Day with the Brothers

Matthew (Canada) and Alfred (America)

"Why did you insist on me coming here, Matthew? There is nothing here! Matthew you, dipshit, there is nothing here!"

"C-calm down, Alfred!" Matthew dropped to his knees and started for the zipper on his backpack when a set of pointed teeth clamped down on his hand. Tears began to build and he forced down an agonized scream. "K- K- K- K-K-Kuma- Kumajiro! L-let go!" the blonde squealed helplessly.

The bear glanced at him though unfeeling eyes. Matthew couldn't help but notice the blood staining the fur around Kumajiro's mouth. He smiled (the best he could whilst being used as a human chew toy) trying to reel in any sort of recognition in Kumajiro's head but the bear did nothing.

"This- it's my bag …" Matthew croaked.

From behind him, he heard Alfred snort.

"Who?" the polar bear asked.


Kumajiro cocked his head to the side, painfully repositioning his teeth in Matthew's hand.

"Canada! Canada! Let go, Kuma! Let go~!"

His hand was released and Matthew collapsed to the ground. Rolling around with his wounded hand pressed against his sweater, howling like a stirred up canine. While Alfred was behind him, doubled over, grasping for air and laughing like a hyena. This definitely made up for his trip. It would probably be the only thing that his nothingness of a brother could produce and dare call entertainment.

m( _ _ )m * Surrender to the Power of The North America Brothers * m( _ _ )m

Matthew drove along the highway; he was veering left and right, slowly making his way down the 401. To Toronto. It was his goal to prove to America that he wasn't just any old lamebrain, invisible, pansy, but a cool, hip, up-to-date country. Yup! He was going to do it! He was going to prove his worth. Even if it severely injured him.

He peeked at Alfred through the corner of his eyes. He was asleep. He was asleep? How could he be asleep when Matthew was trying to impress him? He bit at the corner of his lip. Aha! He swerved to the stopping lane and slammed down on the brakes – hard. The action was so swift that he, himself, was surprised by it.

"Holy freaking flapjacks and carton milk!" the larger nation screamed as he jolted from his sleep.

Alfred, gripping his seatbelt so tightly that his hands began to ache, glared at his brother, who seemed to have lost all the pigment in his face. Matthew turned his head to look at him. He flashed a nervous smile and turned to look back to Kumajiro … but … there was no Kumajiro.

"Kuma … ji … ro?"

The sound of claws against metal came from the hood of the car. Matthew jumped and whipped his head in the direction of the noise. The bear was clawing his way towards the windshield. Alfred and Matthew watched mutely as Kumajiro squeezed his way back through the freshly made hole and popped into the vehicle. He squirmed in-between the front seats and plopped onto the backseat.

"What. The. Fuck!" Alfred roared. He jumped at his little brother.

m( _ _ )m * Surrender to the Power of The North America Brothers * m( _ _ )m

A bandage. A scarf. If Kumajiro gnawing on his hand was bad enough, Alfred had to stain his neck with a giant, purple handprint. He was damn lucky that Matthew always carried a scarf with him – or he might have pulled his hockey stick from the trunk.

"Aren't you going to put that thing on a leash?" Alfred yawned.

"Who? Kumajiro?"

"No … the pig." He replied sarcastically.

"Kumajiro isn't a pig!"

"Looks like a pig."

"Your mother looks like a pig!"

"Your mother's my mother, dipshi-"

Alfred's stomach roared angrily. He was hungry! That made things so much better! Toronto had great restaurants! There were so many restaurants with so many different ethnic tastes! Like French, Greek, Italian, Chinese-

"Where's the McDonalds?"

"W-what? No! N-no! You have to try something delicious, eh! You're in Canada, dammit! Forget the hamburgers!" Alfred wailed.

Unfortunately, Alfred was already on his way down the street. Weaving through the crowds and for the fast food eatery.

At least the ice cream was good, and Kumajiro liked the fish fillet. Matthew sighed.

"Damn this is so good! But your iced tea tastes … awkward." Alfred commented sloppily. Food was flying all over the table.

Matthew simply nodded and shoveled another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. He felt the tears stinging his eyes. Was Alfred so positively stupid that he couldn't notice the beauty and culture in Toronto? It was no wonder America was looked at so negatively – and all Alfred could do was drop a black man into the President's Seat and hope for the best.

Alfred took a sip of his iced tea – that is, if it was iced tea – and looked up at Matthew. The boy was sitting with his usual slouch but there was a type of sad look to it. Like a hundred ton weighed dubbed 'misery' was resting on his back.

"You okay?" he asked finally.

Matthew shrugged, winced slightly at the action. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go postal on him on the freeway. Probably a really bad idea, since he couldn't really run away. Not unless he planned to become road kill. Alfred put his drink down and went for the Big Mac.

"Something's wrong. I ain't stupid, I can see it. What'd I do?" He dropped the burger back onto its wrapper and eased back in the chair.

"Nothing. It's fine."



"You heard me: you're a damn pussy. Can't even stand up for yourself. P-U-S-S-Y."

"I-I-I- SHUT UP!" Matthew shouted, but froze at the feeling of dozens of curious eyes staring at their table.

"And the Amazing Canada does it again," Alfred mumbled.

There was a large open space next to them, Alfred noted. It was in plain view – each and every table was positioned around it. He tapped at his wristwatch a few times and Tony the Alien flashed onto the small LED screen.

"Need your help, Tony. Code SHDL."

Within seconds, Tony had materialized in the restaurant – a sizable boom box in hand. The restaurant broke out in an uproar of terrified screams and excited chatter. Alfred grinned. Matthew twitched. Kumajiro bit into his burger. Tony bent down and poked a button with one of his long, slender fingers.

The boom box exploded with loud music. The beat filled the room and the hectic customers hushed. No one could predict what happened next: Tony was bobbing his head, followed the swinging motion of his hips. Shakira's 'Hips Don't Lie' bounced off of the walls and the alien twirled around, rocking his hips in an oddly hypnotic motion, but as soon as the first chorus ended he was gone. Dematerialized right before their eyes. And then … more terrified screams and excited chatter.

"C'mon, you!" Alfred shouted to his brother.

With that, the three of them were scrambling out of the building.

"What- what was that?" Matthew stammered. He kept turning to look back at the restaurant. It was drawing a crowd.

"Tony the Alien," Alfred stated. "But it's weird … he should have known to bring the skirt. …and you're welcome. It's like I always have to bail you out, y'know? It's getting tiresome."

Alfred smiled, Matthew huffed.

"Thank you, Alfred … sorry."

"It's nothing, lil' bro."

Matthew bent down and patted Kumajiro's head. "Are you alright?"

The bear craned his neck to look at the shaky blonde that was touching him. Who was he again? He appeared often. Yes … often. He was there a lot, really. Sometimes he gave him food. But who was he? The bear definitely didn't know the human. For sure.

"Who?" Kumajiro asked.

"Ca-na-da," the blonde whispered wearily.

"Right," Kumajiro replied. "Canada."

False alarm.

End of Part I! Yeah!

I think there'll only be about two (maybe three) parts to this.

Comments are super appreciated – so appreciated I would hula for you if I saw you!

Hope you enjoyed :}