Once Tails and Cosmo got back from the woods, they walked in silence all the way back to yellow fox's house, since they were still kinda in shock over the kiss and Cosmo's broken arm. However, once Tails saw the state of his house however, he slapped himself in the face.

"Oh, no…did Big go sky diving again? How many times do I have to tell him, not to mistake my satellite dish for a target…" Tails sighed, how would anyone mistake a grey satellite for a target anyway? Cosmo looked strangely at Tails,

"Skydiving? Why would someone want to jump out of the sky willingly?"

"Its kinda like a sport but people do it for the thrill…never mind," Tails stopped himself once he saw Cosmo's confused expression, "Come on lets go find Big, I hope that he isn't making a mess in the kitchen, like he did the last time." Tails said as he walked through the opened door, "Strange, the door is opened…and it looks like there's been a battle here…" Cosmo, who was walking to the kitchen suddenly gasped,

"Tails! Look up!" Tails did so…only to see…a bunch of chao and a hedgehog sitting on the roof. Once the chao and the hedgehog noticed that Tails and Cosmo were gawking at them, the chao waved their hands at them, happily, and shouted a chao greeting at them, while Storm gave them a sheepish smile,

"Hey what can I say, they wanted to surprise you."

Once, Tails had gotten Storm down, (since all of the other chao could fly down) they all sat down on his demolished couch.

"So…what happened? Did Big come in here? And where's Cream? Normally she would be greeting me and Cosmo by now." Tails asked the group.

"Uh, who's Big?" Storm asked sheepishly,

"A giant purple cat with a green frog." Cosmo said happily, since she had met someone outside of the Sonic team.

She had met Big once when Amy and Cream had gone on a picnic together with her and Big was looking for Froggy. Turns out that Froggy was on his head the entire time, so then Cream invited him to the picnic as well. He seemed like a nice guy…well except for the fact that he always smelled like swamp gas…

"No, he wasn't here…in fact…" Storm said, as the lightning bolt scar on the side of her head, started to turn red, "That Eggman came, and broke through your roof. He even got Shadow, Sonic and Amy! Cream and Cheese tried to stop him, but they were both knocked out by one of his robot's attacks and Eggman captured them as well! Me and the chao did all that we could…but it wasn't enough…When I see that bloated idiot, I'm gonna kill him!" Storm shouted, as she stood up. Her eyes ablaze and her red lightning shaped scar a throbbing red, as a streak of lightning came through the hole in the roof and struck Tails' TV.

Tails and Cosmo along with the rest of the chao stared at her with wide eyes, and shocked expressions,

"Oh…yeah, sorry about my outburst there...I'll…uh pay for that…" Storm said bashfully. Suddenly, Galexia started to talk.

"Chao chao chao chao chao chao chao!"

"Oh yeah! That reminds me that I have to go and get something…I'll be right back!" Tails said as he ran down to his lab and grabbed three items off of the table, before running back upstairs.

"Here you go," Tails said as he handed out one to Storm and Cosmo, "Those are some prototype chao translators that I made for Cream, Cosmo and myself, since we couldn't understand the chao, but I can give you Cream's one, since she's not here." Cosmo put the device which was actually a green headset with a lot of wires coming out of it and turned it on.

"Hey Tails…is this safe to use?" Cosmo said as she fiddled with the wires on the headset, "This looks kinda dangerous…"

"Nonsense! As long as they don't get wet then we'll be fine! And it's the middle of the day and there are no clouds in the sky, so I'm pretty sure that it won't rain." Tails said, knowingly.

Storm fiddled with her orange headset, "So what are we going to do now?"

"Well lets first listen to what that chao has to say, then we'll form a plan and get the chao and Cream back before Eggman does something terrible to them." Tails said, he then turned to Galexia, "Now could you please repeat what you said?"

"Okay, like I said before to the other chao who probably know me, my name is Galexia. I was there when Sonic got that chao car that you worked with Tails, and stuff, but I was saying that I have a plan, and here's how it goes…"

At Eggman's Secret Base…

"Ohohohohohoho! I am a genius! Now I have my two worst enemies in a frozen state of a worthless AI life form, and some left over for ransom to get those blasted Chaos Emeralds! Taking over the world now will be a synch!" Eggman chortled from behind his desk. He had placed the chao cocoons in special cases that would halt their process unless it was broken or the cocoons were released, and the cream colored bunny was in a sound proof cage, where she could hear everything that Eggman was saying, but Eggman couldn't hear her, and that was the way that the mad scientist liked it.

