Typhlosion 116. Alakazam, Kirlia 117. Yanma, Cyndaquil, Ralts 118. Celebi, Gorebyss 119. Wigglytuff, Duskull 120. Houndoom 121. Swablu, Charizard, Aerodactyl 122. Cloyster, Crawdaunt 123. Seaking, Remoraid 124. Cradily 125. Walrein 126. Stantler, Bayleef 127. Wingull, Pelipper 128. Ledian, Jirachi 129. Lickitung, Lickilicky 130. Unown 131. Mawile, Delcatty 132. Budew, Lotad 133. Chinchou, Lanturn 134. Mantyke 135. Banette 136. Drowzee, Darkrai 137. Ekans, Koffing 138. Mewtwo, Mew 139. Dratini 140. Drifblim 141. Girafarig, Ledyba 142. Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Bellsprout Weepinbel 143. Victreebel, Linoone 144. Pineco, Forretress, Spearow 145. Lopunny 146. Dusclops, Mime Jr 147. Trapinch, Vibrava 148. Oddish 149. Seedot, Wailmer 150. Missingno, Chatot 151. Chimecho 152. Doduo, Arceus 153. Roselia, Machamp 154. Sandslash 155. Carnivine, Pidgey, Pidgeotto 156. Azurill, Wynaut 157. Rapidash, Luxray 158. Gliscor, Uxie 159. Relicanth 160. Espeon, Castform 161. Absol, Blaziken 162. Azelf, Slakoth 163. Ponyta, Roserade 164. Jynx, Mespirit 165. Pichu, Shieldon 166. Ninetales, Psyduck 167. Bastiodon, Rampardos 168. Marill 169. Metang, Magnemite, Registeel 170. Wobbuffet 171. Poochenya 172. Parasect 173. Piplup, Empoleon, Ambipom 174. Lileep 175. Rattata, Glameow 176. Gloom, Chansey 177. Raticate, Regirock 178. Altaria, Gabite 179. Swinub, Regice 180. Chimchar, Abra 181. Mamoswine, Sentret 182. Misdreavus, Weedle 183. Tyranitar 184. Quagsire 185. Charmander, Magmar 186. Togetic, Mightyena 187. Kabutops 188. Venusaur, Wartortle 189. Teddiursa, Venonat, Latias 190. Glaceon, Weavile, Shinx 191. Breloom, Poliwrath 192. Plusle, Minun, Electrabuzz, Magmortar 193. Venomoth, Nidoking 194. Armaldo, Swampert, Whiscash 195. Tyrogue, Hariyama, Infernape, Hitmontop 196. Dewgong, Grovyle 197. Nidorina, Nidorino 198. Combusken, Floatzel, Staryu 199. Skuntank, Swalot, Slaking 200. Ho oh, Lugia 201. Snivy, Litwick 202. Mr Mime, Rhydon 203. Cacnea, Maractus 204. Haxorus, Krookodile 205. Kecleon 206. Leavanny, Klink 207. Krabby 208. Buneary, Onix 209. Makuhita, Darumaka 210. Cacturne 211. Finneon, Lumineon 212. Meloetta 213. Scrafty, Genesect 214. Basculin, Klang 215. Boldore, Woobat 216. Sealeo, Luxio 217. Lilligant 218. Jigglypuff 219. Munna, Musharna 220. Illumise, Volbeat 221. Dialga, Palkia 222. Samurott, Bisharp, Gothitelle, Audino 223. Seismitoad, Skarmory 224. Cresselia 225. Sigilyph, Golurk 226. Joltik 227. Bouffalant 228. Golduck, Surskit, Masquerain 229. Machop, Dewott, Monferno 230. Timburr, Conkeldurr 231. Volcarona 232. Butterfree, Spinda, Mismagius 233. Garbodor, Zigzagoon 234. Sandile, Yamask 235. Hypno 236. Sawsbuck, Zebstrika 237. Hydreigon, Stunfisk 238. Vespiquen 239. Rayquaza 240. Geodude, Graveler, Golem 241. Serperior, Emboar 242. Solosis, Zoroark 243. Vanilluxe, Chandelure 244. Vanillite, Beartic 245. Sewaddle, Caterpie 246. Carracosta, Omastar 247. Reshiram, Servine 248. Deerling, Stoutland 249. Heatmor, Durant 250. Zorua 251. Deoxys 252. Groudon, Kyogre 253. Sandshrew, Grimer 254. Lombre, Nuzleaf 255. Yanmega, Oshawott 256. Archeops 257. Tynamo 258. Latios, Loudred 259. Cleffa, Tentacruel 260. Pidove, Noctowl 261. Marshtomp, Sceptile 262. Whimsicott, Tirtouga 263. Zweilous, Ferrothorn 264. Corsola, Shellder 265. Slowking, Regigigas 266. Tepig, Unfezant, Vanillish 267. Frillish, Xatu 268. Starmie, Archen 269. Rufflet, Braviary 270. Purrloin, Liepard 271. Gigalith 272. Omanyte, Kabuto 273. Emolga 274. Slowpoke, Clefable 275. Jumpluff, Klinklang, Gulpin 276. Pignite, Prinplup, Spheal, Seel 277. Reuniclus, Slowbro 278. Nosepass, Pinsir 279. Staravia, Dodrio 280. Wooper, Zekrom 281. Gothorita, Escavalier, Duosion 282. Ninjask, Accelgor, Magcargo 283. Bronzong, Exploud 284. Whirlipede, Watchog, Eelektrik 285. Chingling, Beldum 286. Swadloon, Swoobat 287. Palpitoad, Simisear 288. Barboach, Shelmet 289. Lampent 290. Tranquill 291. Vullaby, Mandibuzz 292. Pachirisu, Snubbull 293. Hoothoot, Gligar 294. Rhyhorn 295. Bibarel, Ursaring, Cubchoo 296. Azumarill, Swanna 297. Poliwag, Goldeen 298. Jellicent, Pawniard, Cranidos 299. Alomomola, Darmanitan, Vigoroth 300. Furret, Golett 301. Trubbish, Vileplume, Amoonguss 302. Poliwhirl, Cofagrigus, Mantine 303. Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus 304. Scolipede, Herdier 305. Toxicroak, Victini 306. Bidoof, Anorith, Heatran 307. Kyurem 308. Dwebble, Larvitar 309. Sharpedo, Seadra, Gothita, Beheeyem 310. Spinarak, Snover 311. Skorupi, Ampharos, Bronzor 312. Purugly, Huntail, Grumpig 313. Camerupt 314. Sawk, Hippowdon 315. Granbull, Claydol 316. Karrablast, Galvantula, Eelektross 317. Larvesta, Cryogonal 318. Octillery, Shroomish 319. Exadrill, Cinccino, Druddgion 320. Corphish, Slugma, Shellos 321. Patrat, Numel, Hippopotas 322. Carvahna, Cobalion 323. Mienshao, Deino, Terrakion 324. Virizion, Petlil, Cottonee 325. Throh, Keldeo 326. Blitzle, Roggenrola, Ducklett, Foongus 327. Simipour, Panpour, Pansear, Pansage 328. Sylveon 329. Gurdurr 330. Minccino, Mienfoo, Simisage 331. Crustle, Ferroseed, Scraggy 332. Flabebe 333. Lillipup 334. Aurorus, Chespin, Binacle 335. Tympole, Dragalge 336. Magneton, Magnezone, Probopass 337. Drillbur, Krokorok 338. Venipede, Froakie 339. Elgyem, Axew, Fraxure 340. Amaura
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