
I'm getting tired. Tired of running but I have to keep running away from them or they will find me. Ever since I defay them I have to escape. Now it's been a year, I haven't eaten, rested or anything. I have lost everything I loved because of the time or because other reasons.

I don't know were I am. All I know is that I'm somewhere in the woods and there are others like me. I can smell it, I can feel it.

I stopped and sat next to a tree. I knew it wasn't the best option but I had to. I couldn't continue.

I look at my cameo to see my friends and family in it. I missed them so much. When I thought I had found my new home and family, I lost it. If you had told me this was going to be my life 60 years ago, I wouldn't believe it. I can't scape from fate. Fate is written no matter what you do, the objective never change what change is the way you reach it.

Now I'm scared. I closed my eyes. I'm so tired...