The egg shaped doctor then pressed a button on his desk.. "Computer, tell that idiot Bokkun to bring me a cucumber sandwich on the double!" Eggman barked.

"Yes Lord and Supreme ruler Doctor Eggman." The computer replied before sending out a message to Bokkun to bring the good doctor some cucumber sandwiches.

Eggman then reclined on his chair,

"Ahh…this is the life, I could get used to this. No pesky hedgehogs to worry about and an unlimited supply of cucumber sandwiches." Meanwhile, Cream was huddled in the corner, crying her eyes out with her chao Cheese. She couldn't believe that this was all happening. Who was going to come and save her? What happened to Tails and Cosmo? All she had done was try and stop Eggman from taking the chao, but it wasn't as easy as Mr. Sonic made it look…

Bokkun then came flying in,

"Here's you pickle sandwich Doctor Eggman." Bokkun said as he handed him a platter,

"Pickle? Bokkun I asked for cucumber! Oh well, I'm in such a good, mood that I won't let that little hindrance bother me that much." As the good doctor continued to chomp on his sandwich, Bokkun then flew by the cage, but stopped once he was who was inside it.

"…Cream? Is that you?" Bokkun whispered, as Eggman gobbled down his, sandwich, "Mmm Bokkun, who made this sandwich? It's delicious! …Wait a second, I thought that I was…" Suddenly, Eggman stopped talking as he face stared to swell.

"Ahh! I was right! I'm allergic to pickles, Bokkun you idiot get my emergency shot!" Eggman yelled, as Bokkun stared in horror as Eggman's face became even more bloated, than normal…which was actually pretty scary.

"Y-yes Doctor!" he said before whispering to Cream, "Don't worry Cream, I'll get you out of here." Cream gave him a genuine smile before he ran off, to go and find Eggman's shot. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all…

Nobody noticed however that a small heart shaped locket had fallen out of Bokkun's bag, and it opened to show a small picture on Cream inside of it.

Back at Tails' house…

"Everyone get the plan?" Kitsune asked everyone, once Galexia finished speaking.

"I can't wait for the part when I get to-" Maria said before she was hit in the head with Galexia's crowbar, effectively dazing her.

"Shut it, Maria! What if Eggman's spying on us right now! We don't wanna give away our plan. He probably has some sort of hidden camera in here or something." Tails was going to take offence to that comment, no one could put anything in his house without him knowing about it, but decide against it. He didn't want to get wacked in the head with that crowbar of hers.

However, none of them knew that Eggman was suffering from a pickle allergy attack at the moment, so he wasn't planning on spying on them anytime soon, but they didn't know, so it was always helpful to be careful.

"But Tails, what should I do?" Cosmo asked, she wanted to help in the rescue mission, so she wouldn't be a burden…

"Uh…well you could…uh…um…" Tails mumbled. What could Cosmo do? After all she didn't have any special powers (not that he knew of anyway). And he didn't want to make her the bait, since her arm was broken and she couldn't run that fast before she was injured…

"Well, she can start cleaning up the roof." Storm offered, in an effort to not make Cosmo feel so bad.

The effort was futile. Cosmo sighed,

"Go on guys! Don't worry about me, you have to go and save the others, and I don't want to be a burden..." Cosmo said as she plastered on a fake smile.

"Cosmo you're not a burden-" Tails said before he was cut off by Galexia.

"Save it Tails. We have to get to Eggman's base so I can whack him into the next century, and besides it's not like she can do much anyway, since her arm is broken." Galexia argued, as she pushed Tails out of his house, "We'll be back before you know it, so let's go go go!" And as quick as that, everyone was gone, leaving the poor Seedrian to herself.

As soon as Cosmo heard the roar of the X-Tornado, she ran outside and to the nearest oak tree.

"Mother, I really want to help the others! Please give me an idea!" She cried. A bright light surrounded her as her mother talked to her and also somehow managed to heal her arm, using the power of nature, and as soon as she was done, she furrowed her eyebrows. She was going to prove to the others that she wasn't useless, and she had a plan to do so.

