Here is the first chapter of my newest story. I got a little too excited about it last night (you know, like I always do), battled myself with the decision to post it or hold it all day, and then caved.
The inspiration for this story came from many places; real life experiences, other wonderfully written stories, and tales from friends and the bloggers I found at Google.

But, I'm NOT going to updates this until the whole thing is complete, and until I finish at least All We Are or Come Out Of The Shade. I'm serious. If I do, and they're not, yell at me. And be vicious, so I get the memo. Okay? Okay.

And now, here is your preview of Mile Five.


"Do you have everything you need?"

It seemed a simple question. Though if you think about it, how would one know if they had everything they would need for what lies ahead? Massie Block had this very problem- she wasn't sure if what she had packed away in a black duffle bag would be sufficient for a ten-day road trip to the other side of the country. But she looked at her mom, smiled, and said. "Yeah, I have everything."

The plans Massie's friends had created called for them to meet at the Hurley residence, where they would all pile into their SUV and take off into the west on a journey thats been planned for almost a year. And at the last moment, Massie's mother decided to drive her over to the randevú point, as any last few minutes she got to spend with her departing daughter were as precious as those few drops of water cactuses needed to survive in their harsh desert climates.

Kendra Block clasped her hands together from her perch in the driver's seat of the family Ford. "Okay. Well, the rest of your things you want with you at college that you put on your bed I'll FedEx once you get to your dorm." The words she spoke brought a fresh wave of emotions. Her only child was going off to college- and on top of that, on the other side of the country. She forced a smile upon her face, hoping it would block the seemingly unnecessary tears she felt coming on.

This went by Massie unnoticed. "Alright. Thanks again, mom." She pulled her mother into what had to be the billionth hug since she woke up that morning, and her eyes wandered over to the dashboard clock. 5:04 AM.

"Goodbye, mom," Massie said, pulling away from the embrace and grabbing her duffle and messenger bag from the back seat. She pulled the latch on the car door, and took a steady step out onto the asphalt street.

"You better call me everyday!" Was the last thing she heard from her mother before the car door slammed shut.

[ ]

Massie's longtime best friend was everything your stereotypical blonde eighteen-year-old girl was not. She was not an airhead (she had managed an average GPA of 3.9 throughout her high school years), she was not inept to the outdoors (in fact, camping was her favorite pastime), and she was not dependant on her parents for her livelihood (she had been working for her own money since she was sixteen). Claire Lyons was actually surer about her future then Massie was; she had plans to move to California with her for an internship at a law firm close to the UCLA campus. This road trip they were about to embark on was actually of her own idea.

She had been seeing Kemp Hurley (a long time classmate and friend of the pair) since junior year, so it was natural that the plans were that he was to come with her to California and spend the summer together before he flew back to New York for his classes at NYU.

After knocking at the door and being let into the living room by a very sleepy Mr. Hurley (who groggily retreated to his bedroom after mumbling his 'good morning'), Kemp made his appearance from his bedroom with a smile. "Good morning, Massie!"

"Hey, Kemp," Massie gave him a quick hug. "So, are you ready to be on the road for the next week or so?"Ω

Kemp scratched his head. "Yeah, see, about that…"

Massie only had time to crinkle her eyebrows, for Claire appeared next. "Hey Mass!" She was bubbly and peppy; not something that seemed appropriate for five in the morning on a Saturday. She was also fully dressed, versus Kemp's sweats and Massie's oversized ULA sweatshirt, jeans, and no makeup. Claire caught the dark eyes of Kemp and said, "Have you told her yet?"

"Told me what?"

"That we, uh, won't be joining you on this little expedition," Claire gave a small apologetic smile.

"Wait, what?" The news hadn't processed in Massie's mind right away. She was to drive across the country by herself? "Why? This was your idea, Claire."

"I know it was," Said Claire. "But things came up for me. Do you remember that Columbia interview I thought I was never going to get? Well, they called me yesterday and said that I can see them on Wednesday, and well, I think I should take the interview and just fly out after and meet you there."

