Chapter 1: Guess what
"Zuko," I yelled as I ran across the wheat fields toward the ocean and the sun that was setting in the west.
"Katara, is everything okay" Zuko asked me with concern and worry on his face.
"Toph and Aang left this morning and their still not back" I answered
"What do you think they're doing?"
"I don't know. All I know is that I lost Aang a while ago and I'm goanna break up with him tonight". I looked away tears started down my cheeks and I touched my mother's necklace. I usually didn't break down like this especially in front of Zuko who I secretly loved more then I have ever loved Aang. But I've never told him and now did not seem like the right time too.
"Speaking of break ups," he said, "I broke up with Mai last time I was in the Fire Nation. We were just not working out and I'm pretty sure she was cheating on me. But there's another girl I like more then I've ever loved Mai and I know she would never leave me," Zuko looked over at me. I was shocked Zuko had never done anything wrong to Mai that he didn't make up to her.
"Who is it?" I asked trying not to sound extremely interested, but I failed badly because my curiosity was more then I could manage at once.
"Someone you probably know well" he said slowly. My heart dropped. It wasn't me, or he was toying with me but that wasn't like Zuko.
"Oh," I said, he must have noticed the sadness on my face by now.
"I'll give you a big hint," he said smiling and looking straight into my sea colored eyes, "Her name starts with the 11th letter of the alphabet". I paused slowly counting in my head. It went something like "A, 1, B, 2, C, 3, D, 4, E, 5, F, 6, G, 7, H, 8, I, 9, J, 10, K, 11". The 11 letter of the alphabet was K. K for Katara my heart filled with joy.
"Is it me," I said quietly and slowly to make sure there weren't any misunderstandings between us.
"Yup" he said kind of joyful but a bit embarrassed. My brain was going at a million miles an hour, but all I could do was stare at the sunset and smile, a gentle smile.
"You not mad at me," he asked defensively.
"Why would I be mad at you," I giggled at him, "I love you. I have for a while now and nothing, nothing will ever change that." He smiled at me. I loved his smile it warmed my day. Our eyes meet and even though my eyes were only leveled with his shoulders I was still pretty easy for me to gaze into them. He leaned a bit forward and I got the message right away. I put my hands on his shoulders and he put his hands on my hips. Our lips were only a centimeter apart. Suddenly he tilted his head and magic happened. Our lips were touching and I was kissing the guy of my dreams (and believe me, he was a much better kisser than Aang).
When the sun had gone down it had got a bit chilly. I didn't mind the cold but we decide to head back to camp where Sokka was probably worried about us and maybe about Toph and Aang if they hadn't already gotten back already. Zuko and I walked silently back to camp his hand in mine. It was the beginning of fall and even though the wind was strong and cold I felt warm inside because Zuko was with me holding my hand. I couldn't help but smile at that thought.