At Eggman's base…again…

Once Eggman had gotten his shot, his head slowly but surely deflated back to normal(well his head isn't normal, but it deflated back to as normal as he could get).

"Agh…" he wheezed "Bokkun, I'm going to take a small nap. That attack really took a lot out of me. Wake me if there are any intruders." Eggman said with a dazed look in his eyes as he wobbled over to the conveniently placed bed on the other side of the room and fell asleep instantly.

Bokkun's eyes gleamed, with excitement Now's my chance, to save Cream! Then, maybe she'll finally like me! Bokkun thought as he double checked to see that Eggman was asleep. He didn't have to since his snoring could be heard from across the base.

As he flew to the cage once more, he took out one of his TV bombs, and placed one on either side of the cage. As they all blew up at the same time, creating a giant and loud explosion, somehow Cream, Cheese, and Bokkun weren't hurt and Eggman wasn't woken up from his sleep. How did that happen you ask? Plot holes.

Now that Cream and her chao were freed from that horrible cage, she thanked him and hugged him and even kissed him on the cheek, as Bokkun was turning redder than a tomato. Just as Bokkun thought that he was going to faint from happiness, the intruder alarm went off, and instantly Eggman shot up from the bed and ran to the computer to see if he could catch what the intruder looked like.

"What the? It's those puny chao! How did they find me!" Eggman shouted as he banged his fist on the table in annoyance. Cream and Cheese quickly hid behind a crate as they watched Eggman get angrier and angrier.

Bokkun then flew over to him curiously, "Lemme see! Lemme see! I wanna see the cute little chao!"

"They're not cute!" Eggman said as he continued to block the tiny screen with his giant body, though it was a cute display (he had to admit). Bokkun yelled out a battle cry as he gave a might shove, and pushed Eggman away from the screen and onto the ground. True to what Eggman said, Ralph, Allen and Maria were destroying the base, using Allen's speed, Ralph's karate chops, and Maria…she was eating the heads off of the Guard robots…

Bokkun cringed, she didn't want to get on that chao's bad side.

"Deploy, the Egg bots!" Eggman shouted, as troops of red robots surrounded the three chao. Maria squealed in delight, this was going to be fun, she always thought that robots had an interesting crunchy taste to them.

Meanwhile on the complete other side of the base, Kitsune, Starry, and Galexia were trying to find Cream, while Tails hacked onto the computers to make sure that Eggman's camera's wouldn't spot them in that side of the base.

"Tails," Starry said through his communicator, that the two tailed kitsune had given him. "I think that we're getting close, to Eggman, I can hear his screams of agitation."

A loud KRTZZ was followed by Tails; response,

"Good. The computer is also telling me that there is a special sort of capsule in there. I think that's where Eggman is keeping the chao, so change of plans. Break that case first before you do anything else."

Kitsune then snatched the communicator from the unicorn chao,

"Roger that Tails, and then we can smash his face in? Right because you promised! And you shouldn't go back on your promises, Tails!" Kitsune said eagerly, as Galexia agreed. She was dying for some action. If the communicator had a live video stream then they would have seen Tails sweat drop.

"Uh, okay girls…how do you handle them Starry?" Starry shrugged, but Tails couldn't see that.

"Must be my charms." Starry bragged as he saw the girls angrily hold up their weapons to his face, "Uh gotta go Tails, those charms expired!" Tails then signed off and sighed. Those two were just like miniature Amys, the resemblance was uncanny…

Anyway he had to focus on the task at hand. Ralph, Maria and Allen were making an excellent distraction and Galexia, Kitsune and Starry were going in for the kill. Now, all he had to do was…push this button…and they were in!

Tails and Storm were sitting outside, a laptop on Tails' lap and a walkie-talkie on Storm's.

Him and Storm were the backup crew, they would go inside the base if anything went off of the plan, but so far so good, there were no problems, and they would get the chao back soon. Unfortunately this was making, Storm really, really bored,

"Tails, I'm so bored, can't we go in now? I need to save my Shadow!" Storm said to him urgently, Tails sighed, why were all of these girls like Amy? If only they were more calm and collected like Cosmo. Her name then started up his thoughts once more.

