A/N: This was idea actually inspired by the fic. 'The Adventures of Urameshi AijiAlyssa Potter' by Iron Dragon Maiden. But I promise it will be very different from that as at the moment there are no plans for Hogwarts to come in any time soon. Anyway…enjoy!

MAJOR NOTE! This chapter was edited on September 28, 2011

Disclaimer: None of this is mine.


"Ghost thoughts."

"Ghost speaking."


Chapter 1

"It isn't true. …It can't be true."

The atmosphere in the room was somber and depressing as people came and went, paying their respects to the one in the casket at the front of the room.

"He isn't dead…can't be dead."

Students outside the house laughing and joking as their teachers and parents paid their respects.

"Aniki is too strong to die. …To stubborn to die."

Keiko-nee crying as her friends led her out of the house.

"He promised he'd stay with me."

Kazuma Kuwabara yelling and screaming as he was dragged away from the casket.

"He promised he'd protect me."

Takanaka-sensei crying as he spoke to her brothers' casket.

"Did that mean nothing to him?"

Her 'kaa-san finally beginning to cry as she accepted what her own daughter couldn't.

"Did I do something wrong?"

The little boy her brother had died to save talking and his mother paying her own respects to her sons' savior.

"Didn't you love me?"



Yusuke Urameshi. Age, fourteen. In an attempt to save the life of a little boy he threw himself in front of a speeding car, pushing the boy out of the way at the same time. The little boy survived…Yusuke did not. And now, it is his mother and eight year old sister who grieve for him as he watches the unknowing pair in the form of a ghost.



A/N: Just wanted to let people know I am working...in between school and job hunting. But currently I am looking over every story I have ever written...and I mean every one. So you'll have to be patient as I work my way through!