Sunako slapped her phone shut, her feelings tumultuous and opposing. She was anxious because of all that had just transpired, but also happy that Aunty would be arriving shortly-Someone materialistic and always seeking love would better be able to relate to and control Keiko. But, then again, a nervous chill continued to dance around Sunako's stomach at the thought of Aunty coming in the first place…

Sunako opened her car door and stepped out; she began to make way for the house. From the outside one could see four teenagers sitting around as Leonardo Di caprio expertly portrayed a con artist on the TV screen. She was surprised that, despite the tense situation at the movie rental store, the kids were still hanging out together.

Uhei loved Keiko, really loved her. Sunako was very much impressed with his ability to continue to harbor such feelings even after witnessing Keiko's very ugly inner personality.

Seiji was disgusted by his own twin. It was obvious in the way he reacted to her dramatic and sickening antics. Sure Keiko tried to flirt with Kyouhei almost every day, but he wasn't her only target. If it wasn't Kyouhei it was their waiter at a restaurant, or a surfer at the beach, or a random guy at the mall. There was always someone and he was always older.

And Etsu looked like a prisoner, a slave trying to please their master; which meant that she must always, walk, talk, sit, and stand in the most non-offensive ways around Keiko. Sunako figured that Keiko realized at a young age how pretty Etsu was and, in her intimidation, tried her best to squander the poor girls' self-esteem. Unfortunately, it worked.

How they managed to even look at each other was beyond her.

Sunako sighed, her steps slow and heavy. This is like the fiftieth stunt that Keiko has pulled. But it was, out of all of them, the most disturbing. Wait no, that other day when she picked Kyouhei's boxers out of his hamper and washed them with her underwear was probs the weirdest.

Anyway! How in the world could she say: "And guess what, my crazy and controlling Aunt is coming to stay with us, too!" At a horrible and awkward moment like this?

I could just leave them in the dark…Yeah that'll be funny, I'll do that-

A quick pull to her elbow and a sudden environment shift interrupted her thoughts.

Kyouhei was in front of her. He smacked the garage door shut and watched her intently. He cracked his neck, arms, and hands before taking a deep breath, "Sunako…I-mmpff-"

Sunako mentally smacked herself. Instead of talking it out, her brain decided that kissing him to the point that he was speechless was a better idea. But then he started to kiss back and she groaned, Such a good idea…

She stopped the kiss, even though it was like going against her nature to do so, and grabbed his face. His eyes sparkled again and she had to stop herself from kissing him over and over.

"You are staying because we're going to figure this whole thing out together. It doesn't matter to me how stressful it becomes, or how hard it gets, as long as you're here I feel like I can tackle any problem and come out on top," she said so quickly she wondered he even heard her.

He smirked before pulling her close to his chest, he kissed her neck, "How did you know?" He whispered.

Sunako shivered, her hands finding solace in his crazy blond locks, "I speak fluent idiot," she whispered back.

Kyouhei snorted, "Takes one to know one, Nakahara."

She sighed as his hands ran up and down her back, "Not for long."

Kyouhei understood her reference and pecked her lips, "Don't forget it."

They smiled before embracing, Sunako's head in his chest.

"Kyouhei?" She asked without moving.


"Aunty will be here tomorrow morning."

"That's nice"
