Please don't hurt me! Yes I know this is another story and i need to get to my other ones, but I HAD to post this okey! It was just calling to me saying, "Type me... Post me..." And i caved....

So, this story came to me as I was watching Eddie's Million Dollar Cook- Off. I just goes to show that I need to stop watching movies because I always get some kinda idea for them.... It's kinda sad really. But hey, it gives me something to do in Chemistry and U.S. History *grinn and two thumbs up*

Also this is my first fic in diffrent POVs... so i don't know how well I did. The character's personalities are kinda.. off..? We'll say they ahve the basic parts of it, just around certain pepole, they change...

Anyway, everyone should know the deal of me not owning anything, only thing that is mine in this story is Alexandra and Yasuo who are my character that I made up. Oh, and this fic mentions songs that characters have 'written', this is not the case, the songs belong to the artist and their record company, I'm just borrowing them and showing them off.

Okey, on to the story now!

Chapter One:

"Naruto! Heads Up!"

The blonde turned and saw the black and white hexagon pattered ball coming at him. He aim and met the ball with his head, sending it flying into the goal.

"Not really what I had in mind, but that works!" The coach said a grin matching the one on the blondes face, "Alright! Every body, bring it in!" The rest of the team jogged over to the tall blonde coach. "Okey team, it's a clean slate for us." He looked into the faces of his players, "Now go home and get some rest, school start tomorrow."

"Gaara! Kiba! You coming over?" Naruto asked picking up a bottle of water and taking a sip.

The brunette shrugged, "Sure. Both my mom and sister are PMS-ing. I do not wanna be home."

The red head nodded, "Nobody's home so might as well."

"Cool, Hey Dad!"

The tall blonde coach turned to his son, "What is it Naruto?"

"Warn Mom that Gaara and Kiba are coming home with us."

"Oh god." The dad laughed.

"What are you trying to say? We eat a lot?" Gaara asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep!" Naruto's grin widened, "But only when you come to my house."

"Yeah because Temari thinks I'm anorexic." He muttered.

"Hey it ain't blondie's fought you don't eat at home." Kiba said.

"Alright you three, come on. Your mom's got enough food to feed the calvary." Minato said walking over to them.

They all piled into the coach's black Ford Explorer and made their way to the Uzamaki household. Once they were there, they all went for the house. Upon entering it, their noses met the delicious smell of-

"CHICKEN!" all three boys shouted. Yes even Gaara, though he is known for his calm demeanor, even he could not over come the power of fried chicken.

"I knew chicken was the right choice." The red-orange haired woman said.

"As I've said before, you're always right." Minato sad kissing her on the lips as he himself got some chicken.

"And don't you forget it." Kunshina said kissing him back, "Kyuubi, get downstairs right now!" she shouted. "I'm not telling you again."

"He's still not up?" Naruto asked taking his plate full of chicken to the living room.

"Nope. Tomorrow he's going to have to get up on way or another." The mother said narrowing her eyes at the male version of herself came into the kitchen.

"Remind me to never piss your mom off…" Kiba muttered to the blonde. "You sure her and Shika's mom aren't related?"

"No were not. We just spent a lot of time in high school together." Kunshina answered from the kitchen.

"And you seem to forget that she has excellent hearing." Gaara said rolling his eyes.

"Thank you Gaara." She said smiling at the red head.

"So how's the season for the Foxes look?" Kyuubi muttered, stealing a piece of chicken from Naruto's plate.

"Hey! Get your own food!" Naruto yelled at him covering his food, "And it's looking great! We're gonna win every game."

"Don't get all over confident now, alright Naruto." Minato warned him.

"Naruto? Over-confident? That's a laugh." Gaara muttered sarcastically.

Naruto glared at him, "Remind me why we're friends again?"

"Because I'm one of the few people who can stand being around you."

"Oh yeah!" after a few minutes, what the red head said registered in the blonde's head, "Hey!" he shouted.

"As dense as ever…" Kyuubi muttered shaking his head.

The two brothers thus began fighting which caused the two friends to shake their as they ate their chicken.

"Okey you two, break it up." Their father said.

Kyuubi and Naruto pulled away from where they were mere inches from each other's face, narrowed their eyes, stuck their tongues out and crossed their arms to turn away.

Kushina sighed and also shook her head, "I swear you'd think they were two again."

"He started it!" both boys shouted pointing at one another.

