A.N. Okay, I know that I should be writing Bad Romance but in light of uhh...new revelations...episode 21.....I am in denial and as in Australia we are only up to Episode 17 therefore, they are still wondorously happy which made me think of all of these and gave me a big push to write it. So read this and be in denial with me! I hope these make you smile.

Disclaimer: Soo....if I owned them....these things would not be happening =(

Rawr- the page divider button isn't working!!!!!

I locked the front door behind me, letting out a heavy sigh as I put my keys and jacket on the counter lightly. Christina and Owen were at the hospital but I didn't want to wake up Arizona so I toed off my shoes and tiptoed over to our bedroom.

I opened the door and saw a flash of blonde curls before the owner hastily hid herself under the covers.

"What are you doing baby?" I asked tiredly, her antics however strange picking my mood up instantly. "Why aren't you asleep?"

I looked at the clock, 2:30am. Yep, Arizona was usually knocked out by this time if she wasn't on call.

"Shh Calliope," I heard from beneath the mound of blankets. "Arizona's sleeping!"

"What are you on about Arizona?" I asked my obviously delusional girlfriend.

"SHH!" she whispered louder this time. "You have to be quiet, Arizona's asleep! She's sleeping!"

I tackled the noisy blankets, pulling them down over her grinning head, her blonde curls in a mess above her head. I couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness and her smile grew impossibly larger as she watched me.

"You're an idiot you know that?" I told her with a quick peck on her delicious lips.

"Uh huh."

A.N. I have another two already written so review and I'll get them up soon!! Hope this cheered everyone up....it cheered me up so yeah. Review =)
