Author's Note: My apologies, I had been far too busy with school as I didn't do so well in my first semester and was scrambling to catch up with my credits or else I'll have to add an extra year onto my uni and I really don't want to do that. I managed to rush this chapter out - which unfortunately also means the quality might be a bit poor as well - since I feel like many of you that still follow this story would be interested in its ending.

Also, for anyone interested, I've rewritten Chapter 2, and will continue to do so until I deem all chapters and contents are satisfactory. I apologize in advance and the contents may seem disjointed in between this and previous chapters until everything has been updated. EDIT: There was a mistake in my author's note which states I intended to remove someone from Naruto's circle - it has since been rectified. Thanks, and kudos to you for pointing this out.

Now that all the gibberish is over, let's continue with the chapter

Epilogue: Dawn Before the Storm

(Note: Not 3rd person PoV)

I stepped through the deadened grass, looking around the desolate landscape of Lordaeron.

"So, this is what you've become," I spoke softly, a long axe hanging behind his back, "A shadow of your former self, and Dalaran reduced to a crater."

There was a soft noise behind me. I turned around immediately, notching the string on my new bow back, a deadly, ethereal arrow already notched. I wonder what those still in Silvermoon would think if they had seen me with my new bow; I bet they would freak out then realize that I merely mimicked the design.

"Lady Traxex will be pleased to know you're alive," a voice whispered as an undead decloaked, appearing right where the arrow was pointed at, "And that you are freed."

"So she's still alive," I replied, relieved. She was still there, fighting on. But… why is she there?

"She is not technically alive. Her soul resides in her body… but her body is dead," Horus sudden spoke as he appeared behind the shade.

"An undead? Arthas…" I whispered in horror as I realized what he implied; though I was not there I had heard many of the banshees had managed to reclaim their body, transforming their formidable skills into ones more suitable for their current status – that of dark rangers. My heart sank at that thought. The Shade had turned in what appeared to be acknowledgment of my fears – at least that's what I presume – they have no faces after all.

"How did you come across that information, Paladin?" The shade asked.

"You can't detect me, not when the Scarlet Crusade is there. I can easily hide my own powers with how they're flaunting theirs," Horus replied before turning to me and raising an eyebrow, "Nice axe. Compensating for something? And… what did you put in that? It feels…"

"Not now Horus," I replied, "I will tell you more about it later, but for now… take me to her."

"You don't want to do that, trust me. From what you've described me of her, and what I have seen… as your friend Fenix, I strongly suggest that you keep your memories of her and just leave it at that," Horus warned.

"I must find out with my own eyes," I replied, "You know me, what else is new?"

"Is that a rhetorical question? Because if it isn't, I got more to say in regards to that," Horus replied back.

"I take it you sensed something else."

"A small Scourge task force… well small for their army size, not so small when put into scales compared to the army we fought with in Northrend. I can try and take them out but the numbers aren't anything to sneeze at."

"Do what you must," I replied before walking to the Shade, "now, Shade, take me to her."

"Yes, Lord Skywatcher," the Shade replied obediently before gesturing forward, at the ruined city. I steeled myself, and followed him.

I had expected many things, I knew about the devastation of Capital City, every single elf did, but this was a bit beyond what I had expected.

For a city that was supposedly razed to the ground, it looked remarkably intact even on the inside. The walls outside were reinforced and was probably unable to be taken down, but the inside looked as if it wasn't touched except for the green river that flowed, and the destroyed bell tower – even the throne room was left pristine except for a thin trail of blood. The Shade led me further down to the end of a hallway, facing… a wall?

The wall soon opened up as the Shade stepped in.

"Come," the Shade beckoned as I walked in, narrowing my eyes. The platform was small, painfully so for someone like me who fine comfort to be at ranged.

"Where is Undercity?"

"Why, exactly as its name implied," the Shade replied as the door opened once more, "Welcome to Undercity."

I walked through silently, looking around. The ceilings were tall, very much so. I'd assume they had carved it out but the craftsmanship was pretty impressive for something that had to be constructed within the last 2 or 3 months. After all, why would Arthas need the sewers?

""Fenix… he's here? Why…"

"He's alive… not an undead… but why do I sense…"

"A Death Knight-Hunter hybrid? Who would've thought he had been able to retain his powers before a forceful transformation?"

"I was under the impression that Death Knights are the most powerful of the Lich King's minions and he would never let them go willingly? Why is he free then?"

"The… city… seems lively…" I commented as he looked around, "They seem interested in my transformation. Why is that?"

"You must understand, milord, that you're the first free Death Knight they've seen," the shade replied in its coarse, hollow voice, "Arthas kept a very tight leash on his band of Death Knights. Which leads me to wonder, how did you become free? Was it at the same time as we did?"

"More or less," Fenix commented, "I was able to free a contingent of Death Knights from his grasp… the rest under my command we had to kill. So far we number 50 strong, but I'm hoping I could recruit more Death Knights to my cause."

"That is… surprising," the shade commented, his tone betraying the emotion he stated, "Most surprising indeed. Ah, we're here."

There was a dark presence – no, two dark presences – within the chamber. I did not like the feeling, because I recognized both. One of the dreadlords was with Traxex… Vamirathas, was it? I can't remember their names. I walked in as the Shade nodded at the two Royal Deathguards, and they nodded back with varying emotions. Were they exchanging thoughts? How did they keep telepathic connections with each other without the binding force of the Lich King?

"He may pass, Lady Traxex would be most pleasantly surprised that her husband lived," one of the Deathguards said as I nodded, before walking inside.

I was definitely not prepared for what I saw.

It was her. Traxex. Her body unmarred as if she had never died. But the hue… the skin color… it's just not natural. It's even stranger than some which he had seen on the undead.

"Fenix…?" Traxex whispered in surprise, "You're the guest they told me about?"

"Traxex…" I whispered in horror, "What have they done to you?"

"This?" Traxex replied bitterly, looking at herself, "This… abomination… of a body… this curse, he brought it upon us. I had hoped to pass away to the afterlife after he had tortured my troops… after he tortured them in front of my eyes… then killed me knowing I could not save them. But he didn't stop there, no, he had to bring my soul back and shackle me to his will, and my body was sealed into a coffin magically imbued to keep it in the same condition, but with a heart that had stopped. By the time I regained my body, this was all that was left. My powers waned, but my control over the powers I had gained allowed a semblance of freedom, enough that when I broke free, we could retake this city."

"So this city… it's all the undead you could gather that were freed from Arthas' control?" Fenix asked.

"More or less," Traxex shrugged, "Some didn't want to follow when we asked. Those were put down."

I could understand her nonchalant attitude. Those that were unwilling to follow must be put down swiftly and ruthlessly to ensure order among the rest. It still didn't sit well with me

"What do you intend to do now that you're free?"

"We're not free; not yet," the way that Traxex worded that was far more unsettling.

"What do you mean?"

"We want revenge," Traxex replied as my heart sank. That was the true purpose of this.

"You all want revenge, or just you?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes slightly. This wasn't her… but it was. What had happened?

"All of us are but tools to the vengeance. Arthas took everything away from us! Our homes, our lives, even our freedom. And now that we can finally do something about it, I'm not about to let it go away," Traxex said vehemently, with the passion she always had, only misguided.

"That's not the way to go Traxex," I replied, hoping against hope that I could snap her out of her revenge-induced frenzy, "Vengeance will bring nothing but more pain."

"Pain and vengeance is all we have left Fenix. Nothing more, nothing less," Traxex spat out, "One day, I will rip his cold, dead heart from his empty body, for us, for Anasterian, for the King, for everyone he has murdered to become what he is today. Would you not tell them to go for revenge as well?"

"No, I wouldn't," I replied, remembering several incidents from long ago, "Maybe unlike you I was reborn into my new role, but that doesn't mean I have to follow down the path to darkness. That doesn't give me the right to exercise judgment on the damned for what he did to me… to us. Someone will, perhaps it may very well be us, but the judgment would not be for vengeance, but justice. That is what I would tell them, to seek Arthas for justice."

"Justice? What justice is there for us, Fenix? Are you really so naïve as to believe that still?" Traxex laughed hollowly, "We are beyond redemption, the action of the Scarlet Crusade proved that more than anything. You, by all means, would be hunted if you were here."

"Perhaps… but I would rather be an idealist than a pessimist. I would rather give those that are innocent of his crimes a chance. Do you know what would happen if you continue down this?" I argued back, remembering the final battle, when the gigantic visage of a nine-tailed fox appeared, "I watched as one of Arthas' own Death Knights go down that path against the one I now report to. I watched, as my own commanding officer was forced to assume his most powerful form to take down his own friend… the one he called his brother. I asked him for the story behind what happened. I was given an answer, and it was with that answer that I have my certainty."

"If you're not willing to stand with us, Fenix… you know what happens," Traxex replied, and for the first time I met her, I saw regret. I know what I must do, however. I unsheathed my blade.

"Then come, Traxex. You will find me no easy prey," I replied as the blade began glowing an ominous green. Traxex's eyes narrowed, then widened in alarm.

"How… what…?" she muttered in alarm as her guards came in, and I pointed my blade at them.

"Tell your guards to back off, or I'll fire," I warned her as I put my blade down, the charge still present as I began walking, "I will take my leave now, and I will not raise a hand against any of your men this time. I will not guarantee that if they were to attack me."

"Is that your final answer?"

I paused as I thought back. To before the war. To before everything went straight down the drain. To when I freed myself, when I began fighting back. To when I forged this very blade.

"Yes, it is."

"Then depart. You have my word none of my men will attack you. Guards… please escort him out," Traxex replied, "This is my only compassion, Fenix. The next time you dare enter, I'm afraid I will have to order your death. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," I muttered back as I walked out, through the hallway that the Shade told me to walk, up the elevator, and out.

It wasn't until the Shade left and I finally collapsed down onto the ground. Or at least, I would've.

"Get up," a familiar voice ordered me, "I warned you."

"I know. I trust you, but you also know who I am," I replied tiredly, "What now?"

"They're here," Horus replied, "though I'd give you a little fun."

"Fun…" I repeated. What a foreign word. I still stood up regardless, my blade still glowing, "Stand back Horus, I don't know how much splash this is going to do."

"You've never tested it out?"

"Never had the need to," I replied as my eyes glowed, "Now seems to be a good time."

I was angry, and they… they were the perfect targets.

"Shadowmourne hungers…"

A shattering green glow broke through the darkness of the night, followed by a cacophony of screams before the glow was eclipsed by the first ray of a dawning day, as the rage of a man who lost everything he had was heard in the background. It, too, was quickly overshadowed by a distant thunder; a roar that would mark the beginning of a new era.

And the end! Finally. Sorry about the super short epilogue. Originally this was set to continue on a bit longer but I feel like this was the perfect spot to stop, as… generic as it is. I used my own creation (Fenix) since I could tell it through... I guess a more personal voice and make it stronger. Let me know if it works.

I might start another series soon with League of Legends (considering how disjointed their storyline is I'm tempted to try and join and add new stuff onto it and see how it goes) since I have some time on my hands for the next 2 or 3 months. Yes I'm really bad at League, no I don't think DotA 2 is bad, I play both games + WoW while I'm studying.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, I will probably continue to retcon the previous chapters so the storyline is smoothed out. Feel free to give any criticisms on this chapter or previous chapters. If your suggestio(s) makes sense to me I will consider changing them as well, for all the chapters. Thanks for reading!