Well, lately I have been on an OC submission obsession, and have noticed many people are doing them, so, I figured: Why don't I try one?

The OC form is at the bottom, but I suggest you read the first chapter first :)

Disclaimer: Would I be writing a fanfiction about pokemon if I owned it? I think not.

Welcome to the Family

Amethyst Jewels couldn't believe her luck- no, she couldn't believe how insane her family was. Sure, she couldn't plead "sane" or "normal", but it certainly couldn't be all her fault, considering children's personalities are partially determined by how they're raised. If that is the case she must be lucky, extremely so, that she hadn't turned out worse. Her siblings certainly weren't as lucky.

Regardless, this was absolutely ridiculous. The teenager's amethyst eyes narrowed and her teeth gritted as she glared at the boy standing across from her. His lax posture and smug facial expression spoke volumes that he was hardly intimidated. His condescending black eyes gazed upon her as if she was nothing more than a fly he was amused to watch at the moment; something that could be swatted down at any time.

"Onyx," she gritted out his name and had a slight fluttering of irritation when she reflected his eyes matched his name, "Would you please stop lecturing me? I hardly need it from you."

Unruffled, to say the least (it was possible he had become in an even brighter mood from her irritation, much to her chagrin), the teenager's passive onyx black eyes gazed back at her and a darkly amused grin slipped upon his face.

"Sister dearest, I am merely trying to help you. You need not be so aggressive, though it is a rather nice change."

Helping her, right; she mentally scoffed. Amethyst pulled in a shaky breath, ready to snap back, but her breath ended up bowing back out of her lips; deflating her. There was no use arguing with her brother; she'd never win.

Her agitated expression reverting back to her usual lackadaisical indifference and her stiff posture slackening, she completely gave up her point and gazed at her twin indifferently. His expression almost simultaneously turned into a scowl as if sensing that she would give up. Perhaps that twin telepathy theory actually held some water? The thought was fleeting; it hardly mattered.

"Sister, you really must gain some ambition. You're attitude will get you nowhere in the world. Mother and father have talked to you about it, so have Diamond and Emerald- hell even Sapphire has talked to you about it. I'm sure Quartz would if he could speak yet." Honestly, his twin sister could very well be the disappointment of the family. That couldn't do though, since she was his twin (much to his shame) she had an immediate reflection on him, and it had better be a damn good reflection as far as he was concerned.

Unbothered, Amethyst muttered, "Well, maybe I'm a lost cause then. Perhaps mother and father should disown me altogether."

"Perhaps they should."

There was a moment of silence where the tension in the air was almost palpable. They did never get along well, they very well might have been night and day (though day was entirely too bright for either of them, and night too serious). Perhaps, though, that wasn't either of their faults. It had been like that since the beginning.

Soft lavender fur brushed against the pale girl's jean-clad leg and curious violet cat-slit eyes gazed up at her. Unconsciously, her hand reached down to pet her faithful pokemon and her eyes softened. Her own purple eyes unconsciously wandered to the sleek black fur and glowing yellow rings of the pokemon at her brother's side. Was it coincidence that their pokemon didn't get along either?

Finding nothing else to talk about, she straightened up, though still with a slight slouch, and began walking off without another word. She knew her brother was altogether too stubborn to actually call her back. This was actually how most of their conversations ended; with her simply walking away and leaving him fuming. She supposed she didn't help their relationship, but she really couldn't muster up the strength to care.

"Oh, Amethyst, Onyx!" a familiar voice rang out just as the teenager was about to turn the corner of the dark hallway. Her eyes narrowed; him.

"Ame-Babe, are you walking away from Ony-Dear again? Bless my soul, if Dia-Queen and I can even remotely get along, you should be able to too. You make your poor big brother's hair turn silver (for gray was for far too boring) - and I'm only but at the tender age of nineteen! For shame you two, for shame!" Ah, still as overdramatic and migraine inducing as ever. She didn't even know why she went to bed praying he would just be gone the next day- he never would, if only to torment her.

Amethyst begrudgingly halted in her walk and inclined her head towards her tormentor. He looked at her expectantly (already having her dear twin brother in a tight hug she couldn't help but note in satisfaction) with his wide emerald eyes and an enticing smile on his too-childish face. Childish. That's what he was. His lighter sliver-green hair was cut messily and flopped in his eyes. His face probably had more baby fat than her -who was only fifteen- but was at the far too-tall height of six feet two inches for someone of his caliber. He grated on her last nerve, possibly more so than Onyx, and she was sure he would be the death of her. If she couldn't do him in first that is.