Why did she have to hurt her arm? She should be here, helping out the others with him, getting the others back. Sonic and Amy were her friends too! Tails grit his teeth; he was going to do this for Cosmo. As he closed his laptop and stood up Storm looked at him in confusion,

"Hey Tails, are you okay? I didn't mean to bother you it's just that I really want to get Shadow and the others back…" Storm trailed off once he saw his facial expression.

"No it was fine, come on! We have to go and get the others; they need us now more than ever." Tails said as Storm cheered as they started off for the base.

"Alright! Here we go! I can't wait to see Ol' Egg butt's mustache quiver with fear once he see's us!"

However Eggman had noticed their intrusion and became even more annoyed!

"Man! It's like their sprouting up from nowhere! This is getting ridiculous." Eggman said as he slammed his fist on the table, this time making a small dent on it. Suddenly he heard a scraping noise (that could only be made by a certain somebody's crowbar) on the ground. Hmmm…its probably one of those stupid chao again… As Eggman tried to open up the cameras that were around the entrance to the control room, he found that they were offline. Permanently offline.

"So, it is those pesky chao…think that you can seek up on me huh?" Eggman muttered to himself, as he turned on the laser shooters that were built inside the cameras. Luckily they came on, Hmm…Tails forgot to turn off those…he's getting really sloppy now, oh well his loss.

Eggman then shot the first laser beam at Kitsune's paintball gun. Unfortunately, laser beams and paint do not mixed…so it kinda…set Kitsune's paintball gun on fire.

"AHH!" She screamed as she threw the paintball gun into another laser shooter, now creating a fire. The fire instantly turned on the sprinkler system.

"Hey didn't Tails say for these communicators to not get wet or else they'll-" Starry pondered before he was electrocuted along with Galexia, Kitsune, Maria, Allen, Ralph, Tails and Storm.

Cream and Bokkun however, had escaped from their hiding place in Eggman's control room, and had run out of the base before he could notice, with Cream and Cheese effectively smashing any robots that dared to get in their way.

Once they made it out of the base, they were shocked to see…

"Cosmo? What are you doing here?" Cream asked as she cocked her head, she had remembered Eggman muttering, That pesky fox, and That stupid Storm, and even Those puny worthless AI life forms! (she had to cover Cheese's ears for that one) but he never mentioned Cosmo's name.

"My arm was hurt, so I didn't come, but then my mother who was in the form old oak tree in front of Tails house, told me that the others were going to be in grave danger, so she fixed my arm, and here I am." Cosmo said as she gestured to her arm, "But why are you here? I thought that you were trapped inside the base."

"Yes I was, Bokkun helped me out and let me escape but, I'm worried for the others, I didn't see any of them get into the control room, to get the chao cocoons, and the last thing that I remember happening was that the sprinkler system was going off." Sprinkler system…that means

"Oh no!" Cosmo shouted, "Mother was right, they are in grave danger! Quick we have to get those chao cocoons, the others and get out! Who knows what Eggman will do to them?"

"Right, let's do this! Bokkun are you going to help us?" Cream asked the black robot,

"W-well, Doctor Eggman is my boss, so I really can't go against him…" Bokkun trailed off as he scratched behind his head sheepishly, "But Bokkun please help us! It's for the good of mankind!" Cream pleaded, her eyes going into the infamous puppy dog style.

Bokkun was no exception.

"A-Alright, I'll go…but only if you make me a batch of your mint double chocolate chip cookies that Tails loves!" Bokkun wagered,

"It's a done deal!" Cream said as she hugged Bokkun once more, "Now let's go get our friends!"

Once the rag tag team of heroes had trudged back into the base, they saw robots strewn all over the floor, wearing shocked expressions that weren't even possible for a robot to make, and parts of them, were bitten out of.

"I-I didn't know that a robot's stomach could curl up and stick out like that, ouch…" Bokkun shuddered as he hovered around the remains of the Egg bots, "Those chao are monsters…I wouldn't want them to be on my bad side."

The eerie thing was that the hallways were all cleared of everything, Robot, mobian or chao. Eggman probably called off the army once he saw Tails and the others collapse due to being shocked in the head, when the communicators got wet. He probably, thought that there weren't any more fighters. How wrong he was. There were however, splatters of paint and laser beam trails on the walls.

