Just a small note here: For it to read well in the musical number italics is Quinn, normal text is Rachel. =)Rachel POV

By Friday I was more than ready to perform my song with Quinn. If I have to wait too long to perform then I start getting worried that anyone I'm performing with will start to forget what we've rehearsed. I just hope Quinn keeps up with me.

Friday Glee practice allowed Quinn and I and Finn and Kurt to perform our songs. No one knew about Quinn and I dueting so I hope it will be a nice surprise, if not an unlikely one. I had requested that today's Glee practice be held in the auditorium, if Quinn and I were going to do this we were going to do it right. Mr Schue asked if I wanted to perform first, and obviously I obliged. I gave a little nod to Quinn as I stood up and walked onto the stage.

'Mr Schuester, Quinn and I will be performing an arrangement of the Andrew Lloyd Webber song Another Suitcase in Another Hall from Evita.' I turned to the rest of the club sitting in the audience.

'Excellent, in your own time ladies' Mr Schue said taking a seat.

'Could we have two spots please?' I shouted to the lighting desk in the middle of the hall. They obliged and darkened the stage everywhere but Quinn and I. Quinn had suggested that we both dress similarly to help the number so we were both dressed in differently styled black tops and shoes with white skirts, and I have to admit, complimented with the darkness of the hall it worked really well.

'Thank you' I said with a smile. I looked over to Quinn and gave her an are-you-ready nod. She nodded back and smiled. I signalled to the band that we were ready and they started up.

I don't expect my love affairs to last for long
Never fool myself that my dreams will come true
Being used to trouble I anticipate it
But all the same I hate it - wouldn't you?

Even in rehearsals I'd never seen Quinn like this. She was just standing on stage. Singing to what looked like no one. I could hardly see anyone in the audience through the blackness. It's very easy in an almost empty audience to imagine that you're the only one there. But she was locked on one place in the audience. I hope it wasn't who I think it was…

So what happens now?
Another suitcase in another hall

So what happens now?
Take your picture off another wall
Where am I going to?
You'll get by, you always have before
Where am I going to?

No doubt Quinn was doing extremely well, she'd obviously retained enough emotion in this song to perform it as a slightly scorned and hurt woman. But I could see who she was looking at now. I'd told her not to look at Puck! What was she doing? Did she want to look like she wanted him back?

Time and time again I've said that I don't care
That I'm immune to gloom, that I'm hard through and through
But every time it matters all my words desert me
So anyone can hurt me - and they do

So what happens now?
Another suitcase in another hall
So what happens now?
Take your picture off another wall
Where am I going to?
You'll get by you always have before
Where am I going to?

Call in three months time and I'll be fine I know
Well maybe not that fine, but I'll survive anyhow
I don't recall the names and places of this sad occasion
But that's no consolation - here and now

So what happens now?
Another suitcase in another hall
So what happens now?
Take your picture off another wall
Where am I going to?
You'll get by, you always have before
Where am I going to?
Don't ask anymore

We finished the number to quite a loud round of applause from our fellow team members. They obviously appreciate a good Lloyd Webber ballad sung by two very able vocalists. Quinn gave me a little hug as we sat back down in the audience then proceeded to head straight for Puck. She talked quietly but I could still hear what she was saying.

'Look Puck, I really think this can work, but its something that we're going to have to compromise on.' Quinn said holding her stomach and flicking a small strand of hair out of her face.

'I'm as big as your Aunt Beatrice, I physically can't do what you want me to do.' Puck looked at her with a blank expression on his face. Couldn't he see past his bravado and realise that she actually likes him?

'I'm willing to give this another go if you are?' she said softly.

Puck gave a puff of air and smiled at her. 'Sure'

Sure? Is that all he can say. Ooh if this was four or five months ago I would tell him what I think of this situation. But my input will only make things worse. I'm glad with how the performance went though; Quinn has definitely improved as a vocalist from it and I think she's learnt how to tap into her emotions for a number. So yes, this was a successful piece.

I then noticed Kurt and Finn had taken the stage whilst I was busy eavesdropping on Quinn and Puck.

They then proceeded to perform a fantastic rendition of I'll Cover You from Rent. Fantastic choice for their voices, and they'd taken the time to learn the routine too; very impressive. It would have been nice to see some costumes too if they were going to go this far with preparation, maybe I'll mention it to them at a later date.

I'm really glad Mr Schue set everyone a musical theatre number to perform, and that he asked us to do some research into it because I feel that it has really opened everyone's minds to what musicals actually are. They're not just vibrato filled piano based concoctions, they are powerful, beautiful pieces of art and it will be impossible to find one that each and every person out there will not enjoy.