As if sensing her thoughts, the fox-like leaf type pokemon sitting next to him glared up at her with its almond eyes. Ah, they never did get along. Unfortunate seeing as her own eeveelution was quite fond of the tan and green menace.

Trying to water down her glare to a point where he older brother wouldn't wail about it, Amethyst gazed steadily back at the young adult and murmured, "Emerald, what have I said about referring to me as 'Ame-Babe'? Your hair is also dyed (she stressed this part) to be a silvery shade."

Not daunted in the slightest, even when his younger brother started jerking violently in his hold and threatening him, Emerald in a show of strength that should not belong to him, retained poor Onyx in one arm and extended his newly freed one to his younger sister. "Oh come on Ame-Babe, you know I give everyone I love a super cute nickname. Now, why don't you give your older brother the pleasure of a hug from his favorite baby sister and have him make you and you're twin play nice?"

Ridiculous. He was also that. Not only did he have a family complex, but for some twisted reason, she was his favorite person in the 'whole wide world'. Being near him for too long gave her a headache.

With a simple narrowing of her amethyst eyes, she swiftly turned around on her heels and left with a swishing of her long lavender dyed hair and her color coordinating companion at her heels. She twisted along many corridors until she was sure her brother couldn't find her even if he followed her.

After a quick intake of her surroundings, she found herself in the near vicinity of the nursery. Why they had a nursery in a base headquarters could only be for her baby brother. Though it was beyond her why they needed a whole nursery and not a simple bedroom. Regardless, she might as well visit him, since she had nothing better to do.

"Would you like to visit Quartz and Abel, Gypsy?" Amethyst questioned with a slight dip of her head towards her espeon.

The pokemon, Gypsy, nodded her consent and started her way towards where she knew the two resided. The two passed down two corridors in contented silence until a flash of deep blue hair suddenly flashed around the corner. The two purple beings stopped abruptly before they bumped into the two blue ones.

Sapphire colored eyes looked up through their lashes as someone much shorter and obviously younger stood before Amethyst. Upon taking in who she had almost ran into, a grin automatically took over her young face and she squealed happily, "Amethyst!"

Amethyst smiled down happily at possibly the only person in her family she could stand. Well, she didn't mind Quartz, but he didn't do too much yet, so he didn't count. "Hey Sapphire, how are you kid?" She ruffled her blue hair affectionately while Gypsy greeted the blue fish and fox-like pokemon standing slightly behind its owner.

"Oh, I just got back from training Storm a bit before mom's announcement," Sapphire smiled benignantly up at her older.

Amethyst bit back a sigh. At only nine years old, her sister could probably already beat her in a battle. Not just because Amethyst was not proficient, but Sapphire was also a genius. A prodigy, she could probably also beat Onyx, maybe even Emerald. Sapphire had on many occasions claimed that there was no way she could possibly beat Amethyst, and believed it, but the child seriously underestimated her talent. She was a perfect little girl, but Amethyst could and would never find it in herself to hold it against her.

"How's Angel coming along?" she questioned.

The little blue girl beamed, "He's doing absolutely wonderful! He'll even be able to hold his own against Storm soon you know, and none of my other pokemon can even do that yet! It must have been because you gave him to me."

Praise she didn't deserve, but she was quite pleased her sister loved the togepi she gave her for her ninth birthday. She could think of no better home for it than Sapphire who was an angel herself.

"Don't slight yourself Sapphire; you're a brilliant trainer already. It has nothing to do with me, but I do appreciate it."

Sapphire looked at her knowingly, "But you shouldn't slight yourself either sis. You could easily be one of the best trainers here, if you tried," ah, now she was going to get lectured by her nine year old sister, again "Mom and papa are really counting on us to be the leaders- they're even letting me help (they would be insane not to) and mom says we're going to be helping a lot of people! Don't you want to help people, Amethyst?"