"It must have been a bad fight." Cosmo said as she looked at the walls, sadly. She hoped that the others were alright. Finally they had reached a door that had a blinking sign that said, CONTROL ROOM on it.

Bokkun gulped, "Here goes nothing…" I just gotta remember that I'm doing this for Cream…

Cream opened the door, slowly and silently, and gasped at what she saw, Tails and Storm were gagged, and cuffed to the walls (Storm was drugged, Tails wasn't, he was subjected to watch the hideous scene unfold right in front of him, and to him that was worse than being drugged) while the chao were placed in the same capsules that Sonic, Shadow and Amy were in.

But the scariest thing in the room was that the evil doctor was lying on the table, wearing a red thong(mind you he had a towel around it or else, this would have to be a rated M fic) getting a massage from his two most faithful and loyal robots, Decoe and Bocoe.

"Ooh yeah…right there…that hits the spot Decoe…beating up a bunch of chao sure is hard work…" The two robots had to stifle their giggles at that comment, but the poor doctor was too out of it to even care.

"But Lord and Supreme ruler Doctor Eggman, shouldn't you be watching those chao cocoons a little more…carefully? They are going to hatch soon you know." Bocoe informed his master. He didn't want Sonic to unleash on him once he easily broke that chao cocoon case.

"Yes, but how can he…get out…if he's suspended in motion?" Eggman muttered, blissfully,

"Oh, that makes sense. They are frozen in time…right as always Doctor." Decoe praised.

"No one can stop me now! Mwhahaha- ooh hit that harder Decoe that feels nice…" Eggman drawled as Cream, Cosmo and Bokkun quietly tip-toed into the room. However just as Cosmo was going to break open the chao cocoon glass, Bokkun tripped on air and fell to the ground with a loud grunt.

This small action, however made Eggman jerk upwards (making his towel go flying in the process), scarred Tails for life once more, and the sheer torture of that sight, made the glass break itself in order for it to never ever, ever have to ever reflect that horrifying image...ever again!

"No…way…" Bokkun gaped, in shock at the overweight figure in front of him, "EGGMAN WEARS THONGS! MY EYES! IM BLIND! IM BLIND!"

"I NEED TO BLEACH MY EYES!" Tails screamed. Cream screamed, Bokkun screamed, Cosmo screamed, Eggman screamed, Decoe screamed, Bocoe screamed. And then all of their screaming stopped as a bright light erupted from the three chao cocoons that held Sonic, Shadow and Amy.

"N-no! This can't be happening! That light can only mean one thing!" Eggman gasped as he saw a familiar silhouette appear from the light.

"Is that…?" Cosmo and Cream said at the same time,

"Sonic the hedgehog?" Everyone exclaimed. The light dimmed away only for everyone to see….the world renowned hero…

Shadow the hedgehog. The entire group (minus Tails) sweat dropped and fell to the ground,

"Even now, I am still being confused with that pathetic hedgehog." Shadow muttered to himself apparently, that they still couldn't stop confusing him with that stupid blue hedgehog(in his opinion),

"Hey! Who are you calling pathetic!" A familiar cocky voice said as a familiar blue hedgehog stepped out of the capsule as well, "At least I didn't kiss a chao!"

"On the contrary hedgehog, you kissed Amy Rose, and she was a chao." Shadow said with a humph, his arms crossed.

"No, she's a hedgehog now, take a look." Sonic said as he gestured to her, and soon enough, there was Amy Rose in all of her red cladded dress glory,

"Oh, Sonic! We're back to normal!" Amy squealed as she glomped her favorite blue hedgehog. Sonic kissed her on the forehead, the chao fertility fruit had apparently not worn off, during the final transformation from chao to hedgehog, in fact, it seemed like it was permanent.

Tails smirked to himself, Chao fertility fruit doesn't make chao fall in love, it just awakens the love inside of themselves, that's why some chao don't mate, when they are given a chao fertility fruit but instead become really happy and most of the time evolve. He always had a hunch that Sonic liked Amy; he was just too shy to admit to it.