"I rest my case." The mother said.

"Just wait till I'm a big soccer star" Naruto said, "You're going to see my face everywhere!"

Kiba rolled his eyes, "There goes his ego." He muttered.

The blonde threw a chicken bone at him. The brunette narrowed his eyes and threw one back. Naruto attempted to retaliate, but Kiba dunked and the bone hit Gaara in the face. This caused the three to break into and all out bone war.

"Alright everybody, cut it o-" the older blonde man attempted to put an end to the war, but only succeeded in getting hit in the cross fire.

Everyone froze at hearing loud footsteps.

"DASH!" Everyone shouted as the large black and white border collie came running into the living room and attacking them. Once the dog was settled, the mess of the war cleaned up and the chicken out away, it was already 8 o'clock.

"Come on boys, I'll take you home." Minato said to Gaara and Kiba who nodded and waved good-bye to everyone.

Naruto fell back on the couch, Kyuubi beside him. Both boys were quiet for their mother had already gone upstairs. The younger brother was the first to break the silence, "So this is your last semester, huh?"

The orange haired man nodded, "Yep. After this it's off to college."

"Figured out where you wanna go?"

He shook his head, "Not yet. I'm still debating." He looked down to his little brother, "You do know not to make your whole life about soccer, right?"

"Yeah, Yeah. I know." Naruto said rolling his eyes, hearing it a million times.

"Alright. You say that now." Kyuubi said getting up and holding his hands up in surrender.

"I know what I'm doing Kyu." Naruto reassured him.

"If you say so little brother." The older brother said before walking upstairs.

Naruto grumbled to himself, "Doubting me… I know what I'm doing." Yet he could shake the feeling in the back of his mind that said he was lying to himself…

A bell rung over head.

A sea of students made their way to their classes they had next. Three in particular laughed among themselves as they entered the room. Immediately, they took the seats in the back of the classroom, farthest from the door.

"You know, it would seriously suck if we had assigned seats." Naruto mused outloud.

No sooner than the words were said, the teacher walked to the board with a rather large piece of poster paper and taped it there. On the poster was a drawing of the tables in the room with names above all of them.

"Why don't you just stop talking?" Gaara said glaring at him before looking at the board, "Alexandra Lee…. Who's that?"

"Who's Sasuke Uchiha?" Naruto asked looking at the board.

"Whoever they are, their already at the tables." Kiba said gesturing to the tables that they were to sit at.

Gaara's POV

I walked over to the left side of the room near the window cursing Naruto's huge mouth. 'He just had to say something about assigned seats.' Sitting in the seat, I glanced over at the girl sitting beside me, who I assumed to be Alexandra. Her brown hair reached to about the middle of her back and from what I could tell, hung in her face.

She seemed not to notice my presence, for her pen never stopped it's movement across the paper in front of her. Deciding to leave her to herself, I started to look around to see who I knew, but stopped at hearing the teacher begin to call roll, "Okey, Choji and Neji?"

"Here." Two voices said.

"Kiba and Shino?"


"Ten-Ten and Hinata?"


"Naruto and Sasuke?"


"Rock lee and Shikamaru?"


"Ino and Sakura?"


"And finally, Alexandra and Gaara."

I opened my mouth to say "Here.", by was stopped by a soft voice saying, "Alex."

The chemistry teacher blinked, "I beg your pardon?"

"Alex not Alexandra." The brunette said, never looking up from her writing and her voice never growing louder.

"You would like to me called Alex?"

Alex, as I now knew to call her by, let out a huff, "Yes."

"Okey." Ms. Gaza nodded making a note in her book, "Take about ten minutes to talk with your partner. Yu need to get to know each other because you are going to be with them for the rest of the semester."

As the teacher was walking by our table, she tapped Alex's binder, "Put that away."

She snapped the binder close with a huff, slid it to the furthest corner of the table and then began to agitatedly tap her nails on the table.

'Somebody is not happy.' I noted mentally.

Alex pulled out her phone and begun to text, her fingers flying across her LG Instinct's keyboard, faster than I had ever thought possible.

"So what are you writing?" I asked, not being able to stand the silence any longer. Being friends with Naruto for so long, he found it difficult to be around a person that was completely quiet.

"A story." She answered plainly.

"Oh, what about?"