Help people. Right. Amethyst could have snorted; her mother had absolutely no intention of helping people. Her father…she figured he was under the illusion mother was doing this for some greater good, but father was never the brains, though he was the nice one, of the relationship. She also couldn't blame sweet Sapphire for being fooled. Her older sister was just as much a snake as her mother, and Onyx likes power, a lot. Emerald? Well, he went along with anything his family wanted to do, or so she figured.

No, they weren't exactly the good guys in this. "Let's go get Quartz, and then we'll probably have to head over to the auditorium."

"Okay," Sapphire said agreeably, not pushing Amethyst for an answer. She never did. She pulled up to her older sister's side when she began walking and their eeveelutions trailed behind them. "Do you think Quartz is playing with Jaws, Cinders, and Ivy? Well, he's obviously playing with Abel…"

Jaws, Cinders, and Ivy were a totodile, cyndaquil, and chikorita, respectively. They were perhaps the only effort Amethyst had put forth in this whole scheme. She has noticed that every evil pokemon organization had been taken out by some rookie trainers, and she'd be damned if she was beaten by some snot nosed brat. So, she marched in the lab and swiped the pokeballs and walked out; after having Gypsy put everyone to sleep. Sure, the three starters were mad at first, but they were surprisingly understanding after she explained. Already having a full pokemon team, she decided to have them be Quartz's playmates. Amethyst figured she'd just give them to Quartz when he came of age; they'd have a strong bond by then.

"Yes, he probably is. In fact, we could probably use the excuse that they couldn't bear to leave him, so we couldn't attend the meeting…"


"Jeez, I was just kidding…"


Onyx cursed as he stalked down the dreary halls toward the auditorium. It took him a while, but he finally got his idiot of a brother, Emerald, to get the hell off him. He was absolutely disgusted when he found that his shirt was damp from his brother blubbering about 'Ame-Babe' being mean to him.

And her, oh, he would get back at the ungrateful wench for leaving him with that and for completely ignoring his advice. He was trying to get his sister to apply herself so she could make something of herself. She could be a great asset to them and a powerful trainer (though not nearly as powerful as himself) if she actually tried instead of being some lazy-ass good-for-nothing.

The brooding teenage boy's steps started to get longer and his feet began to make a loud 'thud' as they hit the ground. He, unlike his sister, showed when he was agitated, and was quite familiar with the feeling. He rubbed the back of his fist to his deep black eyes; contacts never did agree with him well. He agreed with his sister when she said the fake eye colors were quite unnecessary, but it did add quite nicely to his bad boy look.

Yes, their family was quite the evil villain cliché, seeing as it seemed each team appeared to have its theme. Theirs being stones, and his mother seemed to want to go all out. Each having an eevee bound to them at birth, such as his Shade, and destined to each evolve into a different eeveelution, they all having names after a gemstone, and being brought up to love a certain color; Onyx couldn't help but wonder how long his mother had been planning this.

Maybe Amethyst was right and they were crazy, but it was their family, and, hey, world domination isn't too bad. "Is my baby brother brooding again?"

Onyx brought his dark eyes up to the source of the sickly sweet voice; the ice bitch herself. "I'm not brooding Diamond," he hissed back.

Diamond smirked and curled her finger through her long dark tinted icy blue hair that dangled upon her -large- bosom. Ah, his sister had perfected the art of looking slutty and professional at the same time with a white colored long sleeved shirt much too tight in certain places, a short black pinstripe pencil skirt, high heeled black pumps that made her even taller than she already was, and silver wire glasses that only seemed to frame her dangerous and cunning ice blue eyes. A snake; a temptress; an ice queen: that was his oldest sister.

And he wouldn't be surprised if she were to cut him down if he got in her way.

The light and dark blue fox pokemon standing by her side seemed to mirror her condescending expression and set his umbreon's fur bristling. She laughed quaintly with a coy smile and said; "Oh little brother, you never seem to stop amusing me," what part about him was amusing? "But we don't have time to be idle; we must get to mummy's speech."

Diamond was the only one to ever speak of their mother so informally- even little Sapphire never called her mommy. It wasn't surprising though; his mother and his older sister were one in the same, though his mother went for a warmer approach.

Not receiving an answer, the twenty four year old went on to ask another question without appearing to be bothered, "Oh, where is that good-for-nothing twin of yours and Sapphire? Emerald already showed up and he said that they would be bringing Quartz."