"Yep, and now it's time to take out the trash." Sonic said as his grin turned into an evil smirk. Sonic then ran over to Tails and uncuffed him while, he ran over to the control panel, Shadow and Amy chaining him to the wall where Tails was previously hanging,

"N-now guys can't we just work this out?" Eggman asked shakily, as Sonic randomly set the laser to a random setting and powered it up.

"Eh, how the tables turn, huh Eggman…how the tables turn…" Shadow said as he pretended to look uninterested, but was really sneaking glances at his blue rival. What is that idiot doing? Shadow thought to himself, "Is he going to set the place to self-destruct or what?"

"Sonic, NOOOOO!" Eggman shouted as he was engulfed in a bright purple light and was beginning to shrink until all that remained of him was a small chao egg.

"Hey Sonic…?" Tails asked his blue brother,

"Yeah Tails?"

"What did you set that laser too?"

"Uh…lemme go and check." Sonic said as he raced over to the laser. Once he looked at it however, his grin turned into a frown,

"Hey Tails…is uh," He gulped, "Permanent bad?"

"SONIC!" The two tailed fox shouted, startling the group, "You mean that he's going to be a chao…forever!" Sonic sweat dropped,

"Uh, oops…Well at least I know that he won't be bothering us for a while." The drugs that were used on Storm however, finally wore off. The hedgehog woke up to see…a small, blue and white chao egg speckled with white, being surrounded by Amy, Shadow, and a group of chao. She ran past Shadow who was awaiting the glomp that he thought was going to get and sighed inwardly when he didn't and ran up to the chao egg.

"Ooh! A chao egg! Mine!" Storm said as she squealed in delight and grabbed the chao egg.

"No Storm, don't touch that-" Tails said before she did something so unexpected that it was worse than Eggman wearing a thong.

She kicked the chao egg at the wall, with such force that the wall split in half.

"Ahh! What did you do that for? I was going to put that egg inside the capsule so that Eggman could never wreak havoc on us ever again!" Sonic shouted, as a small, chao with evil eyes and a permanent frown appeared from the egg. Said chao then ran up to Sonic's leg and hugged it, a heart appearing over his head.

"Oh brother…" Shadow said as Kitsune flew up to his arm and grabbed onto his rings.

"Shadow!" She said happily. He then saw a black chao with purple wings and sharp teeth waddle up to him She seems, familiar…did I have a crush on her when I was at the chao garden…? Shadow thought. Said chao whose name was Maria flew up to Kitsune and ate her demolished paintball gun in one gulp, angry that Shadow had mated with Kitsune instead of her. The two chao then started to get into an all out fight over, him. He face palmed, he knew how this was all going to end. With two bloody chao and a rainbow painted house.

"Ooh! Sonic! This means that we're going to be parents! And what way to get great practice then start with a chao?" Amy squealed as she hugged Sonic once more, not really caring if the chao was actually Eggman. Sonic however was staring in shock at his leg.

"C-c-chao…E-Eggman…p-parents…oy…" Sonic said before he fainted. Cream and Cosmo sighed, one adventure had just ended but another one was just beginning!






I'M DONE I'M DONE I'M DONE! I would like to thank the academy, fan fiction, The Puzzle Master (you know who you are!) and all of my faithful reviewers:

Flare the Hedgehog


Layla the Hedgehog



BlackJairo-Shadow Rose






Neo's Shadow


Crystal Moon4


Keiji the Coyote



[blank the annoyomus reviewer]




Violet the chao






The Daily Dude

Hokuto Ulrik



This story was a blast! As of now, I really really don't think that I'm going to be writing a sequel anytime soon… (Sorry peeps, I have like no time now!)

But, I would just like to say a few things first!

Sydneythecat, since you won 1000 rings (courtesy of the puzzle master,) you can buy…a story request! Yay! (I won't do lemons or yaoi though XP, ew...)

I would also like to say, that this is officially my longest chapter yet! At a striking 5000+ words and 13 pages *cheers* And now that this story is over, you guys will check out my other stories right?*gets hit in the face with a rotten tomato*

Aww, it was worth a try anyway…But yes! Yes! Yes! 102 reviews! I am like dying from happiness! Thank you everyone!

And I know that this is pretty late in the chapter...but

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, so don't sue!

Chao for now!

-Galexia the chao signing off! ^^