A/N: Here's the next part. Please no flamers (although I won't really mind), this was a spur of the moment idea that popped into my head. And sorry for the wait, I've had some... really weird writer's block lately.

This chapter is dedicated to: Servant of Eliam, Ofunu, and Scabbers1957.

Also a special thanks to Scabbers1957 for giving me the inspiration to continue.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Katie's POV (Quidditch Game)

The rain poured around me, soaking through my Quidditch robes. I could barely see across the stadium, only red and green blobs. Alicia had the Quaffle on the other side of the stadium with Angelina trailing her for back-up.

"Oy, Bell! Keep an eye out!" Oliver shouted from the goals, while avoiding a Bludger that was aimed at his head. He ducked, the Bludger barely clearing his head, then he winked at me and focused back on the game.

Katie, though she'd never admit it, felt her face heat up: a typical reaction she had to one Oliver Wood. Could you blame her?

Lost in thought, Katie almost missed the red blob that was falling to the ground in front of her.

"Harry" I whispered, unsure how I knew that. I quickly went into a nose-dive after him, though I couldn't actually help him. It felt like the adrenaline filled my body and decided that I should follow Harry.

I landed my broom and jumped off, running towards the semi-conscious Harry.

The rain had washed away all the blood, but I could see the cuts and scratches that slashed through his Quidditch robes. He reached up one hand, and grabbed the snitch that was floating around his head.

"AND HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE GOLDEN SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" The announcer, Luna Lovegood, screamed into the microphone.

"Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey!" I screamed through the Gryffindor's cheering. My voice rung over the noise, like I had Sonorous'd myself.

Madam Hooch was by my side in a minute. She checked Harry for injuries, tutting the whole time.

"Broken leg" She muttered. I didn't notice him, until Oliver put a hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon Katie" he said, helping me up and leading me away. I took one last look at Harry before he was completely surrounded by professors.


"Okay, c'mon Katie, breathe." I told myself. I was standing outside the Hospital Wing, trying to convince myself to go see Harry. For some reason, my heart was beating furiously in my chest and my breathing was quick. I think that was my body's way of telling me that I didn't want to see Harry broken and bloody again.

I took a deep breath and opened the gigantic door quietly. I watched as Madam Pomfrey came bustling out of her office and gave Harry a green potion that looked like slime. He gave her a disgusted glance before downing the drink, almost gagging in the process. I giggled quietly to myself, Harry was too cute sometimes.

I took a step forward.. wait, cute? Where did that come from? I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the thought.

Harry dropped his head to his pillow, trying to fall asleep. I turned to leave him be, when Madam Pomfrey gestured to me, telling me to go see Harry. I blushed, and took the old witch's advice.

I saw Harry squirm and pretend to be asleep as I sat on his Hospital bed. His eyes were scrunched closed and his breathing was off. He opened one eye and I smirked.

"C'mon Harry, I know you're awake." I said, causing him to sigh and sit up. His hands blindly searched for his crooked glasses, and when he found them, he placed them on his nose. They were bent so that they were tilted on his face and the glass on was side had a little crack in it.

"Hey Katie." He said, his voice quiet and shy. I laughed, he was so innocent and sweet.

"How you feeling, Harry?" I asked, trying to restrain my voice. I kept seeing him lying on the stadium ground, covered in blood with his leg twisted at an odd angle.

"Oh, swell. I just crashed into the ground after a hundred-foot nose dive." His sarcasm was hilarious, I laughed again. He had to be okay if he could joke like that.

"Yeah, but it was pretty awesome and you caught the snitch." I pointed out. He shrugged his shoulders, acting all humble, like his catch wasn't bloody amazing.

"Anyway, I just wanted to see if you were okay. I gotta get going though, I have Defense next." Though I really didn't want to leave, I enjoyed his company. Quickly, I kissed Harry on the forehead, which caused him to blush, and winked before I literally sprinted out of the Hospital Wing.

My heart was pounding as I kept going, refusing to stop until I was right outside the Defense room. I leaned against the wall, catching my breath and trying to calm my racing heart. When my heart was almost back to normal, I walked into the classroom and went over to my seat.

"Hey Katie" Oliver said with a smile. I smiled back.

"Hey Oliver"

"So I was wondering... Hogsmeade weekend is coming up soon and I was wondering if you... wanted to go with me?" He asked. I was literally stunned, Oliver Wood had just asked me out.

"Sure, they'd be great" I answered. He smiled and then focused on Professor Lupin's lecture.

I sat there, in all my happiness, daydreaming like the school girl that I was. I was in absolute bliss: they guy of my dreams had asked me out. I was so excited, but I noticed something was missing:

My heart wasn't going into overdrive.