Bakura Touzoku has joined the chat.
Marik: Hey, look who decided to join the living.
Yami: Bakura, I know you like to sleep in, but this is ridiculous.
Bakura: Oh, can it. Fyi I've been up for hours, I only just now dragged myself out of bed.
Yami: You do a lot of strange things, but you don't often laze around for hours.
Bakura: Why would you know that? Stalker. Well, I thought about what you guys said yesterday and I took Ryo.
Marik: You didn't. Seriously!
Bakura: Yeah. Turns out he's wanted it forever.
Yami: Wonderful, you're no longer a virgin.
Bakura: ! You bastard, I've probably had more than you!
Yami: Not in our new bodies you haven't.
Bakura: Ehhh…no arguments there.
Marik: So why're you up so late?
Sex doesn't tire us out that much.
Bakura: It wasn't that…
Yami: So what was it?
Bakura: Well…
I just can't believe we put our hikaris through this.
Marik: This what?
Bakura: This *pain.*
Marik: What pain?
Bakura: Ra dammit Marik it took me hours to get out of bed because I couldn't sit up!
Yami: No way! You didn't!
You let Ryo take you!
Bakura: What gave it away?
Yami: You're sore.
Bakura: Understatement of the fucking year.
Marik: XD XD XD XD
Bakura: What?
Marik: You were uke!
That's hilarious!
Yami: *laughs at you*
Bakura: You mean you've never been uke?
Yami: Feh, no. I was Pharaoh, it is essential that I be on top.
Marik: I like seme too much. Uke is for pansies. And Malik.
Bakura: Then you're missing out.
Yami: Until you woke up.
Bakura: Until I woke up. And oh my effing gods of Ra, I didn't know that sitting up could cause that much pain. It was like someone stabbed my lower back with a hot knife.
Yami: Poetic.
Bakura: Shut up.
Marik: Heheh pussy.
Bakura: Would you like me to stab you with a hot knife so you can relate?
Marik: No thanks, I've already had that done. So did you take Ryo or did he take you?
Bakura: both.
Marik: Damn two rounds in one night.
Yami: So was Ryo such a wuss about being sore?
Bakura: No, he said it was 2 pm and to stop complaining because he hurts too.
So I dragged myself to the computer chair and here I am
I thought I was gonna pass out
Yami: That's a little sad that Ryo has more endurance than you.
Marik: Wimp.
Bakura: You try it. Knowing you it would be a fun new sex experience.
Marik: I think I might.
Yami: Me too. Truth be told I'm a bit tired of Yugi always being so submissive.
Bakura: Make sure to tell them to fuck you as hard as they can no matter how much you scream.
Marik: Umm…what?
Bakura: That's what Ry did with me. He's fucking brutal! I've never seen him like that. He was like…like me!
Oh, and be sure to tell me how much you're hurting in the morning so I can laugh at you.
Yami: Why don't you just take some painkillers or something.
Bakura: No
That would involve me getting up to get them
And I am not moving from this chair after what I went through to drag myself here
Marik: Pansy
Bakura: I'm serious. It hurts more than when I broke two of my ribs.
Yami: I remember that. That was funny.
Bakura: Oh hey look, the other white-haired guy with a fangirl army just logged on.
Sesshoumaru Taisho has joined the chat.
Bakura: Sup, Sesshy?
Sesshoumaru: Bakura, I believe I told you not to call me that.
Marik: So we finally get to meet the guy.
Yami: How are you even talking to us? We're like 500 years apart.
Sesshoumaru: I do not pretend to understand.
So what are we talking about?
Bakura: How Ryo and I fucked each other senseless last night.
Sesshoumaru: …
Uhhhg…you're disgusting.
Sesshoumaru Taisho has left the chat.
Bakura: Ahh…Freak Out The Straight Guy
My new favorite game.