A/N: Alright! This is it! The conclusion of my first HTTYD story! Will I write another? Maybe...if anyone would like to see a sequel to this story, please tell me. I feed off people's good reviews, and I live to please. So, let the story be finished. Toothless, one more time!

Toothless (in dragon speak): Genesis48 does not own HTTYD. I got nothing else to say.

Sure enough, the storm's wrath returned a few minutes later. Both Hiccup and Astrid were huddled in front of the fireplace, keeping themselves warm and enjoying each others' company. Toothless and Thorn would occasionally need a fish or two, so Hiccup would grab them a couple from the storage basket.

Hiccup wanted so much to talk to Astrid about what he told Toothless earlier. But he was too nervous; he was afraid he would be coming on too strong. Finally, Hiccup decided he had to say something. He was about ask Astrid, when they heard a small, twittering sound. They both looked for the source of the noise.

"Toothless, was that you," Hiccup asked. The Night Fury shook his head in denial. "Hey, Hiccup. I think we have another dragon in here," Astrid said slyly. She pointed to a small open window.

There, sitting on the windowsill was a Terrible Terror, cocking it's head and giving a questioning look to the young Vikings. He had obviously twittered to get their attention.

"Terry, what are you doing here? You should be back at the forge," Hiccup said, recognizing the small dragon as the one Gobber had adopted. Hiccup got up, walked over to the window and held out his hand. The Terror climbed onto Hiccup's shoulder. He looked very jittery.

"You're wandering where Gobber is, aren't you? Well, why don't you stay here until the storm passes, then we'll take you back to him," Hiccup said as he brought Terry over near the fire. Hiccup sat back down next to Astrid and Terry clambered down to lay between them. Astrid gently scratched Terry's back and ears with a smile on her face. Hiccup couldn't help but gaze in affection at his girlfriend. He now had to tell her what he had been pondering about.

"Hey, Astrid?"


"You know I love you, right? Even though I just admitted it today?"

"Of course, Hiccup. And I love you, too."

"Well, do you ever, maybe, I don't know, get married someday?"

Astrid started to say something, but paused. "To you, you mean?"

"Well, if not me, who," Hiccup asked with a shy smile.

"Hiccup, you and I both know we're too young to even consider being married yet," Astrid said sternly.

"Oh, sorry," Hiccup replied, feeling dejected.

"But," Astrid said kindly, while taking his hand, "I would love to be your wife someday when we are old enough. Provided you don't anything stupid or crazy."

Hiccup couldn't help but grin. One of the reasons he loved Astrid was her ability to provide wit in the most loving gestures. They both moved, closer to each other, about to share another kiss, when a low rumbling, groan echoed around them.

"That was too close too us to be thunder," Astrid claimed.

"Will, if it's not the storm, then what-" Hiccup was cut off when he looked at Toothless, who had the now famous "toothless grin" on his face. Hiccup was about to ask what was so funny to the Night Fury, when he caught a whiff of the air. Almost immediately, Hiccup and Astrid's hands moved to their faces in disgust. Hiccup shot a annoyed look at his dragon buddy.

"Oh gods, Toothless! That's awful! What have you been eating?"

After a few more hours, the storm was letting up. It may have still been raining, and the wind was still blowing pretty good, but it wasn't as violent as before. When the rain started to slow to a stop, Hiccup and Astrid, along with the three dragons, stepped out of Hiccup's house. Their eyes went wide with awe.

The village was transformed. Some more houses had collapsed, limbs and branches of trees were scattered everywhere, and the ground was covered with puddles. Berk almost didn't look like Berk anymore.

"Wow, the last time the village looked like this was when dragons weren't yet our allies," Astrid claimed.

"Yeah, we'd better search the collapsed homes, see if anyone is trapped," Hiccup suggested. Astrid nodded, and they split up to begin searching for anyone trapped in their damaged houses. As it turned out, Terry was a great sniffer, and could easily sniff out any human scent if one was present. Plus, his small size allowed him to sift through the rubble of homes at will to reach any trapped people.

Soon, Hiccup, Toothless, and Terry were searching the last demolished structure. Hiccup then heard the big doors of the Great Hall open. Stoic the Vast led the Vikings out, with Gobber beside him. Hiccup ran to the bottom of the staircase which led to the Great Hall.

"Hiccup! Are you alright, son?"

"I'm fine, Dad. Toothless and I, along with Astrid, were searching the collapsed houses for anyone trapped in there. And we had a little help from this little guy."

Terry hopped over and squawked in happiness when he say Gobber. "Hey, Terry! I'm sorry I left ye home alone. From now on, I won't let ye out of me sight!"

"You searched the village yourself, Hiccup? I'm so proud of you. You're taking on the traits you need if you want to take my place someday when can't do it anymore."

Astrid came up with some survivors she and Thorn had found. She then gave Hiccup a kiss, and said, "That's for your hospitality."

Hiccup grinned, then heard his father bellow, "Everyone, because of Hiccup's bravery, his knowledge, and loyalty and care for his tribe, we have survived the wrath of our gods! I encourage everyone to help clean up our village, and then, we will celebrate our survival of this deadly storm!"

Cheers erupted from the Viking villagers, the dragons all roared in approval, and Hiccup couldn't help but think that if he could tame a Night Fury, slay an evil queen dragon, and survive a hurricane, there wasn't anything he couldn't do or accomplish in the future.

A/N: Finally finished! Phew! I would like to thank all my readers and reviewers; you guys were the ones that kept me going. And I would also like to thank everyone at Dreamworks Animation for making such an awesome movie! Catch you all on the flip side!