Chapter 1

"You don't wear your ring anymore." Rossi was standing in the doorway of Hotch's office. "What made you make that decision...or should I say whom?"

"I can't say I know what you mean." Preferring to answer him while staring down at the file he was working on.

"Oh you don't huh. Listen Aaron, you deserve to be happy. To live outside the office. You both do."

"Do you have anything work related to discuss?" The need to get off this topic was foremost in his mind.

"Ok, ok, point taken. But let me say one more thing before you slam the door on this conversation. Emily is a beautiful lady. She won't be single forever. I might even ask her out, that is, if I knew my best friend wasn't interested in her." Rossi was deliberately baiting Hotch, and Hotch didn't know why.

"Em...Prentiss is one of my subordinates. If I was interested, and I'm not saying I am, I couldn't possibly act on it."

"Life is too short for excuses Aaron. Trust me on that."

And with that he was gone. Leaving Hotch to his thoughts once again.

"Penny for your thoughts". Emily jumped at his words. For a man of a certain age Rossi was surely light on his feet.

"Oh, just sitting here thinking about life and how depressing it can be."

"This sounds interesting. Tell me what is troubling you."

"Ever wanted something so much, something that could change your life, but you know you'll never get it. That is what's so depressing."

"Is this something a someone? And before you answer that remember where you are and what we do."

"It is a someone Rossi. And because of who you are you already know who."

Rossi grabs Emily's hand. "I have an idea. Grab your coat. You're coming with me. Meet me at the elevators in 5 minutes." With that he runs to his office to grab his jacket. As he makes his way to the elevators he detours pass Hotch's office. "I'm leaving early. I'm taking Emily out to dinner. We'll see you Monday."

"What!?" Hotch stands up and comes around the desk. "What are you playing?"

"Nothing Aaron. You never said you were interested in Emily and I've decided I am. She is worth fighting the rule book for. Good night." As he made his way back to the elevators his mind wanders to his friends and he hopes that his plan will work.

"What kept you?" Emily asks when she sees Rossi come around the corner.

"Oh, I was just telling Aaron we were leaving early as I was taking you out to dinner." He smiles smugly.

"Rossi, please say you didn't."

"Don't worry Emily. It will be alright."

Four hours since they left together. 3 hours and 45 minutes since Hotch gave up on getting any work done. 3 hours and 30 minutes since he pulled up outside her apartment building. 3 hours and 29 minutes praying that Emily wasn't falling for one of his best friends.

He wished she would get home. The mere thought of her being with Rossi was beginning to tear him up inside.

Emily pulled into the underground garage. Driving in she recognised the black SUV parked across the street. Had Rossi's plan really worked.

She let herself into her apartment. Not knowing if he would come up she went into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee.

It was as the kettle was boiling she heard the knock. Peeking though the peephole she saw him standing there. She gently opened the door, stepping aside for him to enter. She looking up into his eyes. His eyes held hurt and anger.

"Hotch, I've just boiled the kettle. Can I get you a coffee?"

"No. Thankyou. Can we sit? Please?"

She shows him to the living room, and to the couch. "Aaron, are you ok?"

"No. I'm not."

What do you think? Please review. I'm only new at this. Thanks.