It was then she turned to look at me. Her chocolate brown eyes were rimmed in black, but artistically done so, and held annoyance, "About a girl with special abilities and how she meets this other guy with abilities too. It goes on to tell about the rising and falling of their relationship as both their past begin to catch up with them. But then as most stories, it'll have a sappily sweet ending." She said in one breath.

'I only thought Naruto could talk that fast…' "Hm, sounds like a good story. What's the name of it?"

"Mind's Eye*." She said before whipping her phone out, reading the message she received and typing back a reply.

'This just may be an interesting semester…I wonder how Naruto's doing.'

Naruto's POV- [starts from after roll call]

I looked over at the girl sitting beside Gaara, 'Alexandra... that's a cool name.' I mused before I looked at the boy sitting beside me as the teacher told us to get to know our partner. His head was nodding slowly and his hand was moving over the notebook open before him. 'Really? He's listening to music?'

Even though something in the back of my mind told me not to, I tapped him on the shoulder and waited as he slowly took the headphones from his ears. "What?" he asked in an irritated voice.

'Attitude much?' "Hi, I'm Naruto."

"Yeah, and?" he asked blankly.

"Look, I'm just trying to get to know you since we're going to e stuck as partners for the rest of the semester." I told him, getting angry.

"Well, all you need to know about me is to leave me alone and we'll get along fine." Sasuke said rolling his eyes and putting his head phones back in.

'Is this guy serious?' I wondered, watching as he pulled his LG Instinct out to read a text and type a reply, his fingers flying over the keyboard. 'Dang... and I thought I typed fast…' he closed the phone, sat it in his lap and went back to his writing.

I tapped his shoulder again, once more ignoring the feeling that I shouldn't. his pencil froze and he turned to give me a glare, his onyx eyes underlined in black were filled with annoyance, "What?" he asked taking his headphones out once again.

"What are you writing?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"A song." He muttered.

"Can I read it?"

Sasuke gave me a blank look, that I was very use to receiving, "What part of leave me alone didn't you understand?"

I shrugged, " I just thought that you were being a jerk."

"Maybe I was." He grumbled looking down at his phone to see if he had a message. He did for he opened it and began to text back. Though I was sure I saw the name Alex across the screen before.

'Is that the same Alex from over there…?' I wondered glancing to the table beside me. I shrugged it off and turned back to Sasuke, "So, how about that song?"

Letting out a huff, he slid the notebook to me, with more force that necessary mind you. I looked at the small designs around the words before I even notice the words. Sasuke obviously saw this, for he let out another huff, "Will you go ahead and read it?"

"Okey, okey… seesh…" I muttered reading the song.

In a sitch like this you've gotta think
And I don't think you think about the way he thinks
And I know you live life for yourself
But it all comes down to the way you help

And I know your life is such a hell
You wake up early and you work until
You have your drinks at 5 o'clock
The hours blend and your thoughts all

Your hopes, your dreams, your everything
Well, momma I hope, I dream, that you won't

And I have a question!

What is love?
What is love?
Oh, oh oh oh-oh-oh
Is it giving up?
'Cause that's not how you raised me,

In a sitch like this you gotta think
And I don't think you think about the way
She thinks
And I know you work hard everyday
But it all comes down to the way you're

And I know you're oh so sorry dad
I truly believe that you're a better man
Than to share one kiss then give away
All the love you come home everyday

To your hopes, your dreams, your everything
Well daddy, I hope, I dream that she won't

And I have a question!

What is love?
What is love?
Oh, oh oh oh-oh-oh
Is it giving up?
'Cause that's not how you raised me.
And what is love?
What is love?
Oh, oh oh oh-oh-oh
See, I don't know anymore;

I used to look up to that love...

"Wow… that was.. amazing." I told the raven, handing him his notebook back.

"Hmph." He grunted snatching the notebook.

"Hey! I just complimented you and you're going to just grunt and get all snarky?" I shouted.

"Who asked you to compliment it?" Sasuke asked.

"If you didn't want an input, then why'd you hand it to me?"

"Because you would shut up about it!"

"If you weren't being such a jerk, I wouldn't have to keep bothering you!"

"If you were so annoying, I wouldn't have to be a jerk!"

"Mr. Uzumaki and Mr. Uchiha would you like to finish that in the office?" Ms. Gaza asked.