"And I, well, let's face it," Kemp shrugged. "I was only going on this trip for Claire. No offense, though."

Massie ignored him. "But why are you telling me this now? On the morning we're supposed to leave, too."

Claire grinned. "I did wake up at four thirty and came over here just to tell you, though."

"How considerate." Massie glowered. "So does this mean I'm to go across the country, by myself?"

"Actually, no," Claire gave another smile. "You don't have to. Do you remember in middle school, when those friends of Kemp's family would visit? And they had that boy who was our age?" Massie slowly nodded. "Okay, well that boy is in town, and it just so happens that he needs to get back to California. So, we kind of mentioned that he could come with you, and he agreed, so…"

"So you set me up with a strange boy I barely know to drive across the country with?"

"Technically, he's not a complete stranger," Kemp put in. "I mean, we played a big game of hide in seek all up and down the street one summer."

"I still don't know anything about him," Massie crossed her arms over her chest. "For all I know, he could be a pedophile who has skinned animals lining the walls of his basement!"

Kemp laughed, shaking his head of dark, curly hair. "He's not. I promise. Please, will you go with him? I kind of already said you would."

Massie frowned at the pair in front of her. It was bad enough they had deserted her on plans that they made, let alone invite a guy she's met about twice in her life, years ago, to go with her. But then again, this was a cross-country road trip. Very few people actually got to experience this, and Massie herself had been really looking forward to it. And if she thought about it, it wouldn't be so bad. She might even get a new friend out of it. "Okay," She said after a while. "I'll go."

"Thanks Mass," Kemp clapped her on the back.

"We'll make it up to you another time," Claire promised.

"You better," Massie agreed. She glanced at the inside of her wrist at her watch face, checking the time. "Shouldn't you call him for him to get his stuff together? We should be leaving here pretty soon."

"Oh, he's already on his way," Kemp said, making his way into the kitchen that was just off the living room.

"Yeah, we figured since you're so easy to persuade you'd say yes," Claire grinned innocently at the now scowling brunette girl.

"Are you saying I'm easy?"

[ ]

About three minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

"That should be him," Kemp sat his coffee down on the counter and dashed to the door. From her slumped state on one of the kitchen barstools, Massie heard the front door open and heard an exchange of greetings between Kemp and someone who's masculine voice was unfamiliar to her. Okay, she thought to herself. Here it goes. She followed Claire's lead out of the kitchen and back into the living room.

"Massie," Kemp started out with the introductions the moment he saw the two enter the room. "Do you remember Derrick Harrington?"

The first thing she noticed was that he was tall- about three or four inches taller than her (and she herself stood at a height of 5'8"). A mass of dirty blonde hair so dark it was almost considered brown lay mussed on the top of his head, strands falling into the depths of dark chocolate eyes. His mouth was set in what seemed a permanent small smirk that gave off an air of cockiness, but Massie supposed she shouldn't write him off as arrogant when he hasn't even said anything yet. "Yeah, I do." She said, forcing a smile. Truthfully, she didn't remember him at all.

"Derrick," Kemp continued on. "This is Massie Block." He grinned, showing off straight teeth that were fortunate enough to be that way without the past help of dental work. "Your travel buddy for the next two weeks."

"Hey," Derrick's voice was uninterested as he stuck his hand out for a handshake, and didn't even meet her gaze as she shook it. "Hey, Claire." He nodded curtly at the blonde behind Massie.


The four stood in silence after the introductions were made. Kemp coughed. "So, how are things with Rachel?"

Derrick raised his eyebrows. "Rachel?"

Kemp's own brows furrowed. "Rachel… you know… your girlfriend? At least, that's what you told me a week ago."

"Right," Derrick scoffed. "I'm dating Karen- wait, Kara- no, it's Karen, now. Rachel was just a fling."

Massie glanced at Claire from the corner of her eye, who gave a look of bafflement back. Derrick's first impression was not going so well in Massie's eye.

