I've rewritten most of this story (though it's not finished) and I'd like to apologise to people who liked the old version but... It kinda sucked... :/
So... here's the rewrite
Abyss Moon really hated her name. She swore her mother must have been feeling particularly gothic the day she was named- why couldn't she have gotten a normal name, like 'Percy'? That was normal, didn't really attract attention to her brother, and nobody ever laughed at him. Abyss, however, was stuck with this ridiculous one that belonged to a fictional character and the fact that she was adopted by the Moon family at birth was just the icing on the coffee cake. Abyss hated coffee cake.
Needless to say, the moment she found out her real name she changed it (though it hurt to take away the connection with the family that had raised her) - Abyss Jackson was less noticeable, and the shortened Aby sounded actually normal. Sure, it didn't exactly have the ring Percy's name had to it, but it was good enough for her and better than her old one.
The first person she ever let use her full name, without annoyance, was Apollo.
"Hello, child of Poseidon."
Aby was at the archery range- she had a bow in hand and was about to shoot. At the voice, she lowered her bow and turned around. Her first impression of the man was that he was insanely attractive. A few years older than herself, he had blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Though that wasn't the look Aby looked for in potential boyfriends, this guy made it work like she couldn't believe and the fact that his face was more than half-decent to look didn't help, either. The guy was dressed in casual yet designer clothes and Aby felt herself blush when she realized that instead of responding, she'd been openly checking him out.
"Hello," she said with a polite smile. "I don't believe we've met." She placed the bow at her feet and she spoke, and wiped dust off her clothing. The man grinned, his teeth blindingly white.
"Apollo, god of the sun, prophecy, medicine, among other things, at your service." the man, said, grabbing her hand and pressing his lips to it. Aby flushed a deep red.
"Wow." she said, not knowing what to say. "Of all the people you could be, that wasn't exactly on the top ten most likely, sir."
Apollo laughed, waving a hand. "None of this 'sir' business. And, well, I must admit, it's not every day a god goes out of their way to visit a lowly half-blood like you," He grinned, assuring her he was joking, then his face turned seriously and he cocked his head to one side. "But I'm curious about you, Abyss Jackson, and how you hid from us for so long."
"Call me Aby, please." she said, uncomfortable under his calculating gaze. "And I haven't been hiding. Not really."
The god shook his head, the corner of his lips quirking up in a small smile. "Nonsense," he told her, ignoring the last part. "I abhor nicknames and the like. Sure they're good for occasional use, but a name it a powerful thing. A true thing and one must treasure it. And with a name as beautiful as yours," he winked at her. "It would be a shame to let it go to waste. Abyss. Abyss. It's poetic, one might say."
The girl tilted her head to the side. "Poetic?" she asked. "How so?"
The god's smile widened, and he tapped a finger to his chin thoughtfully. "An abyss is a void- a chasm. Its fitting- you have secrets, I can tell. Big ones. Don't worry, sweetheart," he held up a hand at her worried face. "I don't know them. Well, not the specifics. And if I did, I would not tell anyone." he examined her for a moment. "There are parts of you nobody knows about, sweetheart. Parts you yourself may not know of. Keep that in mind won't you, when you're out in the big, scary world?"
Aby, eyes wide, nodded, and the god smiled again. "It's been a pleasure, Abyss Jackson. I do hope to meet you again soon."
With one last wink, and a playful bow, the god disappeared in a flash of warm light. Aby stood in her place for a moment, slightly shocked, before picking up her bow and heading to her cabin, mind reeling at the encounter with Apollo.