It was then that I noticed me and Sasuke were now facing each other, our face were inches apart inches in the middle of the classroom… literally. 'I seriously don't need to be getting into trouble at the start' of the season. Staring down, I noticed that I was a few inches taller than Sasuke, into his onyx eyes; I also picked up on his pale skin. It looked almost like a cloud and made me want to touch it.

Snapping out of my daze, I said, "Nope. I think we're finished. Isn't that right partner?"

Sasuke gave a "Hmph." before he sat back down.

'Did he just…? AGAIN?' I sat down with a huff, 'This is going to be a long semester…'

Alex's POV

A door slammed and footsteps were heard stomping angrily. Letting out a sigh, a picked a movie from my wardrobe of a large collection of cartoon movies I had acquired, picked up my laptop that was on the couch and sat were it was previously, placing it in my lap.

"What's the matter Mr. Grumpy Gills?" I asked my raven haired friend as he walked into the living room and plopped himself on the couch beside me.

"Don't go all Dory on me Ale, I'm not in the mood." Sasuke grumbled arm over his face.

I blinked at him, "Itachi! Sasuke's being a Mr. Grumpy Gills!" grinning at the raven's scowl.

A taller raven that looked exactly like Sasuke except for he had longer hair walked in hand on his hip, "Aw, what's wrong with my little brother?" he asked coming to sit on the couch beside him when he didn't say anything, "Come on, you know I'm all ears."

"And you don't go all work on me; I am not one of your patients." Sasuke growled pointing at his older brother.

Seeing that this was going nowhere, I said, "Well if he won't talk to you, I will."

Itachi turned to me, listening intently.

"How about my Chemistry teacher told me to put my notebook up just so I could get to know my- Hey! That's why you're grumpy!" I said the realizing dawning on me, "The blonde called you out in class."

At Sasuke's glare, Itachi asked, "What happened?"

He rolled his eyes and said nothing.

I rolled my eyes also, "I you won't tell him, I will."

"Boom! Here comes the Boom! Ready or not, here comes the boys from the South Boom! Here comes the Boom! Ready or not, How you like me now?" The ringtone sounded.

"Answer please?" Itachi asked tossing me his phone, "Come on little brother." He attempted to encourage Sasuke.

I grinned as I turned away and answered the phone, "What are we blowing up today?"

"Alex..? Where's Itachi?"

"He went all psychologist on Sasuke, don't ask. It's a long story Deidara." I told him before he could think about asking.

The blonde on the other line sighed, "Poor thing." He seemed a bit hesitant, "Alex, could you tell Itachi to call me later..?"

'He's so has a crush.' I thought smiling, "Of course I will Dei. Don't worry it'll happen, just give it time."

"I know, I know- Wait!" he caught himself, "What do you mean?"

"Whatever you say, blow something up for me?" I asked him with a smile.

"I always do." As I closed the phone I heard Sasuke give a exasperated sigh.

"There. Are you happy?"

"I see…" the older man said nodding his head slowly.

"Ugh! See! This is why I don't talk to you!" Sasuke said throwing his hands up.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave you to sulk then." He told him getting up, "Dinner'll be ready in about an hour."

"Thanks 'Tachi." I said as Sasuke grunted. As he was walking away I then realized I still had his phone, "Oh yeah! Here's your phone!"I tossed it to him and he caught it effortlessly, making me extremely jealous of him.

"What did Dei want?" he asked.

"Just to talk to you." I told him, "Would you please go ahead and ask the boy out? I'm about ready to do it for you."

Itachi stuck his tongue out at her in a very child like manner that he only showed around s and a few of his close friends before he walked in the kitchen behind them.

"Want to watch my movie of the month with me?" I asked Sasuke. About a year or two ago, out of pure boredom I decided that every month I would pick a movie and dress up as a character or two from that movie. Sasuke always enjoyed this because he got to do my make-up.

"Sure." Sasuke said taking the headphone I handed him, but before he put it in his ear he made the comment, "You know this does have speakers."

"Technicalities." I shrugged hitting play.

"What's this month?" he asked putting the headphone in.

"Lion King." I grinned as Sasuke rolled his eyes, shook his head, but nonetheless smiled. They both got comfortable on the couch and begun to watch the movie. 'Psh, like anybody can be mad watching cartoons.' I thought.

*crawls into corner and braces self* okey tell me what you thought of it! *comes out of corner* if there's any grammer or spelling mistakes, please tell me. Also if I forgot to make a thought italcized. I tried to read over it and check, but... yeah... So until next chapter!