"Oh," Kemp said, putting his hands into the back pockets of his levis and looked at his feet. "Right." Another silence.

Claire cleared her throat. "Uh, shouldn't you guys be hitting the road about now?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Massie turned around and hoisted her duffle over her shoulder and slung her messenger bag on her arm. Kemp held his front door open as she followed her travel partner's form down the sidewalk, where a black Jeep Grand Cherokee was parked on the front curb.

Derrick opened the back door and turned to look at her briefly. "You can put your stuff here, or in the trunk."

"Thanks," Massie said, setting her messenger bag on the back seat and shoving her duffle into the far back of the car.

"So," Claire walked up to Massie, her arms hugging herself. "Try to call me every once in a while. You know, so I know nothing's happened. I mean, I've seen The Hitcher."

Laughing, Massie hugged her best friend. "I will."

"Derrick," Kemp called to the taller boy, who already had the driver's door pulled open. "Are you going to be okay to make this drive?"

Derrick's dark brows crinkled. "Um, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

The two held their gazes, both trying to tell the other something that went completely over the heads of the two girls watching. Though Kemp gave in with a sigh. "Okay. Fine. Have fun you guys." Derrick shook his head and disappeared into the car. Kemp gave Massie a farewell pat on the back.

"Bye," Massie said to the pair, and ducked into the buttery interior of the passenger seat.

And as she drove off through the streets of Westchester with a stranger she hardly knew, the uncertainty of the next couple of days seemed to glower over her like a cloud- the air of ambiguity.

[ ]

They drove in silence.

And this bothered Massie. She would no be able to survive the duration of the trip if they weren't going to talk. But what would she say? This was a guy she barely knew; she'd only met him once, maybe twice back in the sixth grade.

"So," She said, tearing her gaze away from the window and at the profile of her driving companion. "How's.. things?"

He gave a huff of impatient breath that was unexpected to her. "Okay, let's get this straight. Don't pretend like this is some kind of bonding experience or a powwow, because it's not. This is a business trip."

A business trip? Massie's was agape. "Wha-"

"So you can save your forced formalities," Derrick switched on the turn signal to merge and enter the interstate. "Because I don't need it."

It took her a second to recover. "Actually, they weren't forced. And I'm sorry you're so angry with me, for whatever I could've done in the past, oh gee, ten minutes I've known you."

"That's the problem with girls like you," His voice was as bitter as black coffee. "You always think you're in the right. Yeah, maybe I've only known you for a short time, but I've known people like you for a while, and they're aren't people I'd want more of around."

"You're ridiculous," Massie spat, completely annoyed. "You know absolutely nothing about me."

"Like I said," Derrick took a break from looking at the road to send a cold glance to her. "You, maybe not. People like you, yes."

Massie was fuming now. This boy had to be one of the most irritating people she's ever had the misfortune of speaking with. "Like I said, you're ridiculous." She leaned forward and started pushing buttons on the stereo.

"What are you doing?" Derrick exclaimed.

"Trying to turn on some music," Massie finally heard a radio add coming through the speakers. Something she pressed had worked. "I was hoping it would keep me from having to talk to you." She turned the small knob, looking for her favorite station.

"Ew, what is this?" Derrick looked at the console in disgust once the station was found.

"The alternative station." Massie answered slowly.

"Uh, no way," He promptly reached forward and pushed one of the saved stations, ignoring her protests. "My car, my music. That stuff you had on was shit."

"And we're going to listen to this?" Massie said, referring to the pounding rap music that was now making itself known, loud and clear.

"Yes, we are."

"No, we're not," Massie leaned forward, trying to change the station. Derrick reached his right hand out as well, and a small slap fight broke out. "Okay, okay!" Massie said. "How about we just turn it off?"

Derrick paused as if he was going to rebuttal, but leaned forward and switched the device off.

The car was plunged into silence for the second time.

Better not be anything telling me to update soon, haha. I'll be too tempted :)