
Chapter 9

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own FMA.

Warning: None really.

AN: Haven't given up on this yet! Nope. Thanks to everyone who've read this and have been following this.

"You see, it's not about the explosion but more about the shock waves because of it." Roy explained. He and Kimblee were now currently standing at an isolated park- far enough to drown the noise of the explosion so that it wouldn't disturb "communal peace".

So they were alone in the park at the middle of the night with four bottles of chemicals in hand.


"This can send you back home and I get to have my Zolf back." Roy concluded, totally aware that none of his lecture went through to Kimblee's mind who was still spacing out on him.

Like really? He was the bomb expert. He shouldn't have to listen to anything that concerned explosion.

"So...wanna give it a go?" Roy asked sighing as he saw Kimblee snapping back to reality as onyx eyes met with gold ones. Instead of waiting for an answer, Roy sighed again and prepared the compound that would serve his purpose.

They were giving it a go.

There was supposed to be a BOOM. Not a big boom- yes- but definitely one that didn't sound like a burst tire. Why did he expect it? Well because Roy made it clear the bigger the shockwave, the better chances Kimblee would have going back home and-

"I'm still here Mustang," he deadpanned. So far- "Your plan sucks."

Roy rolled his eyes at this while picking up pieces of exploded remains of the plastic containers he had brought along.

"And do I even wanna know how you got these chemicals?"

"Nope", was the only reply Roy had given him. Kimblee didn't have to know. The kid from the local garage was pretty generous and gave him what he needed- no questions asked. Might've been his charm or maybe because he was a regular customer of the said garage (that's why Zolf never let him touch his car). Whatever it was, the twenty year old service girl didn't need to go into all sorts of details. For her, Roy's charm was enough.

"Hey Mustang?"


"What's next?"

"I dunno..."

Silence stretched between the two men- one picking up plastic pieces and another just standing there, doing nothing much to Roy's displeasure.

"Hey Mustang?"


"The cops are coming."

"Right. So you were just there doing what exactly?" The commissioner asked very weary of the two grown men in front of him. Maybe he was not as sharp as an eagle or whatever but two men, alone in the park, in the middle of the night experimenting with chemicals—the ones which exploded—well, if that didn't scream terrorist then he didn't know what else did.

"Making out."

Except these two were no ordinary terrorists. They were smartasses—one even borderlined loony.

"And the explosion? Don't tell me you were too hotto handle."

Kimblee smirked as a reply and danced a brow which made the commissioner all the more irritated and Roy...was...just so embarrassed.

While the other culprit did absolutely nothing to help the situation, Roy decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Actually commissioner, we were-"

"We find fireworks kinky."

And if being cut off wasn't enough, this particular comment of Zolf made Roy to widen his eyes—as wide as a saucer—and swiftly turn in the direction of his lover. His cheeks were red, his ears, neck, everything screamed bloody embarrassment and add to that the bewildered look on the commissioner's face.

It wouldn't be an understatement to say, no one saw that coming.

Before the commissioner would find a report of murder on his table, Zolf decided to cut the crap and finally confess to what they'd been doing.

"Sir," he began with not so much respect, "My guy and I were just fooling around. We thought if we could come up with a way to impress my daughter's teacher with her science project." He then lowered his tone a little and added, "Kid's not a fair game in science. Last year, she made a volcano which didn't even erupt and while all others got an A, my kid got a C. And I was there to see it all. It kinda hurt my ego. And since genius here," he pointed at Roy, "Knows his share of chemistry, we wanted to make sure my kid didn't come home with a C. We chose the park because...well...otherwise people would think we're planting a bomb. Which, you people thought anyway. So there."

Kimblee sat back with a satisfaction on his face. It was farfetched. Roy's twitching of brow as well as the commissioner's proved that it was farfetched but still believable. And disturbing. Still...whatever it took...

"Fine. We're taking your word for it but if we catch you two doing something weird like that, I'll have no choice but to turn you in." The inspector said, eyeing the duo warily. They didn't come off as terrorists. Worse. They came off as over-achieving parents. Or one of them did. Complicated stuff.

"Thank you officer." Roy responded, placing a hand on Kimblee's thigh lovingly much to Kimblee's discomfort. "It's just he's so carried away with it sometimes. It's...a guy thing you know?"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Just get out. But don't leave town. Bunch'a weirdos." The commissioner added the last part under his breath. Now he had seen everything.

"Fireworks make us kinky?" Roy asked, still too flushed not to be angry at Kimblee. The nerve! He treated the police station as a joke. A JOKE.

"Sure. Sure seemed like a good idea to pitch in." Kimblee replied nonchalantly.

"And you didn't even hesitate, did you?"


Roy sighed. He was in a lock up trying to get this ridiculous man get back home. He was in a lock up. Had it been his Zolf, they'd never be in that disgusting situation. Had it been his Zolf, they'd be staying at home, watching TV or you know, making out privately.

"But still, it was fun. Should've seen the look on his face. That bastard is not the brightest bulb of the bunch, eh?"

"Probably." Roy replied shortly after. A smirk crept on his face the very next moment. "They thought we were a couple of controlling parents. You know, the ones who need to have their kid on top of everything? That guy must be looking for a shrink for us."

Zolf laughed lightly as he said a 'Yeah'. And if Roy had not been looking in Zolf's direction for a little bit more than necessary, he would never have noticed the small wink Kimblee threw at him...and he'd never have smirked back in return.

"So..." it was Zolf who broke the rather pleasing silence between them. "What's the next plan?"

"I'm working on it. Let's just first go home. I need sleep."

The thing was, his Zolf was a regular guy. His Zolf was nice and safe. Boring.

But this one—with all his flaws and unforgivable habits—this one was starting to grow on Roy as well.

This one was a nightmare.

And Roy was starting to like him.

AN: So we've reached at the midpoint in our story. From here on, things will be a bit faster paced and...dramatic. I'd love to know what you've thought of this so far. Any suggestions are gladly welcomed.

Till then~

Take care.