a/n- I absolutely love Ichigo and Rukia's relationship. It's pretty much what keeps me hooked.


They love each other; (they just don't know it.)

But they're close, oh are they close. Tempers flare like flames as they clash and yell and insult and glare like children who simply refuse to believe they have anything in common; the semblance of dislike much easier then admitting there may be an affinity of affection underneath all the anger and annoyance. No kiss and makeup for them; just grunt and forget and move on because holding grudges gets you killed.

He taunts and teases at every opportunity ("Haha midget") and she retaliates with a hard punch that bruises him through and through. They seem like they can't stand each other but when the shadows and demons come out the act is gone; replaced with a level of trust only achieved by soul mates. She knows him as she knows herself and he would take a hollow's claw without a second thought to keep her safe. This is their love; their true self-expression manifested in fighting and killing and bleeding out all their pain and lust.

Yet when the monsters are destroyed and the swords are sheathed, gone is the wordless communication and knowing of the other's every move. It's replaced with bitter insults and promises of pain.

But lately she's been feeling it more; sensations so strong and intense that she can sense herself coming apart at the seams; the feelings she's been so good at concealing dripping out like unwanted excess. Even though the gigai has long been shed, the aftertaste of human emotion is still strong on her tongue. She doesn't tell him though, for the fear of rejection is great but her fear of reciprocation is even greater. He may be able to move mountains with the simple spill of his rieatsu but the rules of the Kuchiki clan and Soul Society are an immovable force.

And when his lips almost brush hers after a particularly trying fight, it takes all her willpower to pull herself away. Maybe in another lifetime, one when they are not fundamentally separated by life and death and rules of her family. The hurt look that crosses his face pains her, but she tries to tell herself she's saving him from something much greater than a bruised ego.

They love each other; (they just can't know it.)

a/n- as always, reviews are appreciated! please point out any typos or grammatical errors because even with proof-reading i could still have missed something.