Chapter Five

Integra fallowed Alucard down to the first floor and upon entering the great hall she glanced at the grandfather clock that stood against the wall. It read 5:45 PM, "He's been here for almost two hours." she thought. "You say something?" Alucard asked with a grin, Integra shot him an angry look, "Listening in again I see." she said annoyed. Alucard shrugged, "There's nothing else better to do." he pointed out. "I don't find it amusing and want you to stop." Integra ordered, Alucard frowned "Buzz kill." he thought turning way and continuing towards the door to the dungeon/basement area. "Oh by the way," he said looking over his shoulder his eye's glowing red "You're covered in blood."

Integra stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened as she looked down at her self, "Oh My God!" she exclaimed "Why didn't you tell me!" "I just did.", "Earlier!" She pulled out her handkerchief and started to wipe the blood off of her hands and neck. Alucard pointed to her face, "Missed a spot.", Integra tried to wipe her face with her handkerchief but instead she just ended up smearing the blood around. "Better?" she asked, Alucard cringed "A little." he lied pulling out his own handkerchief and handing it to her. Integra grabbed it and rubbed it over her face as she started to hyperventilate, ""Is it coming off!" she asked. Alucard shook his head, "Damn it! I need a sink." she said exasperated quickly walking away to the guest bathroom, she returned a minute later clean.

"You think I should change?" she asked pointing to her bloody clothes. "It would take too long," Alucrd said "Plus, I think it looks good that way." he added with a grin. Integra stared over her glasses at the vampire, "Your disgusting." she spat. Alucard shrugged "Well, what do expect? I'm a vampire, blood is my thing." he licked his lips. Integra let out long sigh "Unfortunately your right. I cant waste anymore time." she straightened her jacket "Take me to Maxwell."

Hellsing Underground Basement/Dungeon, Seras' room.

Seras Victoria sat at the table across from Maxwell, she was listening intently to his story which had some how turned to the subject of his early childhood at the orphanage. "I lived there practically my whole life and it's a nice place but the children. The children are, were terrible. They would torment me every day when I was younger calling me names like 'Little Bastard' and 'Son of a Whore', I didn't really have any friends either." he sighed. Seras looked at his sympathetically "Yeah, I know what it's like, kids can be very cruel." she said. "Ha! How true, the worst part was they were mostly right. It was th-" Suddenly the door flew open reveling Sir. Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and Alucard standing in the door way. Enrico yelped when he saw her and in his panic fell out of the chair, Seras on the other hand stood up and saluted "Good evening Sir. Integra." she said.

Integra returned the greeting and stepped into the room, "Well well, Maxwell," she teased "I've been looking all over the place for you." Maxwell gulped and scooted away from her. Integra slowly removed the sword from it scabbard, the sound of it sliding out reverberated off the stone walls. She smiled a devilish smile and approached Maxwell relishing his fear. "Sir. Integra what are you doing!" Seras asked but she was quickly silenced by Alucard. Enrico's eyes darted around the room looking for a way to escape, he saw none and Integra's appearance had become much more terrifying then before. Finally with no other options left Enrico Maxwell did what he had never really done before: He got onto his knees and started to beg.

"Please Integra! I mean Sir Integra, don't kill me! I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry!" tears started to well up from his eyes and slowly travel down his cheeks. "I'm too young to die, I have so much left to accomplish: Running the Orphanage, Section XIII still needs me, I still need to become Pope!" his voice rose slightly, "I'm Sorry!" he was crying freely now. Integra stared at him both surprised and shocked, never had she seen this arrogant, pompous, frustrating man act in this manner. She slowly returned the sword to it's place and rested her hand on Enrico's shoulder. "Get up." she said "I'm not going to kill you." Enrico looked up at her and sniffed "Your not?" he asked, Integra shook her head.

Enrico's face lit up and he immediately stopped crying, jumping up he embraced Integra and started to sing her praise "Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!" he said over and over "I will make it up to you, new car, money, tea! Anything you want!" Thank you. " he continued to hug her his head resting on her shoulder a huge grin on his face. Finally Integra had enough, "For the love of God stop touching me!" she shrieked and pushed Enrico away. "Sorry." he said. "Now." Integra added, "I believe it would be best if we ended our get together now while it's still on a high note, shall we." Enrico quickly agreed and they both left the room.

30 minutes later

Father Reinaldo and Enrico Maxwell sat in the back seat of the black BMW as it drove out of The Hellsing Estate, Father Reinaldo was in a very cheerful mood and was recounting his wonderful experience taking the tour of the grounds and looking at the birds that would frequently visit the garden. Enrico was not as pleased, he sat in silence looking out the window at the darkening sky. "So, how was you day?" Father Reinaldo asked, Enrico turned his head, he looked exhausted, "Oh My day was wonderful." he said with sarcasm dripping off the words, "Me and Integra became best friends." he turned back to the window. Father Reinaldo smiled "I knew advising the Pope to send you here was a good idea." he said triumphantly. As soon as those words left Reinaldo's lips Enrico's eyes snapped open, "Y-y-y-you were the one that sent me here?" he asked angrily through clenched teeth. Father Reinaldo smiled and nodded completely oblivious to Maxwell's growing rage.

Hellsing Manor

A loud knock rang out from the front door, "Who in the world can that be?" Walter asked himself aloud as he entered the front hall. Upon opening the door he was surprised to see Father Reinaldo standing on the front steps "Good Evening," Said Father Reinaldo "I was wondering if you could give me a ride to the airport?" he added. Walter frowned "Did something happen to the car?" he asked. Father Reinaldo shook his head "Oh no, it's just the Maxwell threw me out of the car." "Threw you out of the car!" Walter asked shocked. Reinaldo nodded his head "Unfortunately he forgot to ask the driver to stop it first." he added rubbing his sore arm. Walter stared at the unexpected guest totally baffled. "Why the hell did he do that?" he asked, Reinaldo shook his head. "I have no idea, especially considering he had such a wonderful day...."


A/N: Well that's that. I thank you for spending some of your time to read my fanfic and hope you enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun to write and I found the story idea to be amusing. Anyway I'm also sure you have noticed that this is in no way a shot little fanfic as I had called it in my first author's note. Originally it was going to be a one shot but I started to get more and more ideas and so I embellished it to what you see now. The thing I forgot to do was update the A/N. (ha ha) Well there you are, a little bit of trivia about my story. So once again Thank you and please Read and Review. It really helps to get feed back.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Hellsing