"Hiccup! Hiccup!" Astrid was searching the lake, splashing water everywhere.

"Errrrrrr…"She heard a groan behind her. Astrid turned around so fast, that her thick blond braid smacked her face. "Ouch!" She yelped "Toothless?"

The black creature appeared out of the dark water.

"Toothless! Why didn't you catch us? Where is Hiccup, Toothless? WHERE IS HE? What if he is-"

Out of nowhere, gasps and cries were heard. "Oh man!" Hiccup's noisy voice was heard.

"HICCUP!" Astrid shouted and ran her way through the water, trying not to fall when stepping on the slippery stones inside it.

"What happen?" asked Hiccup, rubbing his eye with one hand, and with the other holding his forehead.

"Hiccup! Oh Hiccup! It's Toothless, you got distracted and – and we fell and…"

Hiccups eyes widened when he remembered. Astrid continued:

"Toothless is okay I was just – just so-"

"Astrid! Oh my god. Are you all right?"

Now the two figures were making their way toward each other. Toothless was staring at the two, chuckling a little when Hiccup slipped and fell into the water again.

"Oh Hiccup!" Astrid raised her friend out of the water, relieved to see in the dim light of the moon that he was barely injured.

Hiccup coughed and held her hips as his support.

"You're unbelievable," said Astrid when he stopped coughing and suddenly pressed her lips on his. Water slipped from Hiccups forehead on their attached lips. Suddenly Astrid's eyes widened and she fell backwards. "Oh my god! I am so-so-so sorry Hiccup, I-"

Hiccup helped her up with a funny look on his face.

"Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking …"

But Hiccup put his thumb on her lower lips, paralyzing her face and brain completely.

Hiccup chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Astrid asked.

"You didn't punch me before kissing me."

"Oh," Astrid said. "Well-"she him hard on his arm and laughed at him when he fell into the water again. Hiccup laughed too.

But a moment after he rose from the water, slid his hands under her arms and kissed her gently on the lips. Breathing slowly. Letting Astrid move her hands in his hair. Letting himself wrap his arms strongly around her waist.

"Ughhhhhhhrrrrrrmmm…." They heard a voice that made them turn around. Toothless was on the ground, imitating barfing.