Onyx's eyes narrowed and he hissed, "Do not call Amethyst a good-for-nothing." Only he could do that.

Amusement flashed in the older girl's eyes and her red lips quirked up, but it was gone in a flash before her little brother noticed, "Yes, yes, I suppose we'll have to wait for them inside, won't we?"

Before he could reply, his sister turned on her heals and sashayed through the door she had been standing by, hips swinging and glaceon following in a similar manner. Onyx gritted his teeth; ice bitch. He grudgingly followed behind his sister and shut the door behind him.


The lights dimmed in the large auditorium and the crowd of spectators on the floor immediately quieted down. Only a few whispered lingered, and even those were silenced when a spotlight was turned onto a woman standing in the middle of the stage.

She looked to be in her early forties, but still had her beauty about her. With flowing flaming red hair and enticing ruby eyes, she called for attention, and received. Her posture was that of one proud and confident, but her warm, motherly smile offset any negative feeling felt towards her. A fiery pokemon that could be identified as a flareon stood confidently by her side.

Just at the edge of the spotlight and slightly behind the woman's right shoulder stood a brawny man with bright thinning yellow hair and laughing topaz eyes and only looked but a little older than her. He was tall and intimidating, but had winkle lines from smiling at his eyes' edges and an easy grin on his face. He could easily be placed as a gentle giant, because that's exactly what he was. A jolteon stood by his side, just as friendly as his master.

Colorful offspring of the adults stood behind them in a line. An icy blue one that smirked when she realized many of the younger men's eyes were drawn to her, a green one that was clearly becoming a man but held an expression of a child, a black one that had confident poise and a cocky smirk, a purple one with a strained smile and looked about the same age as the black one, a dark blue little girl of angelic qualities standing close by the purple teenager, and perhaps the least colorful of them all, a little boy no less than one but no more than two with brown hair was sleeping peacefully in the purple girl's arms.

They were truly a sight to behold, with the addition of a matching eeveelution for each, including an eevee for the babe, and commanded total attention. The audience was shocked out of their speculation as the older woman's voice rang out, "Welcome my friends! I am pleased to see you."

She paused a moment to make sure she had everyone's complete attention then continued, "As you know, you are here to join the illustrious Team Gem and make the world a better place. Many a misguided team have tried before us, such as Team Galactic and Aqua and Magma, but," a sad shake of the head, "They have went about it all wrong. They have scared the citizens of countless regions and abused the pokemon- especially the legendaries. This is not how Team Gem will go about things. We will make sure the people understand our purpose and help us, and there will be absolutely no pokemon harmed. We will make the world a better place where pokemon and humans can live in perfect harmony and there will be no corruption, no wars, and no murders- a world of absolute peace. Our plan?" an unseen smirk, "That will be explained later. Right now I want to tell you one thing, just one thing: Welcome to the family."

Welcome to the family, indeed.


Okay, so I'm going to probably need a lot of OCs for this story, so feel free to submit more than one!

Important: There will not be some group of happy-go-lucky trainers against Gems, but a different TEAM. The team's name will be Avian.

My only other characters in this story will be the leader of Team Avian and one or two more people on that team. I will not create any more OCs unless necessary, so I'm going to be using your OCs to further the plot.

I would also prefer that you PM your OC rather than put it in a review; but your choice.

Okay, I'm done. Here's the OC form:

Name: (They don't have to be gemmed themed, by the way :P)

Age: (12-however old you want please. They can't be too young, but they can be however old you want.)



Hair: (Color, style, length)


Personality: (paragraph please, I want to get them right)

History: (No soap-opera pasts please)

Gem, Avian, or Other (if so please specify)?:

Why joined?: (Yes, I know you don't know Team Gem's motives, but that's on purpose. Why did you join the team in blind faith, or do you have a reason? For Team Avian, you should know that there have been rumors about Team Gem already, and everyone will be newly recruited into Team Avian, just say why you accepted)

Opinion on Team Gem in general:

Opinion on Amethyst:

Opinion on Onyx:

Opinion on Emerald:

Opinion on Diamond:

Opinion on Sapphire:

Opinion on Ruby (momma Jewels) and Topaz (papa Jewels):

Pokemon: (No legendaries, eeveelutions, or lucario/rilou. Have their personality, type, nickname (if they have one), and moves)