Oh, geez.. I've heard that some authors would experience 'stuck at writing' during school period, but I never knew that I would be one of them. Well, since we're already here, why don't we see what I have here?
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, but the OCs are mine. XD
Chapter 4
Somewhere in Asia.. (I'm getting tired of this)
"Hey, anybody knows where Thailand is..?"
"No, I haven't seen him since we separated this morning, da ze.."
"I should've come with him…"
"What's wrong, Vietnam nee-san? Did something happen, da ze?"
"Yeah, I found 'something' just now," she said pointing at that 'something'.
"What is it, da ze..?" Korea takes a closer look to that something.
"E-eh..? It's not something, da ze! It's someone!"
"I know. But I just don't want to see him as a person," Vietnam said with a sigh.
The reason why Vietnam hates this person because of what he did during the Vietnam War. But the main reason why she hate him is that he was too close with his brother until Hungary took it the wrong way, and suddenly the pairing 'KimchiBurger' came out from nowhere.
Yeah, we all sure that you know who this lucky person is. America.
"U..ugh.. Damn, that hurts…" America said as he tried to sit.
"Wait, da ze..! Stay in place! You don't seem well…" Korea said with concern, while Vietnam staring at them.
Yeah, Vietnam really love her brother, and she's over protective towards him, but that's because he's one of the youngest siblings in the family. And Vietnam hate it when Korea sticks up with America, but she never admit that actually Vietnam is one member of the Fujoshi group, made by Hungary. So she can't say that she hate seeing them together as well.
"Ehm, Korea.. I think we need to say something to our unwanted guest here..?"
Korea could only blinks, but he starts to understand what's going on. He knew that his sister always tell him to stay away from France and America. And he really knew that France is one of the least person in Korea's list (learns from 'experience'), but he can't say that he hate America.
With a sad look, Korea starts to step aside and let his sister to have a word.
"What do you want, America?"
"…Ah, Vietnam. I'm happy that you still remember my name," America said with a smug grin over his face.
"Of course I remember your name, dummy. You're a well-known nation after all," Vietnam said with a glare.
"Only a well-known nation? I thought you think about me more than that."
Korea could only stare at them with wide eyes.
"Enough fooling around, America. Just what do you want..?"
America sighed and rubbed his cheek.
"I was just joking.. Well, I want your signature."
Vietnam blinks at him.
"…Pardon..?" she asked.
"I. Need. Your. Signature," he repeated slowly.
"Huh? What for, da ze~?"
"Er.. I can't say it. Anyway, I need your signatures, and this is important," said America with a serious face (fake).
"Okay, da ze~" Korea was going to go inside to take a pen, but Vietnam grabbed his arm and told him to stay still.
"What is it, da ze..? I want to get a pen and a piece of paper.."
"Hold on a second, Korea. You sho– I mean, MUST hear this first," Vietnam said with a grin plastered on her face.
America stared at the two siblings.
"Alright, Vietnam nee-san."
"Okay. We are Asians, and we rarely give something without receiving any. That's why, if you want our signatures, you'll have to do something. That's what we call 'give-and-take'," Vietnam said with a smile.
America gulped. He remembered that China gave them a challenge as well.
'Are all Asian nations like this!' that's what Alfred thought.
"That sounds fun, da ze!" Korea clung to his sister's shoulder.
"So, America.. If you really are a hero, you should be able to do this without any problem."
"Alright. Give me the challenge then! A hero will do anything to finish his mission!"
"Anything, da ze..?" Korea said with a smirk.
"Alright. Tell Russia that you desperately want to become one with him," Vietnam said with a simple smile.
America paled.
"You heard me. Not gonna repeat that~" Vietnam said in a sing-song tone.
"Alright, da ze! And now for my challenge!" Korea beamed happily.
'Oh, Korea.. Please save me…'
"Kiss Thailand in front of all of us!"
And that's enough to turn America into dust.
'Oh revenge is always sweet~' that's what Vietnam thought.
"Oh, and you'd better do it fast. You have deadline, and it will be… 4 days from now!" Vietnam said happily.
America ran away from that place immediately.
"Wow, you're a meanie, Vietnam nee-chan~"
"You're the meanie, Korea. Why did you ask him to kiss Thailand..?" Vietnam gave him her best glare.
Korea ran inside the house and found the best place to hide to prevent from halving his life span.
Maybe Russia can be scary as hell, but the demon would've run away because of the Asians, aru.
Sorry for the weird story.. XD
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