(Scene 8: The Book)
(Starts out while showing Vlad's bedroom door. It zooms in and goes to Vlad sitting on his bed while reading Twilight)
Vlad: (chuckles) This is a bunch of lies. Vampires do not sparkle.
(He looks up and notices Otis looking at him)
Vlad: (shocked and weirded out) What are you doing in my room?
Otis: I came to tell you that your Aunt Nelly invited me for dinner sometime.
Vlad: So...Uh...Why are you in my room?
Otis: I wanted to see if it was alright with you.
Vlad: Why. Are. You. In. My. Room?
Otis: ...Nevermind...(He leaves)
Vlad: Yeah. That's what I thought. Wait...He's coming to dinner! Oh no!
Nelly: (off screen) Vlad! Are you talking to yourself again?
Vlad: Why do you always annoy me? God!
(Scene changes to night time and Vlad wakes up to look at his alarm clock. It says 2:00 in the morning. He gets up and grabs a book from his floor to look at it)
Vlad: I forgot that I found this in the attic.
(Vlad gets up and leaves out of his room and goes into the kitchen to get something to drink)
Nelly: (She walks in and notices Vlad) What are you doing up?
Vlad: (Seems uncomfortable and sheepish) I...uh...wet the bed...
Nelly: Again? Do you know how many sheets we have to go through? A lot, let me tell you that.
(Nelly pulls out a coffee cup and Vlad sits at the table. She turns and notices the book)
Nelly: Where'd you get that from? Is it one of mine?
Vlad: I found it in the attic. I'm not reading it...yet.
(Vlad goes to his room and tries many keys to open the book. Finally he gives up and tries to open it and it easily opens)
Vlad: Wow, that was a waste of my time.
(A note falls out of the book and Vlad reads it)
Tomas: Go under your bed, Vlad. There lie the answers to all I've hidden. Yours in Eternity.
Vlad: *sniffles* Daddy...(He reads through it again and looks up) Under my bed? (He gets up and looks under his bed. He gets back up and shrugs) I'll look later.
(He goes on his bed and checks his sheets. He shrugs and falls asleep)
(He wakes up in the morning and looks under his bed. He finds a journal that says The Chronicles of Tomas Tod. He looks at it strange before opening it)
Tomas: January 13. I had never intended to fall in love with Mellina. She was to be a meal, a delicious, sexy meal. Uh...Anyway, when I found her, she was walking back to her apartment in the blowing January snow. She was alone buttoned carefully into a thick wool coat with a scarf tied around her neck. I could smell her stench from miles away. I moved out in front of her and she just looked at me with her big brown eyes.
Vlad: Okay...This is gross. I don't want to hear my dad talk about my mom like that. Ew. (He shudders and then continues to read)
Tomas: She layed down on my bed and I got on top of her. We layed there naked-
Vlad: Too far! Too far! (He scrolls back up and reads from there)
Tomas: I'd expected her to scream. But she merely smiled and asked me if I'd like to walk her home. I was love at first bite. Haha...Get it? Bite...Vampires...Anyway, I visited her every night for three years, and then, one fine spring day, we got married. Then that night on our honeymoon, we got to the hotel and went into our room and put up the 'do not disturb' sign. Then we-
Vlad: (Shuts the book) Okay...I'm done. (He looks around suspiciously and then opens the book up again)
Tomas: Mellina got pregnant with little Vladimir. We worried he would be a 'tard, but so far...He seems normal...Kind of.
Vlad: (offended) Hey!
Tomas: As of now, Vlad is two years old and has brought his mother and me more pain than joy. He is our son, none the less, so we're forced to love him. I guess I'd have to protect him from the wrath of Elysia...Maybe...
Vlad: This is depressing. I'm being made fun of by my own dead parents!
Nelly: Vlad! Quiet down!
Vlad: (sighs) Yes, Aunt Nelly...
(Vlad goes back to reading)
Tomas: I plan to rid myself of my vampire mark tomorrow. It's too dangerous to keep, though I cannot remember a time that my wrist was without this black, heavy ink. It will be painful, as it cannot be removed by human means. I must protect-
Vlad: This is boring...(He skims to a page farther on)
Tomas: September 6. I've returend from Stokerton, where I found a faded letter nailed to the door of Mellina's long-empty apartment. They wanted me to come back to the vampire world. I refused. Today was Vlad's first day of kindergarten. I didn't want him to go. I thought he was fine being stupid, but Mellina pleaded with me to let him go so I gave in. While I was in-
Vlad: (Shuts book) I'm done. (He flopped down on the bed and fell asleep)
(End Scene)
Well, that was kind of boring...Just a little. I'm coming to a writer's block. Hopefully I get out of it soon. Anyway, please review!