I know it's been a long time...but hey, at least I've finally updated. This is the last instalment by the way. Enjoy and R&R :)

"Mimi, I'm just saying—"

"No, I'm just saying. I like my job Roger. I have a good pay, it's not that hard, and I like to dance!"

"Then find another dancing job. I hate your job—"

"Well, you're going to have to deal with it."

Mimi Marquez and Roger Davis huffed down Avenue C. Roger had just picked up Mimi from work, and he now was pissed off that her boss groped her while she was getting her weekly pay. And that led him to rambling on about how much he hated her job. He has no right to do that. We haven't even been together all that long. Mimi thought as the silence grew on.

This was their second fight as a couple. The first was at New Years, when stupid Benny came along, trying to hang out with them. It didn't work out for Benny, but it drove a small wedge of distrust in between Mimi and Roger.

Despite the fact that she's told Roger again and again that she was not cheating on him; he still didn't trust her enough to believe her, which hurt Mimi to no end. But she knew on some level that he believed her, but he had yet to let his faithfulness show.

And now, they had reached the bus stop that would take them to Angel's and Collins', where they were meeting the group for Collins' birthday party.

They both sat on opposite ends of the lonely bench there, not wanting to speak. Roger and Mimi hated fighting, but for whatever reason it happened. And so they sat there, not speaking, not moving, just sitting there, with both breathing harshly.

She went up to it, until she was right beside it, and slightly nudged what she thought was a shoulder. The thing gasped, and looked up. She was met by the most beautiful blue-green eyes in the world.

Mimi slightly smiled at the memory. Here she met the man of her dreams. The man that was sweet and caring, and who she saved from himself, and he saved her from her sorrow. His eyes were the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.

"I-I...My girlfriend is d-dead, and I r-ran away from my r-r-roommate. He's t-trying to convince me to stop t-taking drugs. I-I know h-he's right, but I-I'm not strong e-enough."

Wait a minute…didn't that story sound familiar…

She turned back, to see that the man was where he was before, staring at her. She quickly ran over to him, and before he could say anything, she gave him a hug. After a second of hugging, the man finally hugged back. Mimi sighed into the man's chest. Even though she was going to be late for Angel's, she got to help someone tonight.

Mimi slightly turned, and looked at Roger. He had an expression on that she couldn't read…it looked like he was deep in thought.

She was met by the most beautiful blue-green eyes in the world… She was met by the most beautiful blue-green eyes in the world…

"It was you!" Roger and Mimi suddenly screamed in unison. They had twisted to take a good look at each other, and now their shock mirrored on each other's faces.

"You—You—You—You were the man that needed my help! This is insane—"

"You're the Mimi! The girl that helped me quit drugs? This is messed up—"

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOU!" they again screamed in unison, now closer than they were before. They both began to laugh, and sat beside each other. The silence grew between them, but it was a comfortable and loving silence.

"I can't believe that was you." Roger said, smiling slightly.

"I know. I'm kind of shocked. You helped me through in my toughest time." Mimi whispered, playing with Roger's warm hands.

A thoughtful pause, "Why were you crying?" Roger asked, sounding curious.

"I didn't tell you?" Mimi asked confusedly, going through her memory of that night. I didn't tell him. Mimi thought a few moments later.


"Well...that was the day I found out my older sister was dead. Car accident." Mimi whispered. The wound she got that day was still there, only slightly healed, not fully. She believed that it would never fully heal. And she was fine with that. As long as she had someone like Roger to kiss her wound and make it disappear for awhile. Roger helped with the first stitch so she could at least close the wound. And it worked. He helped her. It was a strong stitch, and it always stayed there. It never broke.


"It's alright. You didn't know, and you don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything." Mimi smiled, though it wasn't completely sincere, yet it wasn't fully fake.

Roger gave a slight smile, and brought Mimi close to him. She rested against his chest, and inhaled his nice scent. Cigarettes, guitars, and of a cologne that he used once in awhile. He kissed her forehead gently, and just held her close. They both could feel each other's heartbeats.

And unfortunately that was when the bus decided to show up.

"Hey Mimi and dude." Bert called.

"Bert! You came at the wrong time!" Mimi chastised, with Roger grumbling as they found their way to their feet.

"I always do." Bert called back, idling as he waited for the two lovers.

Mimi and Roger exchanged looks, and then looked back at the driver. "We're going to be here for awhile Bert. You go ahead and go." Mimi said with a smile.

"Are you sure? This is my last stop for the night." Bert called his hand on the lever that pulled the doors closed.

Again Mimi and Roger exchanged looks, and when they did bright smiles appeared on their faces. "We'll be fine." Mimi whispered, and kissed Roger deeply.

And she was right. For now, they'd be alright.

The End.