A/N: So I love this chapter. The song is Call me when your Sober by Evanescence, which I do not own. I want to give a huge thanks to heyitsKATE for the idea. RandR and thanks again for reading

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own anything but my own twisted plot

Chapter 10

As Lily's lips crashed into his she felt more pain roll into her body. A crushing feeling deep within her chest. Her back pinned against the wall, her arm seared with more pain.

Don't cry to me,

If you loved me,

You would be here with me.

You want me,

Come find me,

Make up your mind.

She felt him pull away and look at her with a burning, raging fire, for her blood. The tips of his blades scraped up against her wounded arm. A smirk came to his burnt lips and he licked the side of her face. Lily's eyes widened and she tried to move her hands from his shackled grip.

"Lily, Lily…You started this game, now it is time for playtime." He murmured, his breath tickling her skin.

Shouldn't let you fall

Lose it all

So maybe you can remember yourself.

Can't keep believing,

We're only deceiving ourselves.

And I'm sick of the lies,

And you're too late.

Lily felt her body relax suddenly and she felt tears come to her eyes. This was not out of fear. She guesses that its not that she fears him, but that she loves him. Was that it? All this time she wanted so badly for him to leave, all she really wanted was him. The tingling sensation went to her stomach and she looked down and saw tiny slashes on her snow white stomach.

"Freddy stop it, your hurting me." She whimpered, her breathing getting the better of her she felt him claw her higher.

Don't cry to me,

If you loved me,

You would be here with me.

You want me,

Come find me,

Make up your mind.

Freddy's intensions were crystal clear to her. Her body hit a soft mattress as the dream changed, but pain spiked her chest. His intention was to kill her. Her tears streaked her face and she leaned up and kissed him full on with all her emotions.

Couldn't take the blame.

Sick with shame.

Must be exhausting to lose your own game.

Selfishly hated,

No wonder you're jaded.

You can't blame the victim this time,

And you're too late.

Razors cut her flesh and she hissed in pain and pulled away from him.

"Freddy why are you doing this?" her voice cracking.

"Its so much more fun, when your afraid." he moved his gloved hand down to her side and clicked them gently against each rib on her side. He laughed as he felt her tense up.

Don't cry to me,

If you loved me,

You would be here with me.

You want me,

Come find me,

Make up your mind.

You never call me when you're sober.

You only want it cause it's over,

It's over.

How could I have burned paradise?

How could I - you were never mine.

So don't cry to me.

If you loved me,

You would be here with me.

Don't lie to me,

Just get your things.

I've made up your mind.

With her free hand she yanked him to her body, pulling him closer to her and hungrily kissed him again and heard her shirt rip. She gasped and tried again but she knew one thing for sure. He